Breaking: Civil Unions Bill Introduced With Governor’s Support

Filed in Delaware by on March 22, 2011

As intrepid commenter Paul Baumbach earlier today told us would happen, SB 30 has been introduced. We will post it once it becomes available online. Governor Jack Markell has already come out in support of the bill. Here is the entire press release from the Governor’s office:

Dover, DE – Governor Jack Markell announced his support today of legislation that would make Civil Unions legal for same sex couples in Delaware. Senator Dave Sokola and Representative Melanie George are the prime sponsors of Senate Bill 30. Senator Liane Sorenson and Representative Terry Schooley are the lead co-sponsors of the legislation.

The Governor offered the following remarks in support of the effort:

A few months ago, there was a candlelight vigil attended by hundreds of Delawareans who had come to mourn the loss of a young life.

It was a moment for heartbreak – to hear the story of so much potential wasted, so much thrown away, so much anguish focused so fully on one person that suicide seemed to him the easier choice than having to live with hatred directed at him because of his sexual orientation.

More heartbreaking even, is how that scenario happens again and again, across the country.

But that night, so many Delawareans stepped up and shared their own stories – stories of hope, stories of promise, stories of how far our neighbors and our state have come.

How we can say to young people like that college student – live a life of accomplishment. Build a business, and a family. Embrace the opportunities before you because that hatred you’re facing has no place here.

Today, and in the days ahead, we will hear more stories.

How we can someday hope to say, with legislation like this bill today – if you’ve committed yourself to someone, and you’ve made that pledge to spend your life together in partnership, when life or death decisions come, we will respect your right to make those decisions together.

How can the state, in good conscience, say to someone – “you have dedicated your life to someone for years. Your partner trusts you to make their medical decisions if they become incapacitated and don’t have a living will but we, the state, do not?”

Or say to a child that had been raised since birth in a home of love, hope and help that because both of those parents happen to be men or women that if the parent who was the legal guardian dies, you lose the legal rights and protections to be raised by the other? That, when your world has been torn apart, the law may tear it further?

Those are just some of the reasons we are here today to show our support for this bill.

I want to thank the bill sponsors and the legislators here for their years of work on expanding these freedoms. It has not been an easy fight and it’s possible that this bill may not have an easy time as well.

Let’s be clear – just two years ago, until we signed a law to change it, it was legal in Delaware to be fired because of your sexual orientation. Anti-gay and lesbian discrimination was legal simply because the law had not caught up to the times.

Well, the time is here and the time is now – and this legislation will move us forward, together.”

That is simply one of the most eloquent and galvanizing statements that I’ve ever heard a Delaware governor deliver. Good for him, and good for all the sponsors. Now, let’s help get this thing passed!


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  1. Jason330 says:

    Does this break down party lines or North/South lines?

    BTW – agreed on the statement. Well said Governor.

  2. More north and south, I’d think. But holier-than-thou phonies like Greg Lavelle will oppose this as further proof of the decline of Western civilization, and I’d expect Bunting to maybe support it and Schwartzkopf to definitely support it.

    The big problem is that it’s starting in the Senate. Will DeLuca bury it in the Senate Executive Committee? If so, it could be dead before it’s even considered.

  3. MJ says:

    When this becomes law, you are all invited to my partner’s and my civil union ceremony. It will be great forcing that homphobic Clerk of the Peace in Sussex to issue us the required paperwork.

  4. Jason330 says:

    I’ve heard of worse reasons to get married.


  5. Joanne Christian says:

    And as long we keep things civil :)! darn MJ–I had only about 3 months to plan my wedding!!

  6. Brian Shields says:

    Parrish ran for reelection on the platform that he would not follow the law if it was changed.

    Heh heh.

  7. phil says:

    I’m pretty sure the implication was that he would have someone else in his office handle it. Or maybe he would resign the position. I forget.

  8. Jason330 says:

    Calling in sick on the day that gays want to tie the knot isn’t as ballsy as quitting in a petulant huff. Be should seriously consider being a martyr.

