That’s Going To Leave A Mark

Filed in National by on May 1, 2011

President Obama positively skewered Donald Trump last night at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy. According to accounts of people who were there, Trump was not pleased and left quickly.

I’m almost sad that the Trump bubble will end so early.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. pandora says:

    Ouch! If you haven’t watched the entire video, do so now.

    The best part is that Donald Trump has no humor. He is incapable of laughing at himself. He has obviously surrounded himself with sycophants.

    My bet is on him taking this very personally. His reaction to this – more money on the fact that he won’t be able to brush this off and move on – will be priceless. Perhaps he’ll puff out his chest and call the President a MFer.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Talk about having the last laugh, and apparently Seth Meyers got in some bashing too.

    But definitely watch the whole thing — it is nice to be reminded of how smoothly Obama can smack people back. The President’s Speech thing is hysterical.

  3. skippertee says:

    Trump is a ego maniacal punk.
    He’s been trying to make up for the humiliation of his first day as a military school cadet when he was harshly braced by a senior and cut the cheese from fear.
    The senior cadet asked: ” Damn cadet, how’d you know I’d rather hear a fat boy fart than a pretty girl sing?”
    For the first time in his life, the “donald” was speechless.
    And the urine flowed like the hot glue keeping his “hair” in place.

  4. Don Joe bob says:

    As Seinfeld said Trump is God’s gift to comedians.

    See my take at

    Don’t miss Trumps real name in “Ruling the World”, or ‘Baldy Trump the Joker’.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Meyers was hysterical! That was an even better smackdown of Trump and he just kept hitting him. But there’s lots of good stuff there — just put down any liquids before watching. It is that funny.

  6. MJ says:

    I loved the new view of the White House Casino and golf course. And the POTUS’s birth video was hysterical.

  7. Brian Shields says:

    I love Obama’s intro.. Epic. I can just see him walking on stage to Hulk Hogan’s music on campaign stops, tearing open his shirt.. waving his hand around to listen to the crowd to the left, to the right, to the center. LOL

    I had a perfect idea for a royal wedding hat spoof. A live baby, just giggling and kicking up there while everyone pretends it’s normal. LOL.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    And the Brits pile on — a perfect deconstruction of modern day GOPism as seen in the candidacy of Donald Trump.

  9. jason330 says:

    Thanks for that link Cassandra. Excellent take on Trump. The eventual nominee will hold each of those four main crackpot articles of GOP faith, but will be able to articulate with more subtlety than Trump.

    There was also this in the closing:

    “The tragedy is that Obama needs serious opposition – but not from this direction. In reality, he is funded by similar destructive corporate interests, and has only been a few notches closer to sanity than these people. But faced with such overt lunacy, he seems like he is serving the bottom 99 per cent of Americans much more than he really is.”

  10. Auntie Dem says:

    Great article Cassandra.

    How embarrassing it must have been to sit in that huge room full of people laughing at him.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    It was *more* than people just laughing at him — he was booed when he came in, and he apparently didn’t expect that President Obama would “address” (Translation: wouldn’t get uppity with) him.


  12. skippertee says:

    Trump seems stunned that the ” house negro” would dare speak his mind in mixed company.
    He just doesn’t seem to grasp that the President lives in the White house and it is he who must come as a supplicant.
    Trump’s run for the presidency is either a huge publicity stunt, which is obscene, if true, or the power/sex fantasy he’s using for the stimulation needed to keep his trophy wife satisfied.

  13. Miscreant says:

    “He just doesn’t seem to grasp that the President lives in the White house and it is he who must come as a supplicant.”

    Interesting choice of words, but I don’t think even this president is so arrogant as to expect supplication. As always, I could be wrong.

  14. skippertee says:

    Any businessman coming to the WH wants something.
    My choice in using that word is valid.
    The President could use a little more arrogance.He’s too timid and easy to out-maneuver by the BLUNT-SKULLS, at least up to now.IMHO

  15. cassandra_m says:

    I wouldn’t have used *supplicant* and I’d bet alot of money that Obama wouldn’t, either. But it is noted that Trump had no expectation that his shenanigans would go uncommented on by the man that Trump has been working hard at trying to trash in the stupidest form possible.

    In line with that Independent article I linked to above, I wonder if Trump’s expectations here reveal something bigger. As in, the teabagger thing is supposed to be for the cameras — once you get among the grownups, it is supposed to be understood that you are only playacting for the crowd that can’t manage much more than the playacting.