‘Sovereign Citizen’ With Ties to Delaware’s 9/12 Patriots Arrested In Alaska For Alleged Plot To Kill Police, Federal Judge

Filed in National by on March 13, 2011

This Teabagger, Francis “Schaeffer” Cox, is a piece of work.

In addition to being arrested for “conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, conspiracy to commit arson, misconduct involving weapons in the third degree, hindering prosecution in the first degree and tampering with evidence,” Cox was a speaker at “Continental Congress 2009”, a group that advocates the violent overthrow of the United States government. Delaware’s representative’s at this domestic terrorist gathering was Bruce Ray Riggs, who I’ve never heard of. But if you click through, the other Delaware listed delegates to “Continental Congress 2009” are Michael Adams, Irv Smith and Russell Murphy.

Russ Murphy is a confidant and advisor for Jeff Chistopher, the teabag SC sheriff who wants to be armed and dangerous when taking on Sussex County’s Mexican invaders.

Does this web of philosophical and personal connections mean that Jeff Christopher wants to overthrow the United States government? Given Christopher’s unhinged screeds attacking the Sussex County Council, it is a questions that is worth asking.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (24)

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  1. Aoine says:

    Oh dear – we need more popcorn!!- I looked the links too

    http://www.cc2009.us then leads to a page where you can click on the delegates – and THERE It IS – COX as delegate for Alaska (well thy might neeed to find a replacement now) and Russ Murphy from the DE 9/12 patriots .

    Oddly, you can link from the Continental congress page to the 9/12ers in Delaware and this note:

    Oct 03, 2009
    DE: Walk-in polling results for Delaware
    THe Three Delegates Representing Delaware in the upcoming CC2009 will be: Russell Murphy, Mike Adams, Bruce Ray Riggs, I want to thank everyone who took time out of their day to come and vote in Smyrna!

    This is scary – I also saw the Articles of Freedom:


    here is the really scary part –

    http://www.articlesoffreedom.us/Introduction.aspx which says –
    ■For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
    ■We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
    ■For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
    ■We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
    ■For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
    ■We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
    ■For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
    ■We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
    ■For decades we have had unenforced immigration laws in violation of that mandate, plainly-worded in Article II, that requires the President to “faithfully execute” all the laws passed by Congress;
    ■We have a President who apparently is not a natural born citizen, a violation of Article II;
    ■We have an absence of well-regulated state militias, and we have federal gun control laws, all in violation of the Second Amendment

    and this too:

    The We The People Foundation exists for the purpose of protecting and defending our federal and state Constitutions and to ensure the day comes when the American People will have institutionalized citizen vigilance for the purpose of routinely holding their elected officials accountable to their Constitutions, regardless of their political stripes and whether they voted for them.

    READ CITIZEN MILITIA armed by our Sheriff Christopher – this is scary

    but most interesting of all is tht the open letter he wrote was not in the papers addressing the Citizens of Sussex COunty – ALL the citizens of Sussex COunty – he addressed his letter to ONLY the Patriots – the 9/12 patriots for their support –

    WHY IS THAT – Does he not represent ALL of us? or only the T-Baggers that got him into office??

    will we be interned if do not agree with him??

    4. Militias and Firearms
    Second and Tenth
    First Amendment, Clause 5.
    Absence of well-regulated State Militias. Infringements on Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Failure to respond to Petitions to Redress violations.
    Abolish Dept. of Homeland Security. Return responsibility for domestic security to Militias of the several States. Repeal statutes that tax, register and regulate the use or transfer of firearms and ammunition. Make statutes for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia.
    Establish Advisory Commission On Revitalization of the Militia. Repeal statutes that tax, register and regulate the use or transfer of firearms and ammunition.
    Seek assistance from County Sheriffs in establishing a constitutional Militia. Educate others re importance of Second Amendment and preparedness. Lobby State Legislatures to pass “Firearms Freedom Act.” Utilize “Second Amendment Scorecards” for elected officials.

    Be very afraid folks – this is no longer a game show – he is armed and dangerous – but he can be removed from power… there is a way

    @MJ and Skippertee – based on this dudes – Im bringing kevlar for me AND you!!!

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Even though Delaware Watch has been defunct for months, I had to turn off the ability for people to make comments on it because of the violent and threatening comments I was receiving. Guess what posts got the violent and threatening comments. The posts that were critical of the tea partiers.

    No one can tell me that many of them aren’t potentially dangerous.

  3. Aoine says:

    @dana – wait until my post comes out of moderation – it will blow your socks off – but wont be surprising

  4. anon says:

    i was going to jump on the bandwagon and kick some pussy teabag ass, but then, thanks to your reporting, I realized I was only 3 degrees of separation from the douchbag himself…

    I’m actually closer to him than I am to Charlie Sheen…. 🙂

  5. skippertee says:

    @ Aoine- Hey, they can kill us, but they can’t eat us.
    Can they?

  6. Jason330 says:

    Anon’s observation is valid. This web of personal and philosophical connections may be nothing.

  7. And yet Republican elected officials line up to speak at these 9/12 groups and say NOTHING denouncing the craziness.

  8. anon says:

    Eat us! Their brains have been eaten by Rush, Hannity, Beck, Palin at that ilk. Not surprising the 912 patriots from Delaware are mostly in Sussex and Kent Counties. Delaware the last state to get rid of slavery should tell you these people have surfaced again. John Birch Society in Sussex.

  9. Aoine says:

    Bettter yet – the elected official (in this case the sheriff) reaches out to the 9.12 droup for help pushing his agenda

    yet not to the general citizenry of Sussex –

    what doess THAT tell you?

    he even went to far as to tell them ” the council is trying to tke awy your right to votr fot YOUR sheriff”

    well, ummm what about the rest of the people in SUSSEX – Does the Sheriff not represent them – will they have no right to vote unless they r T-BAGGERZ too>>

  10. Aoine says:

    @skippertee – LOL at the very least, it will leave a bad taste in their mouths

    either way….

  11. Joe American says:

    So let’s get this straight. Attending a meeting where someone spoke makes you a “fellow traveler” who is therefore to be discredited due to that association.

    Congratulations — you’ve just come out in favor of McCarthyism!

    By the way — when will you go after the occupant of the Oval Office for starting his political career in the home of a couple involved in terrorist attacks on the government?

  12. jason330 says:

    I get your point. However, given Christopher’s unhinged screeds attacking the Sussex County Council, it is worth asking about his views regarding the legitimacy of a violent overthrow of the United STates government. Particularly since he is seeking to radically expand his authority.

  13. anonI says:

    Typical nut jobs. This is from the facebook page of “Constitution Delaware”. Someone needs to find out if this is part of the platform of the Constitution Party of Delaware. And then someone needs to remind the “Constitution” Party that the US Constitution is void of the words “God,” “Jesus,” etc…. These people are dangerously stupid:

    “The Constitution Party gratefully acknowledges the blessing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Creator, Preserver and Ruler of the Universe and of these Uni…ted States. We hereby appeal to Him for mercy, aid, comfort, guidance and the protection of His Providence as we work to restore and preserve these United States. This great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been and are afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here. The goal of the Constitution Party is to restore American jurisprudence to its Biblical foundations and to limit the federal government to its Constitutional boundaries. The Constitution of these United States provides that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” The Constitution Party supports the original intent of this language….:

  14. Joe American says:

    Jason — under your argument the first five presidents of the United States should have been looked upon as unfit for leadership due to their involvement in the violent overthrow of the previous governing structure.

    And what do you think of this guy — a respected academic who teaches on the same faculty at the same school where Barack Obama taught?