  9. Here is the full sponsorship for SB 30:

    Sen. Sokola & Sen. Sorenson & Rep. George & Rep. Schooley; Senators Blevins, Henry, Bunting, Cloutier, Katz, McDowell & Peterson; Reps. Gilligan, Schwartzkopf, Longhurst, Barbieri, Bolden, Brady, Heffernan,Keeley, Kowalko, Mitchell, Mulrooney, Osienski, Scott, B. Short, Viola, D. E. Williams, D. P. Williams.

    I am gratified and more than a little surprised by some of those on this list. Kudos to all, especially my Senator and my Rep., Sen. Cathy Cloutier and Rep. Bryon Short.

    I’m disappointed that, while two Senate R’s are on the bill, not a single House R signed on.

  10. PBaumbach says:

    The support (an impressive 27 sponsors and co-sponsors, if memory serves) breaks down more north/south than D/R. Members of Equality Delaware’s Advisory Council (see include Republican state legislators Miro, Ramone, and Sorenson, albeit all from NCCo.

  11. PBaumbach says:

    make that 28 sponsors/co-sponsors–seriously WOW

    I am more concerned with votes (both from committee, and on the floor) than sponsoring/co-sponsoring.

    As long as a legislator votes for SB30, to end this inequality in Delaware, I am pleased.

    Sponsoring/co-sponsoring is icing on the cake, and this cake has a lot of it!

  12. Aoine says:

    @MJ – cool!! PARRRRTTTEEEE – and Parrish can suck eggs, he dosen’t issue the paperwork – then he can be impeached

    soooo, Impeach that bonehead Sussex sheriff, impeach the Clerk of the Peace, hell, do away with Row officers, period!

    All they do is try to coopt the laws already on the books, and stand in the way of progress.

    Get married in Kent if you have to – on the steps of LEG Hall!! and invite the General Assembly!

  13. I think the real key is getting it out of Senate committee. You’ve got 9 senators signed on, I think that ultimately Bushweller, Dori Connor and Marshall will be on board. Maybe McBride, B. Ennis and even (wait for it) Bonini (he’s ‘agonized’ over such issues in the past as he has openly stated that a family member is gay). The only slam-dunk no’s are Booth, Lawson, and Venables. Damn, this thing could really pass!

    With Ed Osienski on board as a sponsor, who knows, maybe even the Napoleonic Martinet votes yes. Or at least allows a floor vote.

  14. MJ says:

    You know Atkins is voting now, as is my senator, Simpson. But then again, the D that ran against him the last time was also bad on this issue.

    And all I want to do is snatch that ugly toupee off George Parrish’s head.


    And as my people say – no chupa, no shtupa.

  15. Occam says:

    Civil Unions are second class marriages and second class marriages make for second class citizens. Marriage or nothing.

  16. Horace Manoor says:

    @MJ- I’m durn near pretty sure I kin get the Gumboro Philharmonic Armpit Orchestra to play at yer reception.
    Their sweet sweaty rendition of Ave Maria wood make a woodchuck weep.

  17. MJ says:

    Occam – I personally don’t care if they call it a polka dotted bikini, as long as it gives me all of the same rights as a “marriage,” I’ll be happy!

    And my earlier post should have read that Atkins is voting no, not now.

  18. Horace Manoor says:

    MJ, I assure you, I CAN keep these boys in line with my trusty cattle prod, sap and bullwhip. That last item may additionally be entertaining for some of your guests.
    And I’ll get ’em gussied up too, as far as possible.
    I’ll hose ’em down at the far house and spray ’em with Florida water.

  19. pandora says:

    Occam, do people who are “joined” at civil unions tell people they are civil unioned? Nope, they all say they are married, and so does everyone else. Go for it, Delaware!

  20. Dana Garrett says:

    Great statement made by the Governor. Very eloquent.

