“Republican Business Smarts” – An Oxymoron

Filed in National by on April 20, 2011

Read this…

Downstate Republicans say civil union bill could prove costly to business, taxpayers

Republican legislators, stung by a nearly two to one vote in favor of civil unions, say the measure will prove to be costly to taxpayers, according to a release from the House Minority Caucus. The bill is expected to be signed next month by Gov. Jack Markell.

Here is my prediction. In two years 50% of marriages (“civil unions”) held in Rehoboth will be same sex.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (29)

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  1. MJ says:

    Danny Short is an idiot. He has done nothing during his tenure. Problem is, the Dems didn’t run anyone against him and he got a free ride. He provides no services for his district, but does like to show up when there’s free food to be had.

  2. anon says:

    Human rights has a poor history in Sussex. And speaking of business sense, these are the same idiots who in 1861 rejected Lincoln’s offer to buy out all their slaves. At the time there were 1800 slaves in Delaware, three-quarters of them in Sussex.

    I had forgotten that the Emancipation Proclamation applied only to the Confederate states. After Emancipation, Delaware kept its slavery laws on the books, and Northern slaves were not freed until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865 – with Delaware voting against.

  3. anon says:


    During debate on the House floor, State House Minority Whip Gerald Hocker (R-Ocean View), who owns several small businesses in Sussex County, said the civil union law will increase employment costs for small businesses and hurt job creation.

    Nothing could be better for business than thousands of gays descending on your community looking for new furniture and towels to set up their married homes, and of course needing to find an upscale restaurant after a long day of shopping 🙂

  4. cassandra m says:

    You know, these downstate repubs are stone cold idiots, but this article doesn’t make the Newark Post look good, either.

    Have you read it? It is largely in the vein of stenography — just repeating whatever this press release had to say. But here is a key bit that ought to have been the occasion for some questions by the reporter:

    The release claimed that neither the Williams Report nor the Controller General’s analysis makes any mention of the additional exposure to the state presented by the opportunity civil unions will create.

    “There is no waiting period for healthcare coverage and we cannot exclude anyone for pre-existing conditions, nor charge them a higher premium,” Short said. “It is not difficult to imagine a scenario where someone with a serious illness or condition will enter into a civil union with a state employee solely to take advantage of the health benefits. Even a single major health issue suffered by just one of the new enrollees will swamp the cost estimates in both reports because all of that claim money will come directly from the pockets of taxpayers.

    Anyone see the problem with this? The inability of the state to exclude folks for pre-existing conditions is also true for opposite sex unions too. A guy working for DelDOT could get married tomorrow to a woman with MS or lupus both of which are pretty costly to treat over the long term. OR that same employee could marry a woman who is perfectly healthy, but go though a very difficult pregnancy, or give birth to a baby in some distress — again, all very costly to the self-insured state.

    These guys have come up with a financial analysis that argues for NO spouse or family coverage for state employees. Because there is no difference in the potential for pre-existing conditions whether you marry the opposite sex or if you get a civil union with the same sex.

    Sheesh. Smarter media, please!

  5. anon says:

    “There is no waiting period for healthcare coverage and we cannot exclude anyone for pre-existing conditions, nor charge them a higher premium,” Short said.

    Chalk one up for Obamacare.

  6. AQC says:

    I suspect the redneck homophobes are worrying about AIDS as a pre existing condition.

  7. jason330 says:

    That’s what it sounds like to me.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    That’s what is sounds like to me, too.

  9. ek says:

    Hetero folks get AIDS, too.

  10. Free Market Democrat says:

    Richard Florida has written several books about economic development in wealthy countries and he likes to talk about the “flight of the creative class” (the creative, inventive, entrepreneurial types who drive post-industrial economies) to open societies where they can reap the benefits of their creative enterprises. The one main variable that Florida discovered in which regions become magnets for the creative class is the progressive nature of their communities, with openness to minorities and homosexuals as a primary indicator. In other words, what he is saying is that gay rights (HUMAN RIGHTS) legislation is an economic development imperative, that they create wealth and jobs.

  11. Aoine says:

    Marriage or civil unions, soley for benefits is fraud, as the marriage or civil union is not considered “bona fide”.
    Get a grip Short – they could be prosecuted.

    Basically, if it aint WASP, they dont want it

    (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

    if I hear about their disappering life-style anymore, I’m gonna puke.

    dont sign up for healthcare if you dont like it and OH ummm give back your farm subsidies as well..

    the influx of folks has raised the quality of life in Sussex, what comes with it is change – put your “man-pants on” (or big girl panties, whatever is your preferance) sorry Pandora…and deal with it.

    Katie bar the door – change is coming……

  12. socialistic ben says:

    conservatives would rather live in a double-wide and eat dollar store cheese for breakfast lunch and dinner than share nice neighborhood with a gay couple. they are total idiots.

  13. MJ says:

    I’m wondering if that Burton mentioned in anon’s link is related to IG Burton who owns all of the car dealerships in Milford. And I doubt that any gays will shop at Hocker’s G&E – we like quality foods, not stuff packaged by IGA.

