The Guy Who Lost To Imbecilic Christine O’Donnell To Give Graduation Speech

Filed in National by on May 18, 2011

Before anybody gets all nostalgic for the “centrist” bullshit of Michael Newbold Castle, please recall that his wishy-washy-pansy-ass inability to utter one single word of criticism of the Bush administration helped usher the Teabagz onto the national stage.

The University of Delaware’s 162nd Commencement ceremony will be held at 9 a.m., Saturday, May 28, in Delaware Stadium. This year’s Commencement speaker will be Michael N. Castle, one of Delaware’s longest serving and most respected political leaders. His political career includes two terms as Delaware governor and nine terms as the state’s sole member in the U.S. House of Representatives The Commencement ceremony, which is held rain or shine, is open to the public; tickets are not required. Early arrival is recommended to avoid traffic congestion.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. anon says:

    The guy who, on the House Financial Services Committee oversaw the financial sector meltdown, and had a front-row seat to the recession that is now continuing to make it freaking impossible for the new graduates to find a job? That Michael Newbold Castle?

  2. Jason330 says:

    That’s the guy.

  3. the cajun says:

    We all know of Castle’s inability to criticize Dubya and his policies. As I remember, the “progressive” Dems were timid in their chastising of him over the years. I take issue with your “pansy-ass” reference, since of late many GLBT folks have shown more guts than their progressive “straight” counterparts.

    I am proudly, as are other Delawareans, what you refer to as a pansy, but don’t f**k with us or try to rain on our parade.

    Referring to Castle as a pansy demeans all the work I and many others have done over the past 5 decades to secure equal rights for ALL.

  4. jason330 says:

    Great point. Pansy is out of my vocabulary except with regard to the flower.

  5. Joe Cass says:

    Fuck you pansy! You want to be politically correct then stay off the internet. I’ll say gay faggot suck dick all day long dong and if you don’t like it there’s a closet waiting for you to hide in. Matthew Sheppard didn’t die because of words.

  6. Jason330 says:

    Relax Francis. The point is I was using a term of disparagement that wasn’t disparaging.

  7. the cajun says:

    We all know of Castle’s inability to criticize Dubya and his policies. I take issue with your “pansy-ass” reference, since of late many GLBT folks have shown more guts than their progressive “straight” counterparts.

    I am proudly, as are other Delawareans, what you refer to as a pansy, but don’t f**k with us or try to rain on our parade.

    Referring to Castle as a pansy demeans all the work I and many others have done over the past 5 decades to secure equal rights for ALL.

  8. the cajun says:

    Uh Joe? YOU are the type I’ve worked to educate all these years – before the phrase “politically correct” was invented.

    Second point: I have no reason to search for a closet, since people like you – a puny, hateful few, are all we have to face nowadays. Closet case, maybe?

    Third point: Yes, Mathew Shepard did die because of ‘words’ hateful words, and because of ignorance of people like you. Me thinks you protest too much.

    Open your heart and close you mouth. Learn something.

  9. the cajun says:

    Thanks Jason, I appreciate your change of words. BTW, I have no idea why my post appears 3 times. I only edited it once. Sorry, all.

  10. anon says:

    I guess “eunuch” is right out.

    I can feel the color being drained from the language like the blood swirling down the drain in the Psycho shower scene.

    One of my favorite political quotes of all time is from Robert Moses, who referred to his opponents as “eunuchs and bitches.” And he wasn’t referring to their orientation or gender.

  11. Joe Cass says:

    yeah, puny. the new acceptance is all about you. no one but you worked against bigotry and only you quelled the fear of people that couldn’t understand. fuck you, phil. how’s that for an accolade?

  12. anon40 says:

    @”the cajun”

    Get a thicker skin.

    Joe Cass & I disagree about 99% of the time, but I agree w/ him on this issue. It seems like you’re looking for a reason to be offended.

    I have no problem w/ the vast majority of LGBT folks, but militant douchebags of any stripe annoy me & will be called out accordingly. Whining about the use of the word “pansy” will not advance the LGBT cause, especially since it was applied appropriately to Castle’s voting record.

    Matthew Shepard died as a direct result of the hateful ACTIONS of two small-minded, white trash, pieces of shit. Words didn’t kill Shepard–pistol-whipping and torture did.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Christamighty. Castle doesn’t deserve to be called a pansy. Get it? Am I the only one who understood the plain English of the original comment.

  14. Joe Cass says:

    Relax Francis. The point is I was using a term of disparagement that wasn’t disparaging.
    Uh huh. Maybe “Imbecilic” is equally disparaging. Sure, I’m an imbecile but people used to put pointed hats on us and stick us in a corner. We were “separate”. We were “different”. Our parents wouldn’t accept us as “imbeciles”. We had to earn good grades in school and later become active in politics as democrats to “prove” we weren’t “imbeciles”. Finally, when Jack Markell signed the civil unions bill and I said that’s not far enough, equality means just that,I must be an imbecile. Phil McKrackin. douchenozzle.

  15. anon40 says:

    The original comment was written by anon @ 4:06pm. I understood it perfectly.

  16. Jason330 says:

    You lost me. But don’t worry, I’ll not take it as evidence that I’m an imbecile.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Seriously Joe, you are out of line. Matthew Shepard was killed by assholes who were raised in an environment where it was cool to treat a gay person as something less than human, a faggot, a pansy, whatever. It’s the same reason that African-Americans have been lynched in place where it was “normal” to use derogatory words about them.

    And when you spew vile comments like the ones above, you are continuing that long tradition of dehumanization that empowers assholes, murderers and idiots. It also strikes fear and loathing in the young that are afraid of their acceptance in the greater society.

    And if that shit shows up on a site called Delaware Liberal, what chance can they think they have with the rest of this society.

  18. Aoine says:

    OK – Im pretty and respectful – unless you r a Sussex County wind-bag…. BUT..

    I have had discussions with my LGBT friends who themselves are FED UP with the “angry gay man” scenario. I mean really, before the bill was even signed, there were cries of “not fair’ Not far enough!! etc

    So now I;m gonna say something – Ive been supporting your side of the fight for equality and acceptance for years!!! and ya know – Ive seen damm few of you out supporting immigrants and their equality.

    Those that have – eternal gratitude – but mostly its been the LGBT that have married non-citizens that suddenly realize this effects them too – then they galvanize.

    The point being – Words suck – so when you folks stop using, bitch, cunt, split-tail, carne fresco, bleeder, breeder, and dont go all shy on me now and demure – I do go to the Moon and hear it, all too often thank you, then lecture others on using language that they were using to illustrate a point – not name-call.

    Matthew Shepherd died due to ignorance and actions and a mind-set – words MAY reflect that, but not always, I use the F bomb = doesnt mean Im literal about the meaning

    So, when get over yourself and grow up and realize its not all about YOU and YOUR cause, and you ddint succeed without “straight support” come back and play….

  19. anon says:

    “it’s the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness…” – Lenny Bruce

  20. heragain says:

    Good luck, Aoine. Hatred of women is one point on which most men, of any political leaning, agree. SOME here excluded, and you damn well should know who you are, because we do. 😉

  21. anon says:

    Hatred of women is one point on which most men, of any political leaning, agree.

    What a diseased belief.

  22. socialistic ben says:

    what a generalized prejudiced comment.

  23. heragain says:

    Hey. I wasn’t the only one thinking this, today.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Someone should tape ManPants on their mortar board!

    I’d be so pissed to have that politically timid POS as my commencement speaker. Mine at UD was Tom Clancy and he was pretty good, if I remember correctly.

  25. Von Cracker says:

    And to most kids today, anyone under thirty, fag means asshole. Words change meanings all the time. So when someone calls someone else a fag because of being a complete asshole, then you must be upset with a Brit when he asks to bum fag. The Brit said the exact same word, different meaning and you know it, but the Brit gets a pass from the so-called arbiters of what can and cannot be said by other people but themselves!

    So when a major asshole comes over to this site and drops teatard propaganda, cutting and pasting OpEds from WorldNutDaily, and someone calls that person a fag, and you know it’s not a gay thing, don’t get all Nazi-lexatographer on them.

    But pansy? Yeah, that’s a little homophobic word play, IMHO.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    Heh- lexicographer, that is. Damn phone typing!

  27. liberalgeek says:

    FYI, this is Delaware Liberal, not Yorkshire Liberal.

    I guess that you think that the use of the term “fag” in the above phrase “gay faggot suck dick” is some sort of anti-smoking plea? And clearly if some asked to “bum a fag” in England, they aren’t using the word to intimidate and dehumanize.

    If they pick their teeth with a knife in England, let’s not pretend that the same knife used here as a weapon is a toothpick.

  28. Von Cracker says:

    That’s just plain stupid, LG. The context of that quote was completely filled with hate and everyone with a brain knows that was meant to be demeaning.

    You missed my point intirely…if the word fag is said, regardless of the context, to some it must be an anti-gay thing. Well I call bullshit, context is the point and words change meanings all the time, hence my statement before that most young people here use it all the time, but has nothing to do with homosexuality or demeaning gays.

    You know fag is also used as a derrogatory term in Britain, right?

  29. Von Cracker says:

    “Entirely” Geesh!

  30. liberalgeek says:

    VC – so who were you making that point toward? I thought that you were suggesting that the word was not being used in a derogatory manner.

    Sorry if I was confused.