Don Ayotte Quits GOP Chair Race

Filed in Delaware by on April 6, 2011

Donald Ayotte, the Teabagger from downstate seeking to Teabag the entire GOP, has withdrawn from the GOP Chairman race, opting instead to run for the Vice Chairman’s job. The GOP Chairman race is now between perennial loser and airline pilot Mike Protack and former NRA President John Sigler of Dover.

You can see what is going on here, right? A three-man race gave us the possibility of either Chairman Protack or Chairman Ayotte, and both prospects were unacceptable to the GOP establishment. Ayotte and the Teabaggers were thrown the bone of the Vice Chair job just to placate them.

I am just really surprised that a Teabagger, a supposed grass roots man of the people who is so very anti-elite and anti-establishment would partake in such backroom maneuvering.

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  1. jason330 says:

    So the Vice Chair spot was given in return for a promise of teabag support for Siglar. Interesting. Goes to show you how much the GOP pharisees hate Protack.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I just do not understand why Protack keeps running for stuff. The constant and overwhelming rejection would eventually destroy me.

  3. Mike Oxlong says:

    Don Ayotte WILL be challenged and i would be surprised if a deal was cut…agreed that the GOP doesn’t want Protack at the table, however, he would be better than Ayotte.

    This is gonna be a great convention and I wish I were a delegate, guess i will have to watch from the back row…

  4. Anon says:

    Close but no cigar. The answer is in the April 4th News Journal

    Sigler has been anointed by the two biggest tea baggers in Delaware, Vance Phillips in the south and Charlie Copeland in the North. Phillips and Copeland think teabagging is their key to winning statewide office in 2012.

    Ayotte was never anything more than Vance’s puppet boy, tasked with waving his arms around and calling for the removal of republican leadership. Vance never does any of his own dirty work, he always hides behind a puppet.

  5. Anvil says:

    I don’t follow your reasoning on how/why Ayotte would make a deal. Ayotte and Protack are drawing from the same constituency. If Ayotte withdraws, those votes go to Protack. I’m hoping that Siglar withdraws. That would force the GOP to get someone walking by the Rudder on election day to come in and defeat Protack. Hell, Bill Lee beat him and they had to call him long distance from the convention and beg him to run.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Anvil, Anon points out something I had forgotten, that Sigler had been anointed by Vance Phillips. I would not, however, agree that Charlie Copeland is a teabagger. He is trying to be one, but you can’t get more GOP Establishment than by having duPont blood in your veins and money in your account.

    So if Sigler had been given the ok by Vance, it makes sense for Ayotte to drop out since Ayotte was just Vance’s stalking horse.

    The question now is if Sigler is accepted to the establishment, or have they just given up. I had thought he was, but if he is being anointed by the Teabaggers, that brings that back into question.

  7. delbert says:

    Whaqt is it with Prozac? The guy loses all the time and is still at it. Nothing but a GOP spoiler. But maybe he’ll make a moderate chairman, which is what the GOP needs.

  8. Nancy-from Nick Danger says:

    Poor Mike, he’s bleeding.I’ll just tear this strip off my petticoat.

  9. Delaware Dem says:


    Wouldn’t it be ironic that the GOP Establishment turns to Protack as their savior? LOL.

  10. pandora says:

    Well… if Protack wins it’s a blogger’s dream. Imagine the posts!

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    I would devote my life to covering Protack full time, if he ever got elected to anything. It would be spectacular.

  12. Anon says:

    You’d be wrong about Copeland. Wait and see, if he runs for statewide office in 2012 he will have the immediate and fierce backing of the tea baggers. His involvement with the tea baggers goes back to the first rally on the Riverfront. Copeland thinks being up to his chin with tea baggers is his way into the Governor’s mansion. Why do you think he got behind tea bagging darling Christine O’Donnell immediately after the primary?

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    I am not wrong about Copeland, and your comment just proves it. Copeland is an opportunist, and he is only teabagging because he thinks teabagging is his way into the Governor’s Mansion. He is no teabagger.

    And when he loses statewide for the 3rd or 4th time, he moves into Protack territory.

  14. jason330 says:

    That is pretty accurate. While Vance Phillips is a natural teabag, it is pretty clear that Copeland is only putting on the patched together skins of a few teabag for expedience sake. He and Kovach are teabagz of convenience.

  15. Torque says:

    Ayotte was natural choice for Vice Chairman. I don’t think he ever cut a backroom deal but it’s good for speculation. I’ve talked to him and he doesn’t seem like a backroom guy. Something else must be going on.

  16. anon says:

    Protack is getting older. Being a pilot he cant be making a lot of money. Looking to his future and a pension, preferably from the state.

