Thursday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 10, 2011

Welcome to your Thursday open thread. What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Everything around here is the same old, same old. What’s on your mind?

I’ll admit that this story made me tear up a bit. Gabrielle Giffords’s strength is truly inspiring.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) reached another breakthrough in her recovery this week when she asked for toast with breakfast.

The congresswoman’s verbal request a month after being shot in the head during a rampage that killed six and left 13 injured has her medical team in Texas looking ahead to future milestones, Politico reported Wednesday.

Depending on how her recovery progresses in the next two months, doctors said they might allow Giffords to travel to Cape Canaveral in Florida to see her husband off when takes command of the Space Shuttle Endeavour for a two-week orbital mission. The launch is planned for April 19.

Only 10% of people who are shot in the head survive. An even smaller percent make a partial recovery. I think she’ll end up in the fully recovered category. I look forward to when she’s ready to speak in public.

There are no words to describe how much I love this story.

Officials in Fort Wayne Indianna have balked at naming the city’s latest civic building after its most successful mayor – Harry Baals.

The city had thrown open the choice of moniker for its latest erection to the people. A campaign to name the building after Harry Baals soon gathered steam, with citizens eager to commemorate his four terms in office between the 1930s and 1950s.

However, the current administration has drawn the line at having Harry Baals splattered all over the new edifice, the AP reports.

While Harry’s descendants pronounce the family name “bales”, apparently the original pronunciation was more like “balls” – and killjoy city fathers are worried this might expose the City to puerile jokery.

Why is Fort Wayne trying to write Harry Baals out of history? Indiana demands the Harry Baals courthouse! What happened to listening to the people?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Newshound says:

    Breaking News! No. 2 leader in the GOP Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz) will not seek reelection in 2012.

  2. Yet more priests arrested for sexually abusing minors:

    Maybe at some point people purporting to represent the Church as the true victims vs. litigious lawyers will have some sort of epiphany.

  3. ldl says:

    This is what everyone including Catholics have wanted. Arrest the offenders and those who covered up the crimes. They all belong in prison. Much of the frustration in the Church today is that the priests who did this in the past (the offenders & those who covered for them) cannot be arrested. If the criminal statute of limitations could have been rolled back for these crimes, everyone would welcomed it.

  4. jason330 says:

    …MIGHT expose the City to puerile jokery. Might?

  5. Newshound says:

    Biden loves screwing up the White House’s messaging. Check out this sweet ‘Tweet’ treat which refers to Biden’s ‘new’ “Seize The Future” motto, a.k.a.: