Who Will The Republicans Run Against Tom Carper? (and who cares?)

Filed in National by on May 12, 2011

The DP thread on this got 71 comments, so I guess there is some interest in the topic. I’m not sure why. The Rollins fiasco has burned the DE GOP’s bridges to rich vanity candidates, so crazy vanity candidates are all that’s left.

Some other tomato can pretending to be a candidate?

I guess that teabagger Glenn Urquhart still kicking around, and Christine O’Whackjob still gives teabagz a semi-stiffy… But who cares. Right? The bottom line is that Carper gets a pass from the GOP, yet again.


Carper: 67%
Some Random Republican Dumbass: 32%

(If you think I’m crazy, Carper beat Jan Ting 70% to 30%)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    Draft CoD!!!
    If she is on the scene, Tbags will be front and center in the national debate, really reminding the country what it means to vote republican.

  2. Aoine says:

    LOL @Ben – wait until they get their jockeys in a knot about the fact that Senator Carper is a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act that was re-introduced (yet again) yesterday. But he has always supported it and it is a wise move to do so.

    The Congressional Hispanic Caucus meets with Obama, Obama gives a speech about Immigration reform, the next day, the DREAM act is re-introduced, no surprises there. It will be defeated in the House, may pass the Senate, but untimately won’t go anywhere, yet again.

    This is just another chance for the Dems to hold the Republicans feet to the fire on an issue they won’t budge on (quadruple the Border patrol, more drones, a moat maybe?, alligators in the moat?, a higher wall?) who know what “tighten border security” really means -they won’t quantify it and have made it an un-achievable goal anyway. Even the Iron Curtain and East Germany could not “SEAL THE BORDER”.

    So immigrant childrenwill be hung out to dry, again for the sake of politics and the Repubs are going to have to own their vote and justify it to the (per the Census) larger and every growing Latino population.

    But, then again,Texas might go blue like California did! all those increases in population the Rs were crowing about after the Census numbers were released in Republican States like Texas, have turned out to be mostly Latino, and the Rs are not very popular with that demographic right now anyway. After the scarey rhetoric and the demonizing that is sure to come now that DREAM is back, they will be even less popular.

    Nice move Obama….way to do it on the backs of immigrant children.

    We already know how ugly the Republicans are on this issue, obviously you felt we needed a reminder. Thanks anyway, but our memories are pretty good.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    “We already know how ugly the Republicans are on this issue, obviously you felt we needed a reminder. Thanks anyway, but our memories are pretty good.”

    no they arent. morons in michigan, wisconsin, maine, florida…. the list goes on… are for some reason surprised at the thuggish totalitarian antics of their new republican Govs because it only took 1 election cycle to forget what R’s represent. Americans need to be constantly reminded of the threat to liberty than the GOP and COnservatism represents.

  4. Aoine says:

    @Ben – OK, but the “we” I am referring to is the Latino community.

    WE KNOW how ugly the Rs are about this – we feel it every day – WE have to have papers in Arizona, and maybe now Georgia too

    We can’t speak Sapnish in public without being singled out, we can’t DWB (drive while Brown) without being stopped and on, and on

    unless you walk in our shoes, you don’t feel it, live it, breathe it every day like WE do

    case in point – I called it – I know this would happen:


  5. socialistic ben says:

    well that is good to hear Aoine. (not the whole discrimination stuff, but that the Latino community knows whats up)
    I dont claim to know what another group goes through. I just know on the whole, Americans have no memory and tend to be distracted be shiny objects…… then have no idea why their rights are suddenly gone and some company from another state is telling them to vacate their home.

  6. Aoine says:

    @Ben, I got ya! – agreed

    its just that our bright shiny object is immigration reform and allowing families to be together, instead of being ripped apart, for immigrant children, who have broken no laws and to whom America IS home, to be able to stay.

    They are only asking for the right to EARN a path to citizenship – no handouts. Economically, the US has already educated them, as required by Federal law – why not cash in on the investment already made and harness their energy? Good for them, good for everyone. Its bad economics not too.

    But mean-spirited, nativist racism knows no logic or reason.

    That is the issue, we know it, they just won’t admit it.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    When pressured, they claim that “american culture” is under attack. If they are referencing the idea (as what happened with texas) that white people can force brown people off their land with a gun, then claim it as their ancestral homeland….. then yes. that should be under attack. Maybe their “proud heritage” doest include slavery, lynchings, etc in their cholesterol clogged memories, but its still there. I, for one am for total amnesty and a “both ways” approach to language. Spanish (being the most common immigrant language” will be required curriculum for all US schools, while English (the most widely spoken language in the country) becomes the official language.
    Now incase any liberal fire is about ot rain down on me, let me explain with this sentence. If i move to China for work, Im learning enough Chinese to where i can function in society. Not being able to communicate with your countrymen isolates you and limits your ability to advance.

  8. Aoine says:

    @Ben again, agreed – but then you are a thinking, reasoning person.

    Immigrants also know that learining Englih is a way to a better life here. That is a given.

    And they struggle with jobs and families to do just that.

    And on the language issue – studies have shown that learining more than one language actually increases thinking and learning abilities. It is actually GOOD for us to be multi-lingual, the earlier the better.

    I just fail to understand the nativism and the fear. I would hate to be so closed an individual as that. As far as I see it, I am limiting my options and ensuring that my world has become shrunken.

    We are all richer for the food, the culture, the music, the languages that others bring with them. Acculturating/acclimating will happen. and Acculturation as opposed to assimilating – one keeps the original culture but embraces the new as well – it is inclusive.
    The other, assimilatization, rejects the original culture and replaces it with the new. It is exculsive.

    Of course the right-wingers will be looking for my head on a plate for being un-American and not loving this country. How dare I float the idea of acceptance!

    Oh well, bring it…wont be the first time.

  9. socialistic ben says:

    I dont understand the Nativism out of hand. The true “natives” of this land as kept in concentration camps by the European invaders. Unless they are all afraid that the uppens are commin, i just dont see how they can legitimize any kind of xenophobia.

  10. skippertee says:

    Fuck the BLUNT-SKULLS!
    I’d like to primary this Lazarushian-leather-faced, DINO, carpetbagging, never met a banker he wouldn’t blow son of a bitch.

  11. I thought COD was thinking of running for governor. Perhaps Republicans will tap their bench – Tom Kovach anyone?

  12. jason330 says:

    For Kovack to run statewide, the DE GOP would need to figure out how to make it a special election.

  13. phil says:


  14. delbert says:

    The sad thing is that the Carperbagger is pretty much unbeatable without a sex scandal, which is how he got elected into the House in the first place by the way. His base in Upper New Castle County is just too strong, as Roth found out the hard way.

  15. Prosperity Lives says:

    The Delaware GOP is dead and gone for good. All attempts to wake them up have failed. Carper could have sex with a 5 year old on tape and win.

  16. phil says:

    sex scandal? he beat his wife and still got elected. cmon, he’s unbeatable.

  17. think123 says:

    He did not beat his wife, he water boarded her, which is perfectly acceptable inside the sanctity of Christian marriage.