Occam’s Razor

Filed in National by on June 7, 2011

One thing about being out of the country is that I functioned more like a normal, non-news junkie person. When your Internet access is very limited, you tend to just scan the headlines and not dig too deeply into complicated stories. One thing I did manage to catch is Weinergate or Weinerweiner, as I like to call it.

When I first heard about it, the story was that some shady RWNJs had hacked Rep. Weiner’s account and sent a lewd picture. Rep. Weiner confirmed this account by saying “I was hacked.” I didn’t really think much more of the story, figuring it would go away. A few days later I saw accounts of Weiner’s strange and evasive answers – that he couldn’t be sure it wasn’t a picture of him. I think we all understood that he meant it was a picture of him.

Some people on the left spent time trying to determine how Weiner’s yfrog (picture-sharing service) could have been hacked (with his own photo). To their credit, they did find a loophole in the yfrog security that did allow people to falsely post pictures.

So we were left with two explanations – one (floated by John Cole and no doubt others) that Weiner meant to send a direct message to the woman (which would be seen only by her) and accidentally sent a reply (the @ symbol instead of d) so it was seen by people who follow both Weiner and the woman and on his public timeline. The second explanation is that someone hacked one of Weiner’s personal photos and hacked his yfrog account, all to make Weiner look bad (perhaps to hide his criticism of Clarence Thomas).

So the truth was the much more boring and common explanation that Weiner was lying and he was sending naughty pictures to various women. This is a classic case of Occam’s Razor – the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.

The reason I’m writing this is to remind myself (and everyone else) not to fall in love (figuratively) with a politician. They will only break your heart. Politics is a game that requires a lot of compromises, some that you will hate. Politicians need votes to keep their jobs, so they will respond to prevailing winds sometimes, even if they know it’s wrong. I’m not arguing that we shouldn’t involve ourselves with politics, because it’s more important than ever that we participate. What we shouldn’t do is depend on one politician to do it for us – we have to keep pushing and push on all of them. I think it’s human nature to hope for a hero, but they are so far and few between. We should be our own heroes, realizing that changing things is a lot of hard work.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    You really shouldn’t discuss weiners and using razors, even explanatory ones, in close proximity to each other. It tends to make your male readers skiddish. šŸ™‚

  2. socialistic ben says:

    Im not sure why he hasn’t resigned yet. We kicked a Retardlican out of office for much much less just a couple months ago. He is a pig and a fraud and needs to get the hell out of the progressive caucus before he does any more damage to the cause. He no longer has any credibility or merit. The Dems need to get on replacing him NOW so that seat doesn’t go Republican.
    fuck Anthony Weiner

  3. Auntie Dem says:

    So true U.I. and thanks for reminding me.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    not true. Like it or not, there is a double standard for Democratic members. It is a much worse sin for Dems to do shit like this than republicans and we have 2 choices.
    Bitch about the inequality and watch it never change …… i site…REALITY. as my source for that..

    OR simply cut off poon-hound democratic pols like an infected limb as soon as they screw up. (and i say “poon-hound” because i have yet to see a female politican so caught up in whatever that she HAS to bang… or cyber bang… some 21 year old pool boy….. way to go, ladies)

    We have a choice between trying in vain to end the double standard, or accomplish the FAR more important task of advancing progressivism. Anthony Wiener has done a lot of damage to the progressive cause because now all anyone can think about is his package. He should be censured by the caucus of he doest resign. The DCCC should support his primary challenger and no Progressive organization worth a shit should give him any money.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Actually, he broke no laws, harassed no one, just really exercised very poor judgement. And to the tantamount to adultery crowd: it wasn’t.

    It’s up to him and his constituency if he should keep his job. Hypocrisy undermines credibility, as with the NY rep who was peruising for some strange on Craigslist, or family values thumpers getting caught having gay sex in bathrooms and frequenting hookers (illegal). What Weiner did was not hypocriphal, just stupid.

    Same people here probably forgave Ted Kennedy, no questions asked, and Weiner’s problem is nothing in comparision to what Teddy did.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Also, less than half of those polled in his district want him to resign.

    Bygones, his seat’s very safe. He might be primaried, but it ain’t going teatard.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    you have to look at the present situation to understand what a screw up this is. He was THE fire breathing progressive, and it turns out he is just a perv who cant use Twitter. The stakes are too high to suffer fools like Tony Dick. This country stand a very real chance of falling into the hands of GOTea/Koch Bros Inc. and we have to be disciplined and focused to avoid that catastrophe. We cant afford frauds like this right now. kick him out…. (that advice also applies to his stunningly beautiful new wife)

  8. Von Cracker says:

    How is he a perv? It was consensual flirting. The only one he has to be accountable to for all of this is his wife, and who knows what she’s thinking.

