I Almost Forgot… There’s A Republican Presidential Primary Debate Tonight

Filed in National by on May 5, 2011

Here’s the line-up:

Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza
Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico
Ron Paul, U.S. Representative from Texas
Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Minnesota
Rick Santorum, former Senator from Pennsylvania

That’s quite a cast of characters.  And from where I’m sitting only one, Tim Pawlenty, has a chance at winning the nomination.  Appearing with this group may help Pawlenty by making him appear reasonable by comparison.  However, given that he’s been courting the Tea Party, what he says tonight may end up merging him into the pack rather than separating him from it.

Pawlenty has quite a balancing act to perform tonight.

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Delaware Libertarian says:

    Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are going to do a team beat down on the neo-conservatives (Santorum and Pawlenty) and their inability to reconcile their big government military-industrial complex foreign policy views with their alleged support for balance budgets and smaller government.

    “War is the health of the state.”

  2. jason330 says:

    The best thing about Republican debates is the participants willingness (eagerness) to draw blood.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    And isn’t interesting that the other clowns trying to get in the car won’t be there?

    No Romney, no Huckabee, no Newtie, no Palin!

    FORGOT: No Bachmann! Who is waiting to be anointed before making her decision to run.

    Yes folks, she said anointed.

    When do we have the conversation on whether these repubs are born crazy or if they can choose not to be?

  4. Republican David says:

    Romney, Bachmann and Gingrich are in so I do not understand why they did not participate except that it is way too early.

  5. anon says:

    Did any of you actually watch the debate? I did. I was amazed at how three of the 5 believe in water boarding. Ron Paul is right on the wars but dead wrong on domestic spending for all social programs. According to Paul the only thing government is good for is the military. Cain seemed to be an bit like Trump for my taste. The scariest of them all is Rick Santorum. None of them appear to know anything about the Geneva Conventions, International rule of law, or due process. All of them would forever change this country into a backward, uneducated society. They all support Ryans plan if you read between the lines.

    Republican David…why not let all those who dont have a shot go first. Am sure they all listened to the applause lines and will be using those talking points for their own, even though they would lie and cover up their true beliefs. After watching these bunch of 3rd tier candidates…Obama will be a shoo in.

  6. Rusty Dils says:

    One time when I was in 5th grade I played on my school basketball team. We beat our arch rivel 52 to 4. A couple of weeks later we were to play them again, and our coach, wanting to be a nice guy set us up by quarters in stead of by first string and second string.
    So everyone got a chance to play, all game long. We lost that game by 2 points. Taught me a valuable lesson about overconfidence that I have remembered my whole life. If Mitt Romney were not going to be in the race, then I would say you might be right about Obama being a shoo in. So you just sit back and relax, and keep thinking Obama is going to be a shoo in.