The Responsibilities of the Democratic Electorate

Filed in Delaware by on May 23, 2011

Hardly a week goes by without someone at Delaware Liberal taking a well-deserved shot at an elected Democrat. This puts the lie to screams of partisanship at us.  But further, the Democratic party has tried to be the police of their own excesses. Over the past few cycles, the Democrats have been able to put real effort into primaries with serious discussions, debates and finally elections.  Recently, a New Castle County sheriff of 30 years and a Treasurer of 2 years were sent packing in September. In 2008, the anointed Gubernatorial candidate was derailed by a politician that successfully utilized voting blocs that hadn’t voted in Dem primaries before.

Sure, these battles opened wounds that haven’t healed in some (and are even festering in others), but Delaware is better off as a result of this process of self-cleansing.  It reinforces the feeling that Dems are the adults in the room here in Delaware.

The need to purge our party of people that don’t take their responsibilities to the people of Delaware is an unending job and it takes a concentrated effort.  We have to often choose our battles so that we can win a few rather than lose a bunch of them.  In 2012, we will again be in a target-rich environment.  It is coming close to the time that we have to start picking our battles.

Up this time will be Tom Carper, Paul Clark and Tony Deluca.  I doubt that we can get all three (especially since we don’t have any obvious opponents yet), but I wonder who you think we should target to clean our own house of the stench of incompetence?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Let’s be real. Carper isn’t going anywhere. There has to be a chance of success. So, Deluca or Clark?

  2. kavips says:

    Geek stirs… Hmm.

    When one compares the discipline between the Republican armies and the Democratic ones, … It is always wise to reflect upon the armies upon both sides during WWII…

    The Axis who were extremely disciplined and run from the top, versus the American (or Allied), who suffered considerable infighting, but were actually run from the bottom up…

    It would be wise to remember that even though the discipline of the Axis worked well when initiating an attack. if failed to provide the proper intelligence required to win the entire campaign over the course of the entire war….

    Wisely put, the technique that wins, is probably the one that is superior… Open communication from the roots to the top, is necessary to survive long-term… We must always reflect, whether, having the Dems win with just “one more term”, is actually costing us down the road, by opening ourselves to the charge that Democrats kept a bad apple in place…

    Challenge is good. Wounds do heal, and even if the challenge is not successful in winning office, (look to Christine O’Donnell’s attempt on the other side,) it can provide a conduit for an open window and allow fresh air to sweep across the state, an event that otherwise would never have occurred…. 🙂

  3. anon says:

    Karen Peterson should run against Carper! She could win hands down. Are we disgusted enough with this carpetbagger…he has lots of secrets that should keep him from holding office.

  4. mediawatch says:

    1. DeLuca — he’s the vestige of all that has been wrong with the General Assembly for more than a generation
    2. Clark — he’s the accidental executive. no reason to keep him in place when his term is up.
    3. Carper — in place for so long (well, almost as long as Castle) but who’s going to replace him. Carper, Coons, Carney, Markell — the oratory may differ, but they all vote pretty much the same — moderate to liberal on no-cost, low-cost social issues, and more like Republicans when there’s a cost attached.

  5. skippertee says:

    I ditto anon. Karen in 2012!!!!!