Welcome to your weekend open thread. It looks like it’s going tombe a beautiful weekend, so why are you reading a blog? Why am I typing on one?
So, some conservative bloggers went collectively nuts over nothing. Yeah, I know, water is wet, the sky is blue.
Hours after President Obama left ground zero yesterday, ABC News’ Jake Tapper tweeted a photo of an American flag being removed from a building there. “One minute to air and they decided to take the flag down from the live shot!” he wrote, referring to the live shot he was about to do for a news segment. Upon discovering this, conservative bloggers quickly descended into fits of hysteria, because they assumed that Tapper had meant the flag was taken down earlier in the day right before Obama had gotten there. Michelle Malkin asked, “Does flying the American flag at Ground Zero now constitute “spiking the football???” Another blogger, Doug Ross, went further off the deep end:
This administration and, by extension, the Democrat Party are now so thoroughly divorced from the history, traditions and morals of America that we might as well admit the Marxist left has executed a successful coup d’état on this Republic.
Remember all that crap about the flag pin? I call that proto-birtherism. It’s back, baby! Someone wrote on a blog recently (I can’t remember which one) that people might take conservative Obama critiques more seriously if they didn’t freak out over every small thing. It doesn’t look like they will follow this advice.
So, ummmm….yay Florida? Florida finally banned bestiality and it also outlawed students showing their rear ends?
The bestiality bill (SB 344) bans sexual activity between humans and animals and has been championed for years by Sen. Nan Rich, from Sunrise.
Rich took up the anti-bestiality fight after a number of cases involving sexual activity with animals in recent years, including a Panhandle man who was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat during a sex act and the abuse of a horse in the Keys. The bill would make such acts a first-degree misdemeanor.
Also passed by the House and Senate Wednesday is the so-called “droopy drawers bill” (SB 228), will will force students to hike up their pants while at school.
Students caught showing their underwear or butt crack could face suspensions and other punishments.
I wonder what Florida will do if a mooning picture makes it into the school yearbook? Is the fine doubled?