Joe Biden Thinks I’m a Pretty Big Sucker

Filed in National by on March 22, 2011

How big of a sucker would I have to be to fall for this kind of fundraising appeal from Joe Biden on behalf of the DSCC?

Dear Jason,

I am writing to you today because at a moment when the stakes are highest, Democrats in the Senate face the toughest electoral climate we’ve seen in a long time.

Democrats are defending 23 seats in 2012, five of which are open. Republicans only need to pick up four to take control of the Senate.

President Obama and I believe that government has a responsibility to invest, to give people the tools to make the most of their own lives. But many of today’s Republicans have a different vision.

That’s why I’m writing to you today. The end of the month’s FEC deadline is a crucial test of our strength. By giving to the DSCC, you have the power to prove to the pundits and our opponents that grassroots Democrats are standing together to defend our firewall.

I’d have to be a pretty huge sucker to think…

1) that the DSCC hasn’t already fucking quit on the idea of being in the majority,
2) that having a Dem majority in the Senate mattered,
3) that the DSCC would not give the money to Republican wannabes like Ben Nelson or Tom Carper, AND


You’d have to be the biggest idiot in the world to give money to the DSCC. This very strategy failed miserably just last year – but here we go again.

*head slap*

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Democrats are defending 23 seats in 2012, five of which are open. Republicans only need to pick up four to take control of the Senate.

    Somehow I can’t see Minority Leader Harry Reid leading a squadron of Democratic senators to the Bahamas to deny Mitch McConnell a quorum.

  2. delbert says:

    And that’s why the DSCC is getting a bum like Joe Biden to panhandle for it. He’s a six term senator and current VP, and failed even to get a public lower school named after him. So he had to settle for the shithole train station at the bottom of Wilmo between the downtown hood and the tit bars. I wouldn’t even have named a portapotty for the train station renovation workers after that bum. And his buddy Obama will have a bran-spanking new library named after him. You know he’s got to be laughing.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Biden derangement syndrome is not pretty. Seek help.

  4. donviti says:

    Joe is keepin his pimp hand strong and doing what he does best. foreign Policy.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Interesting. Klemens von Metternich lives on in the person of Joe Biden. Thanks for that link DV.

  6. Dana says:

    Don’t worry, Jason: I got the same e-mail. 🙂

  7. Don says:


    But scare tactic bullshit DOES win elections. It’s how the conservatives stay in power.

  8. Liberal Elite says:

    @j “You’d have to be the biggest idiot in the world to give money to the DSCC. This very strategy failed miserably just last year”

    You make it seem like there’s a good alternative. There isn’t. I’m giving $200.

    And it’s not because I think the DCCS all that clever or great. But it’s one small thing I can do to make a slap at the right wing for their stupidity in supporting the rank interests of the abject wealthy.

  9. anon says:

    But it’s one small thing I can do to make a slap at the right wing for their stupidity in supporting the rank interests of the abject wealthy.

    DSCC *is* the right wing that supports the rank interests of the abject wealthy. Eighty Senators voted to continue tax cuts for the rich, when they held the power to let them expire. And you propose to reward them for this?

  10. socialistic ben says:

    Delbert, if you hate wilmington so much, move the hell away.
    Dont need you haters trashing my hometown.

  11. delbert says:

    SocBen, I’ve lived in Sussex County the past 26 years. Never said I hated Wilmo, I don’t. What I wrote is simply fact.

  12. socialistic ben says:

    well, ill take the hood and strip clubs over the klan and teaparty.

  13. cassandra m says:


    Plus the renovated train station is gorgeous. And it is blocks away from some of the best restaurants in the city….

  14. delbert says:

    I thought the Klan was up closer to you, SocBen. (Rising Sun,Elkton)
    And the Tea Party welcomes all. They don’t care if you’re democrat or gay or both.

  15. socialistic ben says:

    hell yeah cass…. and once the renovation is finished to all those townhouses around french and market…. All the city needs is a few (more) good live music venues and it’ll be great.

    …. As long as the automobiles are restricted to F150s and smaller. I dont need country joe drivin his super duty hemi through downtown takin off side mirrors ….hybrid public busses are O.K

  16. socialistic ben says:

    non christian residents of Indian River would beg to differ.
    You are correct about Elkton…. but that is MD… not Wilmington. I see more Susesh flags below the canal than in Virgina.
    I like the coast of Sussex. Very liberal, and fun
    …. just a little further inland… if the pointy hood fits….

  17. Liberal Elite says:

    @10:44 “DSCC *is* the right wing that supports the rank interests of the abject wealthy.”

    That one was a compromise.

    If the DSCC is in the pocket of the abject wealthy, then why are the wealthy trying so hard to defeat them???