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this, unless something does come out to prove he is a hypocrite.

  9. Crunchy says:

    I’m with Ben.

    His actions set back the entire progressive cause. Without him, we have lost one of our most effective voices in the house.

    In addition, these actions demonstrates such a profound lack of judgment that we must wonder if he can be entrusted with other decisions. In other words, is he this fucking stupid about other stuff, too?

    This was incredibly stupid. He’s a member of congress, for Koresh’s sake. These pictures are going to get out. Did he not see Spitzer, Vitter and others go down in flames?

    We need to kick his dumb ass out of the club.

    Not that anyone asked.

  10. cassandra_m says:

    His actions set back the entire progressive cause.

    Then that cause isn’t especially worth fighting for if one person can set it all back, right?

    Not to rain on the Church Lady brigade here, but Barney Frank survived (spectacularly, I would add) a way worse scandal than this. David Vitter — a man who frequented prostitutes — survived. Bill Clinton survived (spectacularly, I would add) not just a stupid affair, but an impeachment.

    What Weiner did was stupid and immoral, but not illegal. If he is still up to fighting the fight and still up to trying to be an effective representative, then he should be able to do that if his constituents return him to office. None of these guys is perfect and I’m stunned that none of you have to face people IRL who have made their own imperfections perfectly plain.

    Vitter has the gauntlet of the Ethics Committee to deal with, but sheesh — setting back the progressive cause? There’s millions of Americans out of work and we don’t have a government that doesn’t give a shit about that and apparently the progressive cause won’t be caring about that *either* until they’ve gotten a politician that got seduced into thinking he was really above it all out of their systems.

    • The point of this post is that the cause is bigger than one politician. No, Weiner did not set back progressivism, and we will survive with or without him. He can certainly become a great champion if he weathers this storm (and I think he will).

      As far as his actions are concerned, I see nothing illegal so far. It’s not illegal to lie to journalists. Yes, you can be a smart person and still do totally dumb things in your personal life. How does Weiner’s sexting make things less true?

      This is my point. We don’t need a “progressive voice,” we need to be the progressive voices for ourselves.

      Also, when did we become the judges of pols personal sex lives? Personally, I think Weiner is sleazy but his actions didn’t affect me. That’s between him and his wife as far as I’m concerned.

  11. jason330 says:

    I’m with Cassandra. Let AW back onto the house floor to rip up the Republicans phony bullshit, and we’ll see who is setting back what cause.

  12. socialistic ben says:

    why should we compromise our morals because R’s get away with it? What does everyone think of Spitzer, or Edwards? Neither one of those pigs deserves to speak for progressives. I know I know… they (MAY HAVE) broken the law and Tony Cock just acted like a sleaze bag.

    He will not weather this storm. In the age of the internet, these pictures and on camera lies will follow him forever. An example needs to be made of him. No matter what a champion you are… of you are also a cheating pig, you will be bounced out… UNLIKE conservatives who embrace these scum bags.

  13. socialistic ben says:

    “Iā€™m with Cassandra. Let AW back onto the house floor to rip up the Republicans phony bullshit, and weā€™ll see who is setting back what cause.”

    what he’s saying could just be performance to get the attention of more porn stars. why should we give him a platform to try and get some barely legal booty?

    • why should we give him a platform to try and get some barely legal booty?

      That’s not up to you and me. That’s up to the voters in his district. I certainly understand if his constituents decide that he has betrayed their trust, and kick him out.

      As far as Spitzer and Edwards are concerned, they both did things that were illegal, which is much more severe. Spitzer’s actions also don’t negate his earlier actions taking on the banks.

      • why should we compromise our morals because R’s get away with it?

        My morals say that people’s private sex lives are their business as long as it happens between informed, consenting adults.

        My life experience also says that people lie about embarrassing sexual revelations. I don’t of many adults that want their past sex lives examined in excruciating detail. Weiner is not a family values hypocrite so I don’t care.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    Spitzer broke the law. He did what Vitter did, except Spitzer at least fell on his sword. And he probably shouldn’t have, but hey, that was his decision. Edwards didn’t (well, maybe) break the law — but he was a sleazebag. He is paying his price.

    Which is all I’m saying here. Weiner will pay whatever price his constituents want him to pay. And being a sleazebag isn’t exactly something that *disqualifies* you from being a politician.

    why should we give him a platform to try and get some barely legal booty?

    When you stop treating this thing like some reality TV show that you’ve got some emotional investment in, you might get some perspective here. Really — there is plenty of that idiocy on TV without having to twist the rest of the world into that paradigm.

