Delaware Liberal

Who Will The Republicans Run Against Tom Carper? (and who cares?)

The DP thread on this got 71 comments, so I guess there is some interest in the topic. I’m not sure why. The Rollins fiasco has burned the DE GOP’s bridges to rich vanity candidates, so crazy vanity candidates are all that’s left.

Some other tomato can pretending to be a candidate?

I guess that teabagger Glenn Urquhart still kicking around, and Christine O’Whackjob still gives teabagz a semi-stiffy… But who cares. Right? The bottom line is that Carper gets a pass from the GOP, yet again.


Carper: 67%
Some Random Republican Dumbass: 32%

(If you think I’m crazy, Carper beat Jan Ting 70% to 30%)

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