    Meanwhile, the Republican criminals in Wisconsin forced through their attack on workers’ rights, leading to an uproar in Madison. . . . At some point these acts of brazen viciousness are going to lead to a renewed philosophical interest in the question of when acts of political violence are morally justified, an issue that has, oddly, not been widely addressed in political philosophy since Locke.

  15. jason330 says:

    If anyone feels like following Joe American’s woefully uninformed line of argumentation, and wants to suggest that there are some similarities between the founding fathers and today’s violent nut jobs, you are going to have to make a case that today’s violent nut jobs are influenced by L’Académie française and other enlightenment academies.

    Good luck with that.

  16. Aoine says:

    Nice try Joe – but one cannot simply overlay an event from over 200 years ago and spin it to try to justify OR debunk that which is happening today

    To whit – most of the folks in here believe that the US COnstitution is a Living document that has been upheld and or defined by 200 years of case law and SCOTUS decisions

    Whereas – our Sheriff and his Buddies – seem to think the Constitution of the State and the US is static

    There is a HUGE difference there

    It is reasonable to question the Sheriff on his statements – his role was clearly defined by state code over 10 years ago. The Constutituon of the state does not competley define it any longer, many years have passed and things have shifted – by democratic process.

    Those he choses to consult with and call mentors and friends SHOULD be looked at – as was Obama’s pastor and others – and Obama distanced himself from those he found to have parted ways with his philosophy

    the question remains – does Sheriff Christopher advocate the over throw of the US Governement or not?

    Has his main mentor and friend, Russ Murphy signed the Articles of Freedom – a tresonous act, if so. Is Sheriff Christopger a member of the subversive Oathkeeers? These answers are very importent to the safety of the citizens of this county. Why is the Sheriff looking for certin types of weaponry? that process servers (which is what they are under state code) would NEVER need? What is his end game?

    Most of all – WHY IS HE LYING??

  17. anon says:

    Hey newsfans. WE got the unlistenable Glenn Beck on WILM, and Al talking about aliens and movies. My head hurts. We need some low power FM radio stations in this state responsive to the citizens.

  18. cassandra_m says:

    Well, be sure to come back and let us know when you’ve started one.

  19. MJ says:

    Joe – before you start calling us out for McCarthyism, maybe you should listen to the Fatman (aka Curley) on WGMD and how he links anyone who doesn’t live up to his version of conservatism as a drugged-out, hippie, socialist commie.

    Yeah, the sheriff is a whack-job and his friends in the 9/12 “patriots” are a bunch of loose cannons with guns who can’t wait to start a civil war.

  20. Joe American says:

    Odd — there was a fat man named Michael Moore calling for a civil war in Wisconsin just a few days ago. I didn’t notice you folks condemning him.

  21. MJ says:

    Michael Moore isn’t on the radio 6 days a week calling for blood in the streets if elections don’t go his way. Sorry fella, but you failed once again.

  22. Jason330 says:

    Saying that the wealthiest corporations and individuals in America should pay their fair share in taxes only sounds like a call to civil war if you are among the wealthiest corporations and individuals.

    I know the broke ass Republican losers who read this blog don’t fall into that category.

  23. Liberal Elite says:

    “I know the broke ass Republican losers who read this blog don’t fall into that category.”

    They are just victims of the pro-wealthy propaganda that pretends to be “fair and balanced”.

  24. Teabag a Teabagger says:

    Russ Murphy moved to Sussex County from PA. He is featured extensively in Will Bunch’s book “Backlash”. Murphy moved down to Sussex and therefore feels entitled to whine about native Delawareans and how he is truly a Delawarean. Also, the same goes for some of the air base assholes who get stationed at Dover and then stay here or come back and feel that they are entitled to everything ahead of the local population. Also, I am a lifelong Kent Countian. My mother’s family has been here since the 1700’s. So,all the teabaggers who moved here from somewhere else and feel that they are entitled to look down on the local people, can kiss my ass. After all a welfare receipient crackhead who has lived in Wilmington all of their life is more truly a Delawarean than any asshole teabagger.