    There’s an article out today about the number of americans incarcerated in this country. I know a woman who is housed at the mens prison in Sussex. She writes letters to her family telling them: l) she is going crazy 2) they make her stand on a line for hours, if your foot steps off your back on for a few more, 3) no hot water 4) no towels, 5) sit on your bed (when not standing on the line) and look ahead, straight ahead for hours on end! 4 minutes to eat dinner (standing up). No phone calls no matter what. l visitor a month. When her family tried to contact the Sussex Country prison they were told, “this is a mans prison, there are no women here”. Well the family knew better because they dropped her off there. Doesnt get mail from the outside. Screaming at night keeps everyone awake. She asked for classes or something to read…nope not allowed! Another woman lost it at dinner time started crying and screaming. All the women were then forced back to their cells without dinner. This lasted 3 days in a row. collective punishment. Geez I wonder if Copeland knows they are housing women in a mens prison or whether collective punishment is part of the “put a hurt on em”.

  17. Republican David says:

    Sounds made up. If your prison story is not, email me her name and any details of her idenity and when she was stuck in the men’s prison along with treatment details at . If you are telling the truth, we can end this very quickly.

  18. I think Sigler is a shoe-in.

  19. kavips says:

    It is probably a good thing that Protack is seen as a joke. Because he is the most moderate of them all, and only he, has the potential to siphon off the independents that both sides need to win a November election.

    Memories are short. But when Copeland tried to pooh pooh wind, Protack was on the beach wearing a yellow jacket in a winter storm, with those fighting the fight. Likewise, Protack’s idea of using technology to identify where a gun flash came from, would be a welcome godsend for those living in Wilmington.

    Protack thinks like a human being, and unlike Copeland or those sworn to jerk when told, that makes him dangerous for anyone hoping to keep this state blue.. . If Sigler wins, we can pin him to the NRA and the entire Republican Party can write off New Castle County. Sigler will get as many votes for his party in the north, as did O’Donnell… Protack, since most of you reading this blog didn’t see, did extremely well in all the debates going head to head against Markell… Protack is the only one who can modify the Republican message well enough to capture the independent voters of New Castle County.

    You chide his past performances. However they were against the entrenched losing element of the Republican Party. If he becomes chairman, he is in charge of staffing, and if he staffs with people like himself, the fact that he did not carry the O’Donnell contingent of the Republican Party, is moot…

    Anyway, Republicans don’t want to win, so Mike Protack probably will lose out and this state will stay blue for the next decade…. if Republicans do want to win (instead of retreating like the Amish to their own value system, not caring how the rest of the world moves on), ….. he is their best hope.

  20. Aoine says:

    Protack thinks like a human being – a himan being that want to micro-chip immigrants like we micro-chip dogs.

    whether they are here legally or not is irrelevant

    that is not how we treat humans – and with Protack, the Hispanic vote is gone forever for the R’s (not that they have much chance of getting it anyway, after demonizing that ethnic group for the past several years)

  21. kavips says:

    No, that concept is actually a good idea. Before you dismiss it out of hand, let’s look at some of the benefits. One, lets assume that Americans get so sick of Scott Walker that the 113 Congress is 85% Democratic. Let’s assume that a majority of Americans are so sickened by anything Republican, it makes them physically ill. Let’s assume that one person walks into a restaurant wearing a blue coat, white shirt, and red tie, every patron immediately vomits all over the table in front of them…

    Assume in this scenario, that a bill is passed requiring all registered Republicans to have a microchip embedded.. After all they’ve jacked our gas 80 cents so far, after all they bankrupted our treasury, after all, they jacked up health cost so we have no choice but to go with a single payer plan, …. After all, they started a war to steal Iraq’s oil, offering them less than 20 cents on the dollar. After all, they gave billions to oil companies as bonuses, after all, they deregulated the derivative market. In fact, the only reason Republicans are allowed to walk the streets today, is because we don’t know who they are….

    Imagine, not allowing them into a restaurant because of what they did to this once great nation?

    Still think microchips implanted in people are a bad idea?

  22. Aoine says:

    yep – bad idea

    I believe in being humane – even to those who are not humane themselves

    after all – I am pro-choice, I just believe that we must live with those choices…

    and even sinners can repent, and criminals be rehabillitated….

    however, if they pose a clear and present danger to the safety and health of society at large, like they believe immigrants do

    we can do to them what they want to do to immigrants – deport them all

    ………..we know them by their limping…………


  23. MJ says:

    So this is a lose-lose for the GOP. When’s the wake? Do we sit shiva after Vance, Charlie, and the toothless “journalist” from Georgetown are buried in the next election?

  24. Jason330 says:

    Yeah. It is hard not to pre-cheer for the coming GOP train wreck.