  14. skippertee says:

    I hate to say this, but when I lived near Hocker’s G&E for many years, the meat department was EXCELLENT.
    I’ve actually known him since I was 15.
    That’s 40+ years ago. He was always nice to me and my family.
    It breaks my heart that he’s a BLUNT-SKULL.
    I’m sure,over those many years, we never talked politics.

  15. donviti says:

    I wonder how some of the major employers down there feel about this…

    You know, the fortune 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 companies that all have taken up shop down in Sussex to exploit the amazing educational resources down there?

  16. Jason330 says:

    I’ve always sensed this was true, but it is good to see it being studied:

    The one main variable that Florida discovered in which regions become magnets for the creative class is the progressive nature of their communities, with openness to minorities and homosexuals as a primary indicator. In other words, what he is saying is that gay rights (HUMAN RIGHTS) legislation is an economic development imperative, that they create wealth and jobs.

  17. anon says:

    Anyone who lives in Sussex knows when you cross into Sussex from Kent you automatically loose 15 IQ points….even sussex folk know it.

  18. Dana Garrett says:

    Wow, what a revelation! Recognizing and instatiating the rights of human beings has costs. How disgusting that these primitive GOPers should think that such costs should even matter.

  19. anon2 says:

    when you cross into Sussex from Kent you automatically loose 15 IQ points

    And that’s just from the booze.

  20. PBaumbach says:

    i heard second hand that Rep Terry Schooley was asked about the costs, and she raised the question about whether women’s suffrage should have been delayed because of the higher costs of having more poll workers.

    At what point do people (legislators) realize that doing the right thing often has costs, and that is what they are called to do–find out the right thing, do it, and ensure that its cost is covered?

  21. Miscreant says:

    “Danny Short is an idiot…
    … but does like to show up when there’s free food to be had.”

    Short is a douche bag, but at least he’s not serving up Matzo Ball soup to the likes of #1 homophobe Dan fucking Gaffney.

    “Human rights has a poor history in Sussex… At the time there were 1800 slaves in Delaware, three-quarters of them in Sussex… After Emancipation, Delaware kept its slavery laws on the books, and Northern slaves were not freed until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865 – with Delaware voting against.”

    As usual, the large wealthy population base in New Castle County drives the bus for the entire state. You can’t realistically blame this fuckery on Sussex.

    “You know, the fortune 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 companies that all have taken up shop down in Sussex to exploit the amazing educational resources down there?”

    Pay attention, dumbass, there are a pantsload of gays down here, many in business. Perhaps, you need to get out of your upstate ghetto more.

    “Anyone who lives in Sussex knows when you cross into Sussex from Kent you automatically loose 15 IQ points….even sussex folk know it.”

    Sorry about your illiteracy. Judging from your limp attempt at stereotyping, IQ points appear to be highly overrated.

  22. Aoine says:

    OK Misc – you missed the ball (intentional pun) on the serving up of soup. if there is a Kosher restaruant in Sussex – will someone PLEASE clue me in. Im tired of greasy spoons, Mexican and Chinese

    attemping to cross the aisle and work with the other side (no pun intended) is never a bad idea. whether its matzo ball soup or sponge cake, I have had some of my best conservative conversations over a bottle or two of wine. Trust me, I needed it for fortitude.

    I mean, that lack of compromise isn’t working really well for the T-jahadi now, is it?

  23. Miscreant says:

    Can’t a guy just bust some balls (sorry Pandora) and defend his turf without being misunderstood?

  24. aoine says:

    mis……you are not bad….just drawn that way…..

    bust away……..didnt mean to misunderstand ya

  25. Truth Teller says:

    i am waiting to see what action will be taken against the Sussex county Clerk of the peace for he has already stated he will not preform this service which would place him in violation of his oath to uphold all the laws of the state. we all know that he is a nut job bigot

  26. jpconnorjr says:

    No “Memorable Unions” ? George this is shocking that you would be the POS you are rather than uphold the law.:) Idiot

  27. Brian Shields says:

    They’re being fiscally short sighted.

    1) You can’t put a price tag on civil rights.
    2) This will bring business to Sussex County, including Short’s district. Seaford has 5 hotels. 6 if you count the Sunrise Motel.. but their main clientele are pillheads, alcoholics, and streetwalking whores.

    This brings a specialty wedding industry to Rehoboth. Caterers, florists, etc.. It brings friends and family. They need a place to stay, Seaford’s hotels are cheaper than those on Rt 1, and naturally will see more business. They will need to eat, they will need to gas up. They will spend money locally that wouldn’t be in your district without Civil Unions.

    Why are you against growing your local economy, Danny? You don’t want your constituents to have increased business, jobs?

    So shut up, Short. You lost the battle. Grandstanding now won’t make you look any better.

  28. Brian Shields says:

    Truth Teller,

    The law passed allows him not to perform them, but as Clerk of the Peace has to permit/authorize other to do so, or face a fine per license request.

    It allows him to remain being a closed minded bigot, and pass the buck to someone else.