This Doesn’t Surprise Me

Filed in National by on January 9, 2011

The whacked out pseudo-Christian Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of the 6 people who were murdered yesterday during the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabby Giffords. It seems that they believe the shootings are G-D’s revenge on the lawsuits against them that are wending their way through the courts.

In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, “THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER — 6 DEAD!” The message continues:

God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC–hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there needs to be a limit placed on the hate that this and other groups like it spew. It’s wrong. And it needs to stop.

And now a special message to the Fat Man on WGMD – you need to stop! Now! You cry out in your latest blog post about how liberal groups are just blaming the teabaggers for this and other crimes in order to silence them. You made false claims on your show lately about how the FBI is intimidating teabaggers in Sussex in order to silence them. You cried out that there would be “blood in the streets if the election” didn’t go your way in November. And you said this:

As the day of tragedy wore on people who knew the accused started coming forward and telling investigators and media the man is a liberal in good standing. Of course he is. He has a drug bust. I know of not one conservative who smokes up, shoots up or snorts up

I know plenty of conservatives who have drug busts and who use or have used drugs. And some of them live in Sussex County.

You need to stop, Bill, and you need to stop, now! The garbage you spew on a daily basis, and encourage on a daily basis, is a cancer that is growing on this country, a cancer that claimed 6 lives yesterday. You’re a Limbaugh/Beck wannabe and repeating their bullshit doesn’t make you a wise man, it makes you a parrot and a lemming. You need to stop, or we need to do what we can to get you off the air, even if that means refusing to patronize the businesses that advertise on your show.

And you also need to put your man pants back on and allow the public the chance to comment on your blog posts on your employer’s website. Are you that chickenshit that you cannot take the the criticism that will come your way from your blog posts? Comment on this blog post if you’re brave enough. We wont censor you.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (24)

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  1. Melissa says:

    I know of at least one conservative who was no stranger to cocaine.

  2. Mike says:

    The Westboro Baptist Church is no Conservative organization. They are an extreme hate group, that targets gays. Why is it that so many people are labeling them as Conservatives, when their leader Fred Phelps is a Democrat who was awarded an award by the NCAAP for his civil rights advocacy. He was also a big supporter of Al Gore when Gore ran for President. Just another example of some opionated jack ass spreading lies.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike, most social conservatives hate gays.

  4. MJ says:

    Mike, the only jackass on here is you. So according to your “logic,” if you’re a Democrat you cannot be conservative? Fail, asshole.

  5. Polemical says:

    Why even politicize such a vile group or give them digital ink?

  6. Mike says:

    MJ, There are many Democrats who are Conservative. Representative Gifford herself is a Conservative on some issues. Great job with the childish name calling; I’d expect no less from you. Look, my point is that there are evil people on both sides of the aisle. Also, one can be a Conservative without be an extremist just as there are Liberals who aren’t.

    Delaware Dem, Yes, there are some social Conservatives who hate gays, just as there are some minorities who hate Conservatives. The hate on both sides needs to stop because it’ll get us nowhere. I’m a social/ fiscal Conservative from Sussex and I’m not a biggot or a racist, but yet some Liberals instantly stereotype me as one. I’m not saying we must be pragmatic; we can still stand for our own ideology and still respect the ideology of others, even if we don’t agree with it.


  7. Geezer says:

    “Yes, there are some social Conservatives who hate gays, just as there are some minorities who hate Conservatives.”

    For the umpteenth time, because conservatives Just Don’t Get It: Minorities have an actual beef with people who have kept them from climbing the ladder. Conservatives do not have an actual beef with gays. They are not equivalent.

  8. Mike says:

    Geezer, the only ones who prevent minorities from climbing the ladder are the liberals who think minorities aren’t smart enough to succeed on their own, and that they need the government to help them. How have Conservatives kept minorities from climbing the ladder?

  9. MJ says:

    Mike – you were the one who said that there was no way WBC could be conservative because the old man was a Democrat. Nice try on back-pedaling. And you’re still an asshole.

  10. Mike says:

    MJ, Love the language; really shows how mature you are.

  11. MJ says:

    Glad you love it. Get used to it when you make asinine statements.

  12. socialistic ben says:

    “How have Conservatives kept minorities from climbing the ladder?”

    by passing laws that directly keep them from doing it OR by refusing to pass laws that prevent others from keeping them down. for reference see…. AMERICAN HISTROY.

  13. Mike says:

    Socialistic Ben, What laws? And since you reference American History, cite from the US Constitution where the laws you are speaking are included in the 18 enumerated powers of Congress.

  14. Geezer says:

    “How have Conservatives kept minorities from climbing the ladder?”

    Nearly a century of Jim Crow laws, for a start. And before you point out that they were Democrats, please remember that they were also conservatives.

  15. Mike says:

    Geezer, There are extreme views from both Conservatives and Liberals. One can be a Conservative and not have extreme right wing views. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and personal responsibility. I also think that the Republican Party needs to do a better job at reaching out to minorities. Discrimination, racism, and biggotry have no place in America, regardless of what party or what your polital ideology is.

  16. anon says:

    The day the Wheeler story broke, Colley was on WGMD saying that Democrats and liberals killed him. After his rant, he hung up on anyone who dared to disagree. Has anyone else noticed that his online rants at the WGMD website have the comments closed now?

  17. socialistic ben says:

    so when I answered your question, you use the old “well both sides do it” defense…. which doesn’t ever carry water in this case.
    Liberals hate black people because we try and stop people like you from keeping them down? I don’t think so, teabag.

    You claim to believe in personal responsibility, yet all conservatives have done is try to make sure they dont get blamed for this…. gotta make sure we call Laughner a “Leftist Lunatic” according to TPM…. even makes a nice bumper sticker… your people’s favorite form of literature.

    Conservatives have either fought for laws that discriminate or fight against laws that prevent discrimination because it is “big government”

    Conservatives have either fought for laws that discriminate or fight against laws that prevent discrimination because it is “big government”

  18. Always Watching says:

    Mike, I love how you on the right encourage, fund, and quote the epitome of conservative mouth pieces like Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and Palin as they draw targets on both moderates and liberals and stir up a vitriolic level of hate AND only when a mad man who has been eating it up like candy goes off…… do you start talking about dialing down the rhetoric.
    Do you know how full of crap you are?

  19. Geezer says:

    Smaller than what? Lower than what? You have bought into the fiction that “liberals” want bigger government and higher taxes. Nobody wants that. Everyone wants government to be the “right” size.

  20. socialistic ben says:

    dont expect him to say any different. conservatives are also a very dishonest breed.

  21. Mike says:

    Who brought up Loughner? Since you brought him up Ben, he listed The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf has 2 of his favorite readings, so why do you guys think he was a Conservative? I’m wasting my time on here because it’s obvious no one wants to have an intelligent debate.

  22. socialistic ben says:

    i didnt call him a conservative. I called the people trying to cover their asses for blame, conservatives. I called the people who’s inhuman reaction to this tragedy was to come up with a term “liberal lunatic”, conservatives. I also called the people who have advocated for discrimination for the entire history of this country, conservatives.
    so what are you, mike?

  23. Geezer says:

    Why do you think Mein Kampf isn’t conservative? The Nazi movement was extremely conservative. It originated in opposition to European communism.

  24. socialistic ben says:

    NUH UH! the nazis had “socialist” in their name. that means all socialists are really secret nazis!