Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on April 25, 2011

Welcome to your Monday open thread. How was your Easter weekend? I know many of you with kids are probably vacationing this week because of Spring Break. Enjoy yourself!

There were some longer stories that were published in the last week that are worth a read.

The Los Angeles Times published a story on life near Chernobyl. I imagine you can guess – it’s pretty awful.

Mother Jones published an article on science denial – “The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science.”

George Lakoff discusses Obama’s speech on the deficit and how he has returned to his moral vision.

Enjoy some good news, Gabrielle Giffords continues to progress in her recovery.

Dr. Dong Kim, the neurosurgeon who oversees Giffords’ care at TIRR Memorial Hermann, said she “is maybe in the top 1 percent of patients in terms of how far she’s come, and how quickly she’s gotten there. I think the question, then, becomes, how far is she going to go?”

She speaks mostly in single words or declarative phrases but is frustrated by longer sentences, which she needs to construct first in her mind. Once the sentence is formed, she can speak clearly and at a normal rate. Her staff also brings her office memos and articles for her to read, and the plan is to soon start giving her simple House resolutions to read.

Giffords has limited but improving use of her right arm and leg, and she can stand on her own and walk a little, according to Dr. Gerard Francisco, the physiatrist working with Giffords. She’s “pretty close” to walking independently, Kim said.

“She shows a lot more independence right now — that’s what’s emerging,” Francisco said. “She’s her own person.”

Her doctors say she appears to have been spared the depression, personality change, behavior problems and trouble relating to others that can accompany injuries like hers.

That’s very impressive. I have no doubt that Gabrielle Giffords has a bright future in front of her. It’s only been 16 weeks since her injury.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    That was fast! The law firm who was supposed to represent the House to defend DOMA says No Thanks to Boehner and Paul Clement resigns from the firm. Clement will still represent the House, but he’ll probably have to get his help from Regent University now.

  2. anon says:

    Supreme court ruled not to take the Virginia challenge to affordable health care. Will the repukes now be calling the Supremes a “bunch of liberals”…

  3. anon says:

    Fat ass right wing rascist Haley Barbour NOT running for President.

  4. anon says:

    Birther Orley Talitz is now working with Benjamin Netanyaho. This could get very interesting for democrats.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    We should all give Haley Barbour credit for realizing that his racisim won’t play outside of Mississippi:

  6. MJ says:

    Hopefully the Israeli electorate will have enough of Bibi and vote him out at the next election. Orly Teitz won’t help him. They’ll wonder what he’s doing with this meshuganah.