  21. Joe Cass says:

    Equal rights for all citizens is overdue! I want to dance with the groom! Come on Delaware, lets move forward on this.

  22. jason330 says:

    Is Lawson really a slam dunk no? He seemed more libertarian that doctrinaire R to me. Perhaps that was wishful thinking.

  23. Mongo says:

    Mongo was at the rally today. Stood to the side and watched history happen. I was very proud of my governor as well.

    Mongo noticed that Sen. Sokola and Rep. Longhurst are both supporters. They are both dedicated cyclists. Hmm. Does riding a bike make a person more accepting, or just smarter?

    At one point, Mongo noticed a smell. Looked around, made sure that my ox was parked downwind, then I spotted the source. It was that Anderson guy, the Shakespeare of delawarepolitics. Taking pictures, talking with people. Mongo was about to introduce himself to that 912 fella, but figured, good for him. It was good that he came to the event, heard the speeches and heard the truth. So Mongo left him alone.

    Overall, today was a great day for Delaware.

  24. MJ says:

    Mongo, go over to Delusional David’s website and see what he wrote about today’s event and the comments.

    And the crazies are out on the WGMD website. Go take a look there, too.

  25. Aoine says:

    @Mongo – hey cutie, yu wid the ox – read MJ’s latest post in the “crazy Zone” it will leave you in stitchs.

    between medical marijuana, and now civil unions,I bet the uber-right wing have their heads spinning like Linda Blair on the Exorcist

    I wonder if Eric Bodenweiser is self-flagellating yet? right after he finishes up the sheriff’s budget?

  26. Mongo says:

    MJ, you really bring it to the crazies over there.

    Mongo also has questions about Leviticus. Let me know if the questions you posed get answered.

  27. anon says:

    Its also worth noting that this bill would repeal the fine and jail time penalty for same sex couples calling themselves married. So much for free speech.

    From what I understand, its all about committee assignment and where DeLuca sends it.

  28. The bill has been assigned to the Senate Administrative Services/Elections Committee. Katz is chair, Blevins and Sokola are members. All three are sponsors. The other three members are Marshall, Booth and Lawson.

    If Marshall allows it out, then it will be considered on the floor. I think that he will as he’s been a strong civil rights proponent regardless of the affected constituency, but, if you’re in his district, you might want to let him know that you’d appreciate his support.

  29. Dana Garrett says:

    Peterson is my state Senator. No need to lobby her because he record on supporting civil rights legislation is impeccable. Gilligan is my state Representative. While I suspect he would support the bill, I’m not certain. Does anyone know his position on it?

  30. Joanne Cabry says:

    Bob Gilligan attended the press conference yesterday. He was recognized by the Governor along with the other GA members present.

  31. Horace Manoor says:

    Karen’s on board, so is Barbieri. I’m good.

  32. Dana Garrett says:

    Thanks, Joanne.

  33. cassandra m says:

    Marshall is my Senator so have contacted him to support this.

    And, Mayor Baker of Wilmington has come out in support of this bill too.

  34. PI says:

    It’s in a committee chaired by Mike Katz. I’m told it has 3 solid votes in committee. I don’t know how many it needs.

  35. PBaumbach says:

    it needs 4 votes, so give Marshall a call if he is your legislator, or his friend

    Speaker Gilligan is on the Advisory Council of Equality Delaware (

  36. Joanne Christian says:

    A word of caution. Whether you are a proponent of civil unions, or awaiting your civil union, remain civil. Prop 8 did itself in, not because of so much “conservative, religious pushback”, but because proponents and advocates went so extreme and obsessive, it scared the heck out of voters and such, into thinking ” hey, I thought you were after a normal progression of rights to follow an alternative lifestyle–not so sure I want all this rage, defiance, obnoxious and antagonistic posturing to go with it–what next?” And I can make book on the western gays who agree with me, and acknowledge that downfall in strategy. Sure people want their cousin to be able to marry that great guy, and Helen has been a part of the family since college softball….but those other CRAZIES????!!!!!

    Go ahead and spew at me….but I’m telling ya……

  37. Mitch Crane says:

    The bill needs 4 votes to get out of committee. That us either a “yes” vote or a vote to discharge it “on its merits”. The two Republicans are definite “nos”. Senator Katz, Blevins and Sokola are all sponsors. The vote that will determine the future of this legislation is that of Senator Marshall. He is not on the bill as a sponsor. If he does not vote it out, the bill is dead and will be brought up again next year-an election year.

    Senator Marshall needs to hear from not only his own constituents but also from anyone living in the city of Wilmington. He is expected to run for mayor in the September, 2012 primary. He would need support from progressives if he hopes to win. Labor is on board also. He needs to hear from union members.

  38. socialistic ben says:

    yeah. just make sure you queers remember your place.

  39. Mitch Crane says:

    Our place is wherever we are and wherever we go

  40. Mongo says:

    Mongo has to be honest.

    The real reason why I attended the rally yesterday because it seemed appropriate since I starred in a movie, “Blazing Saddles.”.

    Mongo made a joke.

  41. Aoine says:

    mongo is a funny dude…which horse were you? LOL now don’t go getting the ox out..

    really tho’, Joanne is correct. Always be polite and civil. A recent article I read on the Delaware 9/12 patriots said they have a image problem, which they do-as does the T-party.

    and they do because of the way they act and speak. their 9 values and 12 whatever obviously apply to others, not them.

    they are labled the “crazies” and the label is justifiable.

    This is not how to win votes. no one listenes to a ranter.

    @Mitch – I was always told I don’t know my place either – like you, I have the same approach – I belong where ever I am at or where ever I go -they have to deal with it.

  42. socialistic ben says:

    the difference is the 9.12ers and the Tpartiers want to strip other people’s rights, move america backwards and generally mess things up.

    how can that be compared in any way to wanting equal rights for all? no, dont be ass hats, but telling someone to “mind your Ps and Qs” in the pursuit of equal rights is insulting frankly.

  43. Jason330 says:

    There is a natural tension between people who want to get things done and people who want to eventually get things done.

  44. Aoine says:

    @ben – by all means – act the fool when speaking to politicians..but understand that in doing so, you are hurting the cause not helping it.

    Exhibit One – the T-party

    it matters litle whether your cause is just or not – the perception and the presentation is everything, should not be, but is – would you listen to someone screaming in your face, insulting you or would you be more open to a rational, thoughtful approach with facts – the answer should be obvious

    In this instance, I care little if you are insulted, better your feelings be hurt than the cause of equal rights and equality for all be damaged.

    no personal offense meant, that is just the way it is.

  45. Aoine says:

    You are right Jason, and I want it done, believe me. Its long overdue.

    but there is a place and a time for everything.

    just the facts of the situation. It has been introduced, now is the time to nututre it along, encourage its growth.

    if it fails, then other appropiate responses need to be looked at – including the response at the ballot box.

  46. socialistic ben says:

    Who’s talking about acting like a fool?
    By no means am i saying we should go all “code pink”. I just dont see why it was necessary to warn people fighting for equal rights to mind the sensibilities of homophobes. Homophobes opinion shouldn’t matter….. ever

  47. socialistic ben says:

    It is time to let “democrats” know they will be out of a job if they do not deliver this bill to the Governor’s desk.

  48. Aoine says:

    and Republlicans, as well – after all is it about equality 😉

  49. Jim Westhoff says:

    I would love to help with the lobbying effort, but I don’t think I will get very far with either Senator Booth, nor Representative Wilson.

    It’s just a feeling I have.

  50. Chris Counihan says:

    Civil Unions are an important step upon the march to full marriage equality. Civil Unions may well be “second-class citizenship”, but to those who have no citizenship, second-class beats nothing at all. It may not happen this year, but eventually, the marriage of my wife and I will be equal to those of our LGBT friends. Congratulations to everyone at Equality Delaware and keep up the good fight!