Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. Aah, Thursday, the week’s most forgotten day. It’s not Monday, it’s not hump day. It’s just the day before Friday. Friday eve?

Please make this happen.

Michele Bachmann, yes, Michele Bachmann is considering a presidential run, according to several of her aides who suddenly started talking about this with Minnesota reporters.

In fact, the Iowa native (Waterloo) will travel to her home state later this month to talk against the massive spending of you-know-who at a fundraiser for the Iowans for Tax Relief PAC in Des Moines.

Oh, how crazy is the GOP clown car? Some Republicans (besides Bachmann) who are running for the crazy vote: Rick Santorum, John Bolton and Sarah Palin.

I think the battle for the wingularity (the one true, pure wingnut) has begun. The wingularity gets to ride the tax-cutting unicorn to sit on Reagan’s right hand. The fight over CPAC has gone to crazytown.

But some prominent conservatives have decided to skip the party. About a week ago, several prominent religious right organizations, including the Family Research Council, announced they would not participate because organizers agreed to allow a gay Republican group to be part of the event.

This week, far-right critics of CPAC have decided to move in a more creative direction.

Incensed over the participation of the conservative gay-rights group GOProud in the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, far-right activists are now trying to connect the major conservative event to the Muslim Brotherhood. The American Conservative Union (ACU), which hosts CPAC, has been the target of Religious Right groups and leaders over their handling of GOProud’s involvement, with Joseph Farah even calling for conservatives to “purge” the ACU from the movement. […]

Now, the conservative news site WorldNetDaily, a major cheerleader for the groups boycotting CPAC, is giving right wing activist Frank
Gaffney a platform to charge the ACU with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamist group. […]

Gaffney outlines a theory that since the ACU is allowing the leader of an organization known as Muslims for America, a conservative
group with ties to the GOP, to participate in CPAC, the ACU is
supporting a “stealthy effort to bring Shariah” to

That’s some insane stuff. Is it the beginning of a new GOP civil war?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. anon says:

    Don’t be too happy about a GOP civil war. Because you know the crazier side will win. That’s in their bylaws I think. And you also know that in an election that is a referendum on the Dem incumbent, disgruntled voters will vote for the Repub opponent no matter how crazy. And the media will perform its usual laundering operation on the crazy candidate and report all their crazy utterances with gravity.

    In 2013 we will be offering compromises between center-right and “crazy” and patting ourselves on the back for our victory.

  2. Paratrooper18 says:

    Forget the national GOP stuff, I am still waiting for Rep. Dave to explain all of the great things the DE GOP has done for disabled vets. I am real excited to hear from them that I misunderstood the Delaware Veterans home billing rates and that I will be able to get care at that generious facility. I am only 44 and will need about 20 years of nursing care, so I am real excited that my worries were for nothing.

    Okay I am not expecting that good news. This is that point when the tea baggers and 9/12 patriots attack me. They probably won’t on this board.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Wingularity = awesome

  4. anon says:

    The House is reading an abridged Constitution that takes out more material than a new version of Huck Finn. Only the parts they like, and read to a nearly empty chamber. During the reading Boner and Cantor walked out to conduct a press conference.

  5. John Young says:

    When birthers attack: US House of Reps Style!

    A person yells “Except Obama!” during reading of US Constitution today.


  6. MJ says:

    John – Slate has the same story –

    I’m surprised it wasn’t Orly Taitz.

  7. Paratrooper18 says:

    It is not insane, it illustrates that they have no respect for the document they are reading or laws, unless they agree with them.

    It does not matter where obama was born, Hawaii certified the birth and that is all that is required. Issue done. No need for any debate really.