Top Four Anthony DeLuca Security Protocols

Filed in National by on May 22, 2011

To keep the pack of Yakuza hit men that out are to get Anthony Deluca off the trail, the state of Delaware has instituted an extreme set of security protocols to protect our most important resident.

This is merely the tip of the DeLuca Security Iceberg.

4. There are no fewer than FIVE DeLuca look a likes that take turns going out for groceries and picking up the dry cleaning.
3. All pizza deliveries are passed through a steel locker, the outside facing and inside facing doors of which cannot be opened at the same time.
2. From perches on his neighbors rooftops, a Blackwater Private Security Detail (BPSD) continuously sweep the streets when Deluca walks his dog.
1. Undisclosed arrival and departure times from his two state jobs.

Chad Livengood provides the details.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. anon says:

    Mummblings and rumblings over at are saying this makes Democrats look bad. For me, it makes DeLuca look bad and Biden, by association, looks bad. Democrats can/will look bad depending on how they handle all of this. DeLuca is becoming the albatros around the Party’s neck. Is he really that valuable to the Party? I can’t remember the last time I heard anyone say “Hey, leave him alone, he’s my friend!”

  2. jpconnorjr says:

    I would point out that when the “investigative” folks from that “Esteemed” oraginization CRI demaded KWS info. They gave it to the most minute detail including EVERY move her car made. CRI was then able to misinterpert and misuse the material to their Heart’s content.

    Where was the AG’s concern when she was exposed to possible “Burglary” or the quite real possibility of a violent assault???????

    This is total bullshit engineered to protect a second rate punk, bully!
    Hopefully the NJ will spend a few bucks litigating this.

  3. anon says:

    DeLuca is our quantum senator. He is like Schrödinger’s Cat inside the box – as long as nobody is observing him, he can be in both jobs at once. But the act of observing him would cause him to resolve into one job or the other – therefore you are not allowed to observe him.

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    I care not to “observe” him I want somebody with a pair of balls and the power to do so to “expose” him for the POS that he is!

  5. O. M. G. love the Schrodinger’s Cat analogy, dude~!

    This sure as shit reflects poorly on Mr. Biden. How stupid do they think we are and just how mad are they willing to let the ‘unwashed masses’ get? We do not need an AG office that reeks of politics. The HIGH DEMs don’t like KWS or Chip Flowers so they crap all over them but the ones the AG protects they go completely overboard on. It is an embarrassment.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    I think this amounts to an outright coverup.

  7. jason330 says:

    I have a interview set up with Akako Kumichō regarding the cat and mouse game that the “quantum senator” is playing with the Yakuza. I don’t want to give too much away, but as a teaser I can say that the Yakuza isn’t actually out to kill DeLuca.

  8. Beau Biden has officially ‘jumped the shark’.

    His Rosemary Woods-like contortions to somehow protect Tony DeLuca from what, pizza delivery boys who were stiffed on their tips?, is a miscarriage of justice designed to ensure that DeLuca doesn’t have to abide by the laws others must. Selective justice is not justice.

    An Attorney General who enables corruption and deception from a connected state politico is no less corrupt than the official he protects. Take the opinion for exactly what it is…a carefully crafted opinion running contrary to previous opinions and designed to protect a double-dipping powerful state senator. Aided, I might add, by the bumbling State Auditor.

    Beau Biden has now officially entered that pantheon of Delaware Way corruption. Didn’t take him long.

  9. anon says:

    A big Skippertee salute to Beau!

  10. jason330 says:

    A very troubling element to this is the misuse of “security” to protect the powerful, not from harm, but from being exposed as frauds and/or criminals.

    This ruling creates a special and protected class of citizen. That sort of thing should not happen in a healthy democratic state.

  11. skippertee says:

    Thanks anon! You beat me to it.
    Slime and scum attract and morph into one another.
    I wouldn’t expect anything less from “Baby Bird” Biden or his office as it relates to giving highly questionable “cover” for DeLuca via his asst AG.
    No way the Delaware way is working for us today.

  12. working hard says:

    DeLuca’s ability to get away with his escapades is due to the entrenched Delaware way. This includes those that continue to enable him in the Senate, and those leaders and Senators that enable his corruption and deception. These individuals are just as corrupt and guilty and their number one priority is their own political preservation.

  13. jpconnorjr says:

    He has NOT yet gotten away with it:)

  14. skippertee says:

    The FIFTH protocol:
    In an emergency, if his highness must make stool at a fund-raiser, two look a likes will precede him spraying lavender and patchouli, one will sprinkle fresh rose petals upon the seat and the other two to act as chamberlains.One will wipe and the other will freshen the royal bum with Baby Wipes.

  15. Jason330 says:

    The SIXTH protocol:

    His highness will attend every other Rotary meeting in drag dressed as Patti Blevins.

  16. skippertee says:

    In cases of the SIXTH protocol, the chamberlains shall lift the hem above waist level and ensure it is never stained by the floors trod by the great un-washed. This will also prevent the noxious odors from his highnesses’ nether regions from reaching his olfactory receptors.
    GREAT care MUST be taken for those odors may act as SMELLING SALTS, forcing HIS NIBS to wake the FUCK UP and smell the ROSES of DISCONTENT throughout the REALM.