Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on May 11, 2011

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. I hope you voted in your school board elections yesterday. Remember, it’s easy to manipulate the process if people don’t vote.

Another clown for the clown car? The GOP is looking at their presidential field and yawning. Now they are talking up Rep. Thaddeus McCotter. (You’re probably having the same reaction as me – who?)

Sources around Capitol Hill are chatting up a dark horse candidate for the 2012 Republican nominee for president, I’m told.

Conservative Republican donors and grassroots activists, who have raised concerns that there is not yet a true Reagan conservative in the GOP presidential primary are privately encouraging Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, Michigan Republican, to look at a potential entry.

This is the first and probably last time I ever give you a link to the Washington Times. Enjoy!

Mike Huckabee came very close to winning the GOP nomination in 2008. He will be the favorite if he decides to enter the GOP primary. He may seem like a nice guy, but he has some interesting friends.

Huckabee has joked that he “answers” to “two Janets.” One is his wife, Janet Huckabee. The other is Janet Porter, the onetime co-chair of Huckabee’s Faith and Values Coalition. And Porter, the former governor has said, is his “prophetic voice.” But that voice has said some weird things over the years: Porter has maintained that Obama represents an “inhumane, sick, and sinister evil,” and she has warned that Democrats want to throw Christians in jail merely for practicing their faith. She’s attributed Haiti’s high poverty rate to the fact that the country is “dedicated to Satan,” and she suggested that gay marriage caused Noah’s Flood. And there’s this: In a 2009 column for conservative news site WorldNetDaily, Porter asserted that President Barack Obama is a Soviet secret agent, groomed since birth to destroy the United States from within.

Huckabee is just a nicer, friendlier face of birthers. I have my doubts that he will actually run, but we should not ignore him or his ideas.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Having turned his serial adultery into a positive, Newty jumps in tonight. Dick Cheney would now have to enter the race for the GOP to have a worse field of candidates.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Just heard that 52% of Republicans still doubt that Obama was born in the USA. What a bunch of dumb paranoid people.