  15. socialistic ben says:

    stop pretending you know less about how “the game” works than you actually do. You know damn well anything he says for the next couple years will come with a mention of his voyeur days. He is a liability. He also has shown he has very poor judgment and the causes i fight for are too important to be trusted with him.
    I get you dont wanna believe the great Anthony is just another piece of scum. but he is.

    UI, this isnt his sexual past as if it happened before he was in office or before he was married. I dont care about that. He did this as a PUBLIC SERVANT and a MARRIED MAN. He also didn’t have any kind of illustrious legislative background to balance it out (think Clinton) He just HAD a lot of promise. oh well, on to the next let-down.

  16. pandora says:

    Hmmm… how can I say this?

    I don’t care. This is his wife’s problem, or maybe not. I find it best not to assume what goes on in other people’s relationships. I’m also not big on “one size fits all” morality… I’ll leave that to Republicans. šŸ˜‰

  17. cassandra_m says:

    stop pretending you know less about how ā€œthe gameā€ works than you actually do.

    And you can stop pretending that your high dudgeon here is the only thing that matters.

    You come back and tell me how David Vitter survived. Or how John Ensign got to stay for so very long. Or how Barney Frank survived. Or how Bill Clinton survived.

    *Then* you get to invoke your BS about the Game. Because right now the only game you are playing is the usual Democratic one of crippling yourself before you really need to.

  18. socialistic ben says:

    It is funny how my anger is directed at the scum bags, and Cass’s is directed at me for being angry at the scum bags.
    Clinton survived because he had already done a lot of good. It was still wrong..AND it doesnt matter because he will never hold elected office ever again.

    Frank survived because the Internets weren’t around back then and every mis-step couldn’t be instantly tweeted to the world.

    Ensign, Vitter, the Repubs dont matter because they are scum bags just for being republican. I expect if from them.

    ya know.. it isnt even what Tony DID… more that he is such a clueless rube he thought he could get away with it. You know who is getting what is coming to him? Edwards.

    Face it, Tony used his powerful position and platform so make contact with hot young co-eds. It might not have been his original intention, but … porn star finds congressman attractive…. congressman doesn’t have the self control to say “no thanks”… instead, congressman finds a few more young girls to prey on. He doesn’t deserve his job or his wife or your support.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    It is funny how my anger is directed at the scum bags, and Cassā€™s is directed at me for being angry at the scum bags.

    You can be angry at the scum bags all you want. It is still a distraction from what counts. This man did something stupid as all get out — but nothing illegal. (I can only wish that people treat you as harshly as you want Weiner to be treated next time do do something remarkably stupid.) And the people in a position to decide if he keeps his job would be his constituents — and you aren’t one of them. If he used his position to make contact with co-eds, so what? Those co-eds were of age and apparently played along — not exactly the business of *preying*.

    I’m angry that progressives everywhere seem to not be especially angry that millions of their fellow citizens are unemployed and no one is doing anything about that.

    But I guess I forgot that sitting at your computer wailing “you’re doing it wrong!” is the MO.

    Get a grip and get upset over something that actually matters, not what your TV tells you it is obsessed by right now.

  20. Geezer says:

    Ben: Who cares what the Republicans — the people you claim are scum just because they’re Republicans — think? If people are stupid enough to vote R just because some scumbags have a D after their name, then they’ll get the government they deserve.

  21. MJ says:

    My take on all of this is BFD. He exercised poor judgment, but he’s not some right-wing family-values freak who got caught with his pants down. He screwed up, he admitted it. Let’s move on.

  22. political wizzard says:

    A.W. has a problem with his WIFE plain and simple. I suggest diamonds and lobster as a start.
    I guess it doesnā€™t bother me because I either donā€™t care what he wants to do with his junk or Iā€™m so used to our politicians letting us down that it doesnā€™t bother me anymore.
    I guess I can look past it because of his relentless talk about republican B.S. since the only way to save the Republic is to remove all conservatives and then go after the blue-dogs.
    BTW I sent him $5 for his reelection last night.

  23. socialistic ben says:

    Cassandra, i AM very upset about everything else that is going on. RIght now, more than ever, we need honest and focused people calling the shots and setting the course. There are people who are making billions of dollars while screwing the rest of the world, AND blaming it on poor people… and it’s working. We are fighting from a position that is at a disadvantage because “liberal” and “progressive” have become dirty words. Sucks to hear, huh? but it is true.
    This is why crap like this cannot be tolerated. He probably wont resign. I dont really care anymore. I can settle for ethics investigations and a shaming by Nancy Pelosi and the leadership.
    It comes down to this.. It sends a very powerful message to the VERY MANY undecided americans out there that the Progressive cause is bigger than any politician. That dishonest people will not be in charge, No matter how much we like the way they yell at Republicans.
    or if they were college buddies with Jon Stewart. I dont think that is an outlandish claim.
    A lot of what we advocate for is based in morality. Taking care of our sick, old, disadvantaged.. Educating our children, It is all a question of morals. When you claim to be advancing a moral position you have to walk the damn walk.
    “but Ben, you stupid ass hole” says Cassandra “people say Gays are immoral too!!! you want to kill the gays!!!”
    Thats right. a MINORITY of people now believe homosexuality is immoral. and THAT is the product of a lot of focused hard work and convincing the smart people that it is actually OK. Win. Next battle. Are you really prepared to defend adultery and all around sleazy behavior as something that we should allow in our leaders and role models? This isnt 1999 anymore.
    Im goin to bed.
    BTW, cass…. not even the Right Wing Baggers have ever wished harm or ill tidings on me. You’re really a mean person anonymously.

  24. phil says:

    I’m a little disappointed to hear so many people say, “It’s not like he’s a hypocrite.”

    Not having standards for your personal conduct doesn’t give you a pass to do whatever the hell you want without scrutiny.

    Being a hypocrite is an additional black mark, but the original “offense” is still just as bad.

  25. puck says:

    Weiner has delivered some lively snark on the floor of the House, but apart from that – what makes him any different from any other Brooklyn Democrat?

    True, he is a reliable Democratic vote, which is hard to come by these days. But his successor will be too.

    I don’t much care if he goes or stays, as long as he doesn’t get unseated by a Republican.

  26. socialistic ben says:

    He isnt a preachy moralist in the way that Vitter was. But he DOES talk about morality in the progressive sense. He represents our philosophy, therefor everything he does publicly speaks for progressives. This WAS a private affair until he messed up and sent it public.
    (also, twitter? REALLY? Young people in the ME are using twitter to change their lives and fuel revolutions, but all Americans can think to do with it is send porn?)
    Britebart didn’t hack his account. He sent his sleazy behavior to everyone. He has no one to blame but himself. With “heros” like Tony Dong, who needs Palin?

  27. cassandra_m says:

    Are you really prepared to defend adultery and all around sleazy behavior as something that we should allow in our leaders and role models?

    I’m certainly not defending his adultery or his stupidity. Which, of course, you know. And I pick my own role models a little more carefully, which means that Weiner wasn’t in that group. So let’s not have any more hand wringing about standards and honesty, OK?

    BTW, cassā€¦. not even the Right Wing Baggers have ever wished harm or ill tidings on me. Youā€™re really a mean person anonymously.

    I don’t think that it is especially mean to hope that you’ll know something about being on the other end of the kind of condemnation judgement that you are so willing to throw Weiner’s way. Especially since you don’t think that there is any harm to Weiner in this, but that somehow *you* would be harmed by it. You can’t be in the business of asking for more generosity than you are willing to extend, you know?

    • Personally, I’m not willing to “kick out” allies for being human. Being stupid about sex is human. My point remains – don’t put all your hopes & dreams on a politician because they are human. Just be realistic about what people can and can’t do. Anyone, especially elected officials, that are willing to speak to our progressive governing values should be supported when possible.

  28. heragain says:

    Oh, goodness me. What a tempest in a teapot.

    I’m sincerely annoyed with Anthony Weiner. I’m PO’d that, as a Democratic woman, I am once again being represented by someone who doesn’t seem to ‘get’ that his behavior exploits young women. Since this broke, I have tried to picture what I would have felt if a picture of some man in his underwear had been sent to me… even if I was flirting with him. I would have been disappointed, and upset. If it had been sent to my daughter (much more likely) I’d have been livid and called the police. The fact that these women didn’t respond that way indicates to me that they were vulnerable in a sad way, and I don’t think grown-up men should take advantage of that.

    However, I’m not in the district, so I figure they’ll sort it out.

    But this : his stunningly beautiful new wife
    He doesnā€™t deserve his job or his wife or your support. is what bothers me.

    Most of us don’t deserve our blessings. The best we can do is try to be equal to our challenges. He apparently hasn’t managed that, but that doesn’t make him different than anyone else.

    I found myself thinking so much about Hillary Clinton since this came out. She has been quoted as referring to Mrs. Weiner as “a second daughter to me.” If I was Marc Mezvinsky, I’d be minding my p’s and q’s. One day, this horndog behavior gonna make mama snap. šŸ˜‰

  29. socialistic ben says:

    If I publicly cheat on my wife while a US congressional representative then, sure. Any bad karma i have coming to me is deserved. This isnt “ran a redlight and should be tarred and feathered” We shouldn’t give up on expecting our leaders do simple things like stay loyal to your spouse… actually wife….. It seems to be only men than cant handle the apparent onslaