How Horrible is the Modern GOP?

Filed in National by on April 4, 2011

So horrible that they fear women will fake having been raped, or lie about being incest victims in order to get abortions.

Then they voted for a bill that forces “women who became pregnant due to rape or incest, or women for whom pregnancy threatens their life or could cause serious and irreversible physical harm” to carry to term.


There is just so much wrong with the modern GOP, it is hard to fathom.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dominique says:

    Oh, how I wish the GOP would STFU on social issues. The contradiction is infuriating – they want to reduce women to human incubators by banning abortion, but they don’t want to allow gays to adopt the thousands of children in the foster care system.

    On the flip side, however, that woman is smoking crack if she thinks women don’t lie about being raped.

  2. Geezer says:

    How I wish they would concentrate on fighting abortion on moral rather than legal grounds. And that they would agree that birth control is key to preventing unwanted pregnancy. In short, that they would think rationally instead of emotionally about these issues.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Said this before and will say it again: today’s conservatives will always follow this line of thinking – the exception is the rule and the rule is an exception. You can pretty much apply this to every fuckin policy piece that emanates from their collective rectum.

    It is also the basis of extremism.

    Got to love their little reach-around to today’s seniors with the Medicare cuts….no worries blue-hair,selfish boomers. The cuts will only apply to those currently under 55 years old. So you’ll get yours; fuck everyone else coming up behind you….

    And to top it off, the boomers will take them at their word, vote for the corp whores again, and not give a shit because they deserve it while no one else besides them does.

  4. Geezer, many of us do see birth control as part of the solution, but a culture of people who will live morally and look toward building families is as well. Obviously, I would rather see a couple use a condom than kill a baby. Don’t you think that a pop culture which celebrates casual sex is part of the problem? If you have sex with 100 different people in six months instead of sex with 1 person 100 times, you have a far greater risk of disease, unintended pregancy, and yes being a victim of rape. Is it either or?

    Without forcing people in one direction, shouldn’t our laws reward people who do the right thing? Should they tend to discourage unhealthy behavior? Should they protect innocent victims of other people’s actions?

  5. Von Cracker says:

    David- popular culture is just a mirror image of us. I guess most of us have no issue with casual sex. I did though, it was a shitty movie! 🙂

    chaulk this crappy logic with the idiots who believed that judas priest caused suicides. No, stupid, it’s your own mind that’s taking you there.

    So what does that say about you now?

  6. jason330 says:

    As usual, David misses the fact that this is legislation is not intended to discourage, but punish women who demonstrate their low morals by being raped.

    They need punishing because only women who have sex with “100 different people in six months” get raped. Right David?

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Wow, I missed the 100 partners will get you raped (with the inference that it’s deserved)! Must have been caught up in the surrounding stupidity to notice!

    David – your mind is broken.

    So when a rapist looks at two women, how exactly does he know which one’s the slut, David?

    Or are you trying to say if a woman dates, then they will get raped? Don’t tell the Christian warriors on eHarmony about this; that would be bad for business. Oh, sorry, I forgot, christians don’t rape.

    And riddle me this: what’s safer?

    A woman with 100 partners and uses a condom every time or being David Vitter’s wife?