Sanity In Arizona?

Filed in National by on April 18, 2011

Do you hear the screeching of the birthers? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the so-called birther bill – the bill that required something other than a state-issued birth certificate – in order to get on the presidential ballot in Arizona. I guess we’ll have to take the nation’s craziest state designation away from Arizona and give it back to Texas.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    no no, the Bags will just primary her, install one of their own and pass a bill requiring video of a baptism and teabagging to be allowed on the ballot.

  2. Aoine says:

    not sanity -realism

    in the face of overwhelmiing odds

  3. John Kowalko says:

    She is one of there own.

    No sanity. The loonies have enough votes to override and Brewer had to know that since the votes for passage were above override numbers.

    How can anyone on this site excuse this neanderthal of a governor and expect that she’s either grown a brain or a conscience.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    you think they’ll override the veto?

  5. Aoine says:

    I keep a close eye on AZ – I think they will try to over-ride

    Sen Russell Pearce is an absolute nut…and drunk with power.

    they may try to massage it a little as, according to this bill, anyone born in AZ AFTER 1997 could not be on the ballot as the state does not issue long form birth certs after that date

    so, imagine you are a female , born after 1997, that was never baptised,(and hopefully not subjected to a circumcision either) or of Native American heritage? well, you are not going to be on the ballot in AZ for president.

    I actually did a lot of research on this birther issue, and like an onion, there are several layers of birther. each crazier than the other.

    But the most hard core ones believe in this “natural born” citizen issue, and altho’ it has never been defined, they define “natural born” citizen as someone born in the US, without any type of dual nationally, and BOTH parents were also born in the US and neither have dual citizenship either.

    by this rule, Marco Rubio,(Cub does not recognize his US citizenship. altho he was vorn in Miami and both parents were born in Cuba, actually some birthers call him an anchor baby) Bobby Jindal (punjabi parents came here on visas to work, mom was 3 months pregnant on arrival, both arents here on visa, not citizens when he was born) and Donald Trump (how funny is that – his mother as born in Scotland) are not elegible to be president….

    and 6 out of our past presidents were not lawfully president either, including Herbert Hoover….


    They are going to, well “birth” themselves right out of political existance..rock on “birthers”

  6. Aoine says:

    whoops – sorry for the typos – edit window not functional…. 🙁

    not like I use it much