‘Bulo On Al’s Show Today-Thurs., Feb. 3

Filed in National by on February 3, 2011

Sorry for the late notice. I’ll be on the Al Mascitti Show on WDEL-1150 AM at 10 am today. Al’s show, as always, starts at 9.

We’ll likely discuss “The Best of Jack/The Worst of Jack”; questionable budget priorities; the Rte 113 bypass controversy; the Joint Finance Committee hearings;  a legislative session wrap-up, and perhaps talk about Chris Tigani, the Human Lawsuit Machine, who really should consider doing a reality show with Christine O’Donnell.

I would particularly encourage somebody, anybody, from the Markell Administration to call to explain why further cutting the safety net out from under Medicaid recipients is better public policy than restoring some fairness to our tax code in order to protect our most vulnerable citizens. The silence is killing me…and perhaps the Medicaid recipients.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Yay! I’m even around today to listen in….

    And I think the question might be how much money would you have to *pay* someone to be on a reality show with COD. It would have to be pretty hefty since *reality* is clearly not in her realm of experience.

  2. gary myers says:

    I would hope someone during the show could offer some clear guidance about how the “maintenance of effort” requirement added to Medicaid law by the PPACare Act impacts the ability of the State to cut Medicaid benefits. It appears to me the provisions will bar any DE changes to client eligibility (except in the case of non-disabled adults) and will likely also bar any increase in copays or premiums for Medicaid recipients. If that is so, the cuts that Markell seems to favor and find necessary are going to have to come from the level of payments made to medical providers.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Bulo, you did a great job today and was glad to be able to listen to all of the program. That also meant that I heard some of the questions at the end, where some callers tried to convey the latest wingnut conspiracy re: Obama supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in trying to topple Mubarak. Completely hysterical. Especially when you take into account the sheer lack of imagination involved in that conspiracy. A man who has at his command the world’s biggest military machine and its biggest intelligence machine would send the Muslim Brotherhood out to do his dirty work. Guys — even Reagan had the CIA hand holding the Contras, you know.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh El Som, I was heading to Dover when I was treated to your appearance on talk radio. Believe me, I wanted to weigh in on the Medicaid thing, but I’ve yet to go hands-free. Does that Jupiter Jack thing work, or do I really have to commit to headgear? Anybody?