We Don’t Need No Stinking Ethics Commission!

Filed in National by on May 14, 2011

NCCo County Executive Paul Clark wants us to believe that cutting back on the County’s Ethics Commission budget is somehow good fiscal responsibility.  When in fact — and certainly given his own “ethics” history — it is utterly irresponsible to cut back the ability of this Commission to watch over the doings and interactions of individuals in County government.

Starting with Clark himself and his bias towards the development community, the way he has organized his Administration ( the Acting CAO is also the County Attorney?) and the potential conflicts of interest Kovach has down the line, it seems to me that the last thing you want to undermine is the ability of an Ethics Commission to watch over this hornets’ nest of self-interest.  And this Commission doesn’t cost all that much.  Don’t know if that means that perhaps they aren’t as proactive as they could be, but the price of this oversight is awfully small.

But we all know how Clark feels about oversight and transparency.  Time for him to stop playing hide-and-seek games with NCCo taxpayers — because the fiscally responsible way to approach government to stop with the self-serving manipulations.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (7)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Clark says that if the committee runs short of money for an investigation, he’ll pay for it our of some County Executive discretionary account.

    You gotta love how ethical that makes him look.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    And how is it fiscally responsible to have a “discretionary” account?

  3. jason330 says:

    Clark’s astounding tone deafness must be a calculated strategy. Nobody can be in Clark’s position and be as guileless as he makes himself out to be.

  4. bamboozer says:

    And it occured to no one how suspicious this would look? Off to a great start and watch your wallet sports fans.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    I think a NCC Ethics Commission should be run by someone like John Flaherty and consist of other citizens not officially aligned with NCC government and who don’t have a high profile in party politics.

  6. anon says:

    Political ethics commissions (like most ethics commissions) are usually composed of your peers. They just need better peers. That’s up to the voters.

    At best an ethics commission might have one public member.

    Ideally the goal of an ethics commission would be to set standards so members don’t get into so many damn dodgy situations requiring ethical review.

    Why do so many politicians gravitate toward careers that live or die by public policy decisions?

    I know – dumb question.

  7. Oh Well Another Year says:

    Typical thieving Democrat in NCC. Talk Talk Talk but lie lie lie.