Delaware Liberal

DNC On The GOP Budget Plan: It’s Not Playing Well

It looks like Democrats are poised to make the Paul Ryan budget plan the issue of the 2012 campaign. The DNC released this video featuring some of the angry town halls.

Side note: Don’t you want to punch Sean Duffy (the guy who can barely make it on $174,000) in the face when he tells constituents they can have their own townhall?

Meanwhile, the townhall problems continue for the Republicans. Rep. Allan West will now only take pre-screened questions and won’t let constituents ask them. New York Republican Charlie Gibson faced angry voters who demanded that the rich be taxed. Paul Ryan got heckled at his own townhall and snuck out the side door to avoid protesters. Don Imus questioned Eric Cantor on his plan to cut taxes for corporations that don’t pay taxes.

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