Senate Democratic Plan Is Out!

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2011

Hope that DL is paying me and all of our contributors time and a half today.

The Senate maps are virtually impossible to read. But the Senate has thrown everyone a curve. They retain Senate District 3 (Marshall) and Senate District 12 (Connor), with Connor’s district taking on a V-shapethey combine SD’s 6 and 8 (Sorenson and Sokola), and they create a new SD 6 in the coastal Sussex County area.

As of now, there are no district maps to look at, just county and city maps, here. Frankly, they’re a mess.

Harris McDowell’s 1st District will now run all the way from the City north to the Delaware state line. Simply unbelievable.

Dori Connor’s 12th District has an utterly insane V-shape.

The 3rd picks up most of its numbers from McDowell, including ‘The Flats’.

The 5th has been crafted to be much more favorable to Cathy Cloutier, her D deficit cut in half.

Piggish Patti Blevins gets a 2-1 D edge while her neighbor Dave Sokola gets tossed in with Liane Sorenson. As always, Patti Blevins exercising ‘leadership’ on her own behalf.

And to top it off, only 16 districts show up on the sheet with all the demographic data.

Headed off to the Queen for tonight’s shows, so no time to comment more, but this is an awful plan, poorly executed and presented.


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  1. Senate Democratic Plan Is Out! : Delaware Liberal at | May 20, 2011
  1. Aoine says:

    so, who let the 5 y/o loose with the crayon?

  2. gary myers says:

    Schwartzkopf moving to Senate side in new Sussex Sen. District 6?

  3. anon says:

    Why on earth would he give up the (apparent) Speakership in favor of being a back-bencher to the DeLucaites?

  4. Lori M. says:

    Wow. Can’t understand the hate against Patti Blevins. She is one of the best people (and more progressive) people in Dover. Me thinks you have a personal vendetta to get so personally insulting.

  5. MJ says:

    John Brady lives in the new SD 6.

  6. Aoine says:

    maybe the new Senate District is for….drumroll…Andy Staton?

    he’s been positioning……

  7. anon says:

    Interesting that the new 19th includes more of the greater Georgetown area, not less. It would have been very easy to slice the town up and move Joe Booth into the 21st (the Venables/Short/Phillips territory) – he just barely lives in the current 19th. Now he’s got more of the Indian River School District, where he previously served on the school board.

    Since the Dems didn’t run anyone against him last time around, this raises questions in suspicious minds, like mine. Did they cut a deal with Joe?

    The 21st also continues the tradition of including the bump of Seaford on top, which is odd considering the Democrats have a nonexistent farm team from that area.

  8. Lori M wrote:

    “Wow. Can’t understand the hate against Patti Blevins. She is one of the best people (and more progressive) people in Dover. Me thinks you have a personal vendetta to get so personally insulting.”

    Nope. I’ve seen her operate for close to 20 years now, since the beginning of her career. She’s always been about herself, even more than most of the narcissists down there.

    And she’s done pretty well for herself, head of the ‘Delaware Helpline’, every bit as blatant as what went into DeLuca’s Dep’t of Labor job.

    Remember her ‘We were too tired’ to pass the scholarship program last June 30?

    And, as a putative leader, she willfully puts Dave Sokola at risk so she can have a 2-1 D plurality in her neighboring district.

    I did not personally insult her. I called her behavior ‘piggish’, and I stand by that because that’s exactly what it is, was, and continues to be.

  9. M.Opaliski says:

    A deal was cut which prompted a ‘Not Voting’ response in the 19th when the Pro Tem spot was on the line? Never.

    Oh and hey, thanks, you can have Long Neck too.

  10. working hard says:

    El Som is right on target about Blevins…..Blevins is about Blevins, and that IS the bottom line. She is only a progressive when it is convenient for her….as a leader, she has buried progressive issues, only to jump on board when she is not at risk, or issues are already resolved…blevins is the master of taking credit for as much as she can, at the detriment of those that actually do the work…The Senate redistricting is just one more move to further build Patti’s kingdom. I expect that she is looking to further solidify her ultimate control by putting her predetermined cronys in SD 5 and 3….she continues to build her alliances in the house….if she suceeds, look for her to be the most powerful person in Delaware…she is more dangerous than Minner because she is smarter, vindictive, controlling, dishonest, and deceitful…stay tuned!

  11. orestes says:

    “John Brady lives in the new SD 6.”

    So does Dave McBride.

  12. phil says:

    This is how clueless and self-destructive the Republicans are:

    I have a Republican friend who lives in what would be the new SD 6. He’s young, hyper-articulate, a deep thinker, good looking (for politics), and a minority.

    Someone like that doesn’t go unnoticed, and he was recruited into active politics by the very conservative element in Sussex. He says they mentored him, gave him advice and made introductions for him. But, as soon as he started saying reasonable things (for instance “civil unions aren’t the end of the world”) the same people started backing away from him.

    Then he committed the ultimate sin of arguing that COD was unelectable and would drag down everyone else. He says no one confronted him, they just stopped acknowledging him at all.

    He tells me he finally got tired of being called a RINO, so he’s pretty much disengaged from politics completely. He still stays informed, and we talk politics all the time, but I can tell he has been turned off to the idea of pursuing it himself.

  13. MJ says:

    Phil, are you referring to Bill Wong?

  14. Geezer says:

    Phil: Sad but enlightening story. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Lori M. says:

    Still astonished at your treatment of Blevins. Shows how little you know and how ignorant you are of her as a champion for women, families and those without a voice. Of course, mysogony and sexism still lives–even on the left.

  16. Right, Lori, dare to criticize a woman and it must be sexism and misogyny.

    How, then, do you slough off what I’ve written about Tony DeLuca, Colin Bonini, Greg Lavelle, among others?

    Or the raves I’ve written about Karen Peterson, Melanie George, Helene Keeley, Margaret Rose Henry, Joan Deaver, among others?

    Leave it to a Blevins supporter to play the card you’ve played. It’s called the Joker.

  17. Lori M. says:

    Wow! You are one angry dude! Get some therapy! Calm down! Explore your issues with powerful women. I am not a Blevins supporter but will probably become one after this email chain.

  18. Let’s call this Sokola/Sorenson district what it is. Payback. Payback for daring to oppose Tony DeLuca for President Pro-Tem, which both Sorenson and Sokola did. In this plan, no matter who wins, DeLuca wins. He has one less avowed opponent to vote against him.

    And, what appears to be the bizarre decision to retain the 12th for Dori Connor? That’s the labor influence coming straight from DeLuca. Connor has been propped up by labor for years. Although her health is not the best, she has begged labor for one more term. You can bet that the price of her keeping her district was a commitment not to oppose DeLuca if he’s challenged for Pro-Tem. And you can bet that whomever is waiting in the wings has labor’s (and DeLuca/Blevins’) imprimatur. And they probably live in that weird western V portion of the district. Otherwise, why carve the district that way?

  19. Geezer says:

    “A champion for women…” = a champion for Patty Blevins

    “…families…” = Yes, I notice her daughter got a job working for Matt Denn. I wonder how?

    “and those without a voice.” Really? Such as whom? And in what way did her “championing” these people differ from the support shown by other Democrats?

    Of course, self-righteous posturing still exists — especially when it comes to bereft-of-accomplishments “leftists” like Patty Blevins.

  20. Geezer says:

    “Explore your issues with powerful women.”

    Sorry, sweetie (misogyny intended), but Patty Blevins is not and will never be a “powerful woman.” She’s a figurehead. She serves at the pleasure of powerful men — or did you think she managed to get her cushy state jobs by herself?

    “I am not a Blevins supporter but will probably become one after this email chain.”

    I am not a farmer but I might as well become one if I have to smell that sort of bullshit all day.

  21. Ya gotta love ‘worry trolls’ like Lori M. First she writes:

    “Wow. Can’t understand the hate against Patti Blevins. She is one of the best people (and more progressive) people in Dover.”

    Then she writes:

    ‘I am not a Blevins supporter but will probably become one after this email chain.’

    Keep posting, Lori. We need more phony disclaimers like yours. Keeps us on our toes.

  22. phil says:

    MJ, I didn’t mean to stoke speculation about who exactly I was talking about (maybe a bit naive on my part). Like I said, my buddy has pretty much dropped out, and since I imagine there can’t be that many young minority Repubs in the area, I’d rather not narrow the field by confirming or denying who is who.

    Besides, the point wasn’t person specific.

  23. Anon says:

    This process should not be left up to the politicians–what a joke. An independent bipartisan commission could be set up to avoid the obvious political positionings. This isn’t about representing the people, its about protecting and growing the party in power’s turf. Any attempt to sell it as something else is a farce.

  24. The more I think about it, the more that the Senate map appears to have been drawn with the Pro-Tem vote payback in mind. Katz gets some more R areas from Sorenson, making him more vulnerable. Cloutier, who ‘took a walk’, gets a more favorable district. Two DeLuca opponents (Sorenson/Sokola) get shoved into the same district. Colin Bonini ends up with a more favorable district, which is hard to do. Harris McDowell is rewarded with a district that could possibly engender a court challenge–except that the Rethugs made out better in this plan than they had any right to expect. So don’t look for a challenge.

    The problem with such a plan is that it’s shortsighted, focusing on the recent past instead of on what lies ahead. It could well ultimately cost the D’s two seats (Sokola and Katz, see a pattern there?) while strengthening what were tenuous GOP holds (Bonini and Cloutier) in two others. But what do you expect when vindictive neanderthals have the final say?

    Oh, and Lori M? If Patti Blevins is such a great progressive, why, as Majority Leader, would she countenance a plan that places true progressives like Sokola and Katz at risk when other alternatives were readily available?

    No need to answer. It’s a rhetorical question.

  25. Some more thoughts. (This is what happens when you have to write a piece ‘on the fly’ and don’t get a chance to mull it all over.)

    Assuming that Sen. Marshall follows through on his stated plans not to seek reelection, then the 3rd SD is made to order for Rep. Helene Keeley, and I’d be surprised if she didn’t take the plunge. She is no longer in the leadership picture in the House, and the SD is ideal for her. She has also worked with Sen. Blevins on certain party-related projects, and no doubt would have her support. I like Helene, have seen her grow in office, and always get the sense that she’s trying to do the right thing. So, Blevins ties notwithstanding, I’d be rooting for her.

    Assuming that happens, then the 3rd RD will be fascinating to watch during primary season. This is the most ethnically and racially diverse RD in the state, and will likely attract numerous candidates. The winner is just as likely to be white, Hispanic, or black. I see no clear-cut frontrunner.

    More stuff as it comes to me.

  26. Geezer says:

    “This isn’t about representing the people, its about protecting and growing the party in power’s turf. Any attempt to sell it as something else is a farce.”

    I am not aware that redistricting has ever been sold as anything but power politics, so you can rest easier.

  27. anon says:

    If it comes to Sokola vs. Sorenson, Sokola could well win. Sorenson got 51% in 2008 against John MacKenzie, and the new district shows a slight Dem edge (but plenty of I’s). A kooky GOP Presidential candidate could provide an “O’Donnell Effect” election for Democrats everywhere. Aided of course by whatever teabagger runs against Carper.

  28. anon says:

    While they are at it, can they manage to redistrict Protack into Pennsylvania, or is that asking too much?

  29. Jason330 says:

    From what ElSom says in these comments, I can infer that the Dem redistrict-ors are either stupid or corrupt. Perhaps both?

  30. Naomi K. Syken says:

    Considering the outcomes shown here by both parties, let it go to the courts to decide. That which of course is something no-one wants, but the courts will use the census population to be the “dividing” lines which is how it is supposed to be done right?

  31. SussexAnon says:

    Re: Blevins.

    When it comes to politicians, at the end of the day, it IS all about them. The list of “its not about me, its about you” politicians, especially here in Delaware, is short. It takes a lot of ego to be an elected politician, to think otherwise is foolish.

    Perhaps if Blevins district was more progressive than she could be more progressive. Or if the progressives were more active there and delivered more votes for her, she would listen.

    Just because a politician doesn’t agree with you 100% and vote for every single bill you want does not mean they are evil incarnate. 20% disagreement is still 80% ally.

    As for “progressive” republican’ts here in Sussex? Been there. Done that. It is far easier to discuss fiscal restraint & limited gov’t in the Democratic party than womens rights, gay rights, immigration in the Republican’t party.

    John Brady took a thrashing from people in his own party down here during elections. So don’t expect a minority moderate Republican’t coming out of here anytime soon. It won’t work, even in Rehoboth area because we are surrounded by tea baggers.

  32. Geezer says:

    SA: The dislike of Blevins isn’t over 20% of her votes, or her ego. It’s about using the office for her personal advancement. To put it in Sussex terms, I would still dislike John Atkins even if he were the most progressive politician in the state because of his self-serving behavior.

  33. SussexAnon says:

    Got it. Its not about votes you support or bills she has sponsored. You just don’t like her. Understood.

  34. Geezer says:

    “You just don’t like her. Understood.”

    Your poor reading comprehension skills demonstrate that you must, indeed, be from Sussex County. I explained why I don’t like her. Leave that part off and you clearly do NOT understand. And I feel that way about each and every legislator who acts that way, regardless of party or political philosophy.

    John Kowalko’s district is no more progressive than Blevins’. So much for your theory.

    I also don’t like disingenuous Democrat Party toadies, hint hint.

  35. statona says:

    Yep, those lines look very good in the new 6th!

  36. MJ says:

    So what’s the thought of McBride switching to the new 6th? He’d be the incumbent and who would challenge a sitting incumbent?

  37. SussexAnon says:

    Kowalko is an anomoly. A progressive party of one.

    Always fun to have a discussion on this board until the snarky put downs come in. Perhaps the know-it-alls should stop sitting on the sidelines and actually run for office and see how well that goes.

    And its DemocratIC Party.

  38. phil says:

    McBride switching to SD 6 would be hilarious!

  39. MJ says:

    Phil – he lives in Lewes in the new district.

  40. The joke is that he basically lives in Lewes–but maintains an official residence in the 13th. It’s why I half-seriously suggested that the 13th be eliminated and that McBride run in the newly-created district.

    Don’t worry, though. He’s still gonna run in the 13th, the 6th is clear for whatever residents want to run there.

  41. phil says:

    I know he does. It’s funny because he just spent so much time pretending he didn’t

  42. MJ says:

    Well whoever runs, there will be a primary on the D side.

  43. ComicBookGuy says:

    “While they are at it, can they manage to redistrict Protack into Pennsylvania, or is that asking too much?”

    Best post ever.

  44. I Can't Take It says:

    Was that a gunshot coming from the GOP HQ? The new plan for reapportionment is the end for the GOP on both the House and Senate side.

    So Lavelle will have to fend for himself and be a party leader also?


  45. Free Market Democrat says:

    Lavelle lives in the 5th SD. I’m just sayin’.

  46. No, Lavelle lives in the 4th (Katz) as does Debbie Hudson. Either could run for the Senate District. And Katz would likely be the underdog w/a 2000 R plurality in registration.

    DeLuca and Blevins have, in effect, screwed at least 2 out of three of their progressive opponents, Katz, Sokola, and/or Sorenson. The Disappearing Duo of Connor and Cloutier, both of whom owe their ongoing legislative existence to DeLuca’s organized labor cronies, survive.

    And THAT, my friends, is the real story of the Senate redistricting plan.

  47. anon says:

    I’d like to see Joan Deaver run for the new SD 6 seat, though she is desperately needed on County Council. I figured the new RD 20 would be drawn for John Brady, but he’s in the 14th by a hair, the 20th was drawn for Russ McCabe, who will make a great Rep we can all be proud of.

    Is Schwartzkopf thinking about a move to the Senate and then Brady can run for the 14th RD? Brady has a much better chance in the 14th RD than he would have in the new SD 6, SD 6 includes Milton and there is some resentment there from when Brady was the town lawyer.

    Republicans in Sussex will run far right social conservative warriors for all seats because people like Vance Phillips (Glen Urquhart’s puppet boy), Eric Bodenweiser and Christian Hudson are forcing everyone who isn’t waiting for the Rapture out of the party.

    The 2012 election season in Sussex will be pure entertainment now that the Sussex GOP has decided lying, smearing and gay baiting is how Jesus wants them to win elections. G-d help us all.

  48. Frankly, Anon, I’m not sure how much, if at all, John Brady figured into redistricting.

    I voted for him for IC, I like him, but he didn’t run much of a campaign against KWS. My experience is that bad campaigners rarely improve all that much. I hope John proves me wrong, but I suspect Pete, in particular, has his doubts.

    It’s at best 50-50 that Gilligan returns and, if so, it would almost certainly be his last term. Pete could well be speaker after the 2012 elections. I highly doubt he’d trade that for standing in line behind DeLuca, Blevins and their, wait for it, ‘ilk’.

  49. ALL SEEING says:

    McDowell has redrawn his district to cut all challengers. Thritysix years is not enough for this has been. I feel the people will wake up to this do nothing that continues to suck the government tit.

  50. Actually, McDowell could well finally be vulnerable to a challenger from outside the City.

    Although I admit that I personally like him, what bothers me the most is that, in addition to being rarely seen in Wilmington, he’ll be seen even far less outside the City.

    There’s been a lot of Claymont talk in these threads, but they’ll have a tough time getting any attention from Harris.

    Although…McDowell has been a vocal advocate for commuter rail. Maybe HE can do something to help upgrade the Claymont station and help turn Claymont into the ‘walking community’ envisioned by the area leaders. That might forestall an effective challenge.

    But I’m not holding my breath.

  51. ALL SEEING says:

    This unseen man is like rotten Mackrel in the moon light. He shines and stinks and I hope he gets challenged becuse he is soooooo beatable.

  52. phil says:

    Joan Deaver may very well run in SD 6. She couldn’t possibly live any closer to the line between her district and George Cole’s, so she’s likely to be thrown in with him.

  53. ALL SEEING says:

    I see what you mean @ the draw of McDowell’s new district. I call it Maneuvering to get reelected or the political shell game. People are not that stupid anymore. They will get this creep. He only got 49% of the vote last time in a 4 way primary. Head to head is his waterloo.