Ignite Wilmington Not Evil, Just Busy

Filed in National by on March 26, 2011

Things fall through the cracks. It happens. We’re a busy people.

Nevertheless, I have to admit that I was pissed off when I read the speakers list for April 7th’s Ignite Wilmington. The “voting” conceit effectively tapped into the competitive portion of my brain. This miniature “Ted Talk” concept is right in my wheel house, and like any red blooded American capitalist, I wanted to win the prize.

It sucks to lose, so imagine thinking that you won the game by 20 points and then a referee says, “That scoreboard doesn’t count. I’m keeping score in my head and you lost.” That really sucks, right?

Anyway, long story short, the score is being kept in the Archer Group’s head and they are perfectly entitled to do that. It is marketing for them and there is some risk to them if the event sucks, so they decided to keep score in their heads. They have apologized for leaving a web site up that included an outdated voting feature related to a past Ignite Wilmington event, and I accept that apology.

As I said, it happens.

The cool thing is that Ignite Wilmington is a great event. I’m a huge fan of the concept and I’m sure that The Archer Group has put together a fantastic group of dynamic speakers. I’m looking forward to enjoying it as an audience member.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Still, in all, it would have been nice to hear you speak. Why, I might have have broken my hermitage and attended just to hear you speak. What Ignite Wilmington fails to recognize is that high vote getters bring their audience with them.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks Dana. The voting does turn prospective speakers like myself into marketers for the event, so it seems to make sense. They decided to not use the voting results this time because it is the reopening of the Queen theater and they wanted a tighter curatorial vision.

    I’ll try again, so your hermitage might be in danger eventually.

  3. anon says:

    Jason is the Al Gore of social media.

    This is why the sense of “community” in all communities owned by a proprietary interest (Twitter, Facebook, Ignite, and other trailer parks) is ephemeral, mostly illusory, and always in jeopardy.

  4. jason330 says:

    I’d rather be the Ashton Kucher (sp?) of social media.

  5. anon says:

    I’d give you five bucks to hear your presentation through a bullhorn on the sidewalk in front of the Queen.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Jason, perhaps you should invite your audience to hear you that night at Orillas (down the block from the Queen) where your talk could be enjoyed with excellent tapas and homemade sangria.

  7. Seconded, Cassandra!

  8. pandora says:

    Did someone say Orillas? Count me in!

  9. jason330 says:

    I’m down for a little get together. Before or after Ignite?

  10. pandora says:

    Does it start at 6pm? It might be better to meet after. Anyone know what time it ends?

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I’ve just been creeping this saga on Twitter, but the after-talk at Orillas idea is inspired! I’d go!

  12. Mike Matthews says:

    I went to the first two Ignites and had a blast. Life interceded and I wasn’t able to attend any other events. Going to make it a priority to go to this and would LOVE to join for some post-event tapas with you all. It’s certainly been a while.

  13. jason330 says:

    That gives us a quorum. So, Orillas (down the block from the Queen) for tapas and homemade sangria after Ignite Wilmington on April 7th.

  14. Exhausted says:

    I’d count on an 8pm ending. Late start + 60 minutes of talks + intros + intermission.

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Reservations at Orillas is probably a good idea. They can be busy especially when there is something going on on Market St. And it is a small place so need some prep for a bigger group…..