Modern Annoyances Vol. 46 – People Who Send An Email, Then Walk Over to the Person They Just Sent the Email to and ask, “Did you get my email?”

Filed in National by on January 19, 2011

Okay. I’m fessing up. I do this. Because I’m old. I’m also lazy. So I just write little emails to jog my memory about crap I need to ask people about. I can see that it is probably pretty annoying though.

I think that I also do it because I’m impatient. After I send an email, my mental stop watch starts ticking and unless another thought flits into my head like a confused bird flying into an open garage, I want to know why the person hasn’t responded to my email.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (10)

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  1. Republican David says:

    So this is your normal state, “thought flits into my head like a confused bird flying into an open garage”. I read you, poor thing.

  2. Capt.Willard says:

    Hey Jason330,
    Did you ever take that psychological examination, the Minnesota multiphasic whatever ? Where you go from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree to a series of declarations.
    One was: “Sometimes, I think my thoughts are turning into insects.”

    Man, I never forgot THAT one.
    Oh, and I agree now. STRONGLY!!!!

  3. socialistic ben says:

    I hate people who post something on my facebook, then “like” it, comment on it and “like” the comment just to make sure i notice.

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    I like that image of a confused bird flying into an open garage. Very poignant.

  5. OpenMinded says:

    “thought flits into my head like a confused bird flying into an open garage’.

    I am so stealing this. It would be useful when explaining why I’ll say something totally different and apart from what the conversation is around me.

    (usually it is because I am bored with the conversation and my head is having it’s own tete a’ tete and I forget no one is in there with me)

  6. anon says:

    After I send an email, my mental stop watch starts ticking… I want to know why the person hasn’t responded to my email.

    It’s good to be the king.

    Recently I’ve noticed an absolute hostility to email in the workplace and also in civilian life. It is now considered acceptable to ignore a business email.

    People think they are too good for email now. They are used to the walled gardens of Facebook and Twitter.

  7. anon says:

    The bird thing was good. It was worth the post all by itself. I think of my mind like a TV where some child is constantly changing the channel. Sometimes literally.

  8. Dana Garrett says:

    “The walled gardens of Facebook and Twitter.” These images and metaphors! People are channelling their inner poet in this post and thread.

  9. William Hudson says:

    I can relate to this so easily; and what I want to know is, did you get this yet?

  10. Montana says:

    The Birthers just HATE and can’t debate, where is there proof you might asked? Up where the sun don’t shine, HA, HA, show some proof birthers or peo­ple will con­tinue to see you as dumb, stu­pid or racist, maybe all three. Can you blame them? Rush has been illegally buying OxyContin drugs, he a non-issue.