Politco Acknowledges That The Left’s Media Criticism Is Right

Filed in National by on February 8, 2011

A piece in Politico raised a lot of interest in the left blogosphere yesterday. In the column, Harris and Vandehei discuss the Obama resurgence as the administration learning to play the media game. As Washington Post‘s Greg Sargent points out, Harris and Vandehei acknowledge that the Left’s media criticism is largely correct. Sergeant discusses this excerpt:

He is doing it by exploiting some of the most long-standing traits among reporters who cover politics and government — their favoritism for politicians perceived as ideologically centrist and willing to profess devotion to Washington’s oft-honored, rarely practiced civic religion of bipartisanship…

The majority of political writers we know might more accurately be accused of centrist bias…Obama is taking advantage of the press’s bias for bipartisan process, a preference that often transcends the substance of any bipartisan policy…

Reagan may have shown that deficits don’t matter, as Dick Cheney supposedly said, but the media focus on deficits as the litmus test for all serious politicians goes on. Reporters love hearing Obama talk with a furrowed brow about the grave threat of a $14 trillion pile of debt.

As Greg Sargent points out, the Left has been making this argument for years.

The claims that Washington’s political and media establishment fetishizes bipartisanship regardless of policy details, and that this establishment is all too willing to confer the label of Very Serious Beltway Wise Man on those who profess outsized concern about the deficit, have long been twin pillars of the left’s critique of our political discourse.

Indeed, what Harris and VandeHei are really hinting at here, without quite saying it, is that all the talk about Obama moving to the ideological “center” is a bunch of hogwash. Obama himself told Bill O’Reilly yesterday that he isn’t shifting to the center, and David Axelrod has adamantly denied any “grand positioning,” but too many pundits continue to assert as fact that Obama has moved to the center, without even defining what that means.

We even have a phrase for this – “high Broderism.”. Sometimes I refer to it as bipartisan fetishism. The “centrist” worship usually has nothing to do with actual policy positions – only that Republicans stick their seal of approval on it. That’s why the GOP’s move to the crazy fringe right has been so damaging, the media has moved right along with it. If one side is crazy, perhaps the right answer doesn’t lie in between the crazy and the non-crazy. Now don’t even get me started on budget peacocks…

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Newshound says:

    And if Politico said it, it must be true. Lol.

  2. cassandra m says:

    I thought about this Politico story this morning, while listening to Mara Liasson talk about President Obama’s trip to the Chamber of Commerce yesterday as some *ideological* shift. It is incredibly lazy reporting or analysis, whatever it was that she was doing, but redefines the mostly centrist Obama as somehow far left. This is one of the things that is so toxic about current state of so-called “objective” political reporting. Process and horserace reporting basically favor the people who are good at manipulating process and horserace. If you are a voter, looking for policy clarity — you won’t get it, because monitoring the ideological stakes is not only the easy road, it is the one that interests them.

  3. A few other stories out this morning seem related (from memeorandum):

    Ben Smith’s Blog:
    Democratic Leadership Council will fold — The Democratic Leadership Council, the iconic centrist organization of the Clinton years, is out of money and could close its doors as soon as next week, a person familiar with the plans said Monday.
    Andrew Malcolm / Top of the Ticket: If Obama’s really running to the middle, why is the Democratic …
    Chris Cillizza / The Fix: The decline and fall of the Democratic Leadership Council
    Marc Ambinder / Voices: Matt Cooper: The DLC Folds; But They Won The Future.
    Taylor Marsh: Looks Like Third Way & Blue Dogs Killed the DLC
    David Dayen / Firedoglake: DLC Dies, But Its Ideas and Legacy Live On
    Doug Mataconis / Outside the Beltway: The Leftward Drift Of The Democratic Party

    Patrick O’Connor / Washington Wire: Bill Clinton to Meet With Blue Dogs http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire

  4. Newshound says:

    Since there’s no ‘open-thread’ for TUESDAY, I’ll submit this underwhelming nugget:


    The only ‘current’ thing about Current TV is that it’s not current. Being a part of Current TV is like being a radio host for Air America or a commentator on Democracy Now.

    He should’ve at least tried something original like launching a new Web site called The Worst Web site in the World. He would have at least garnered some attention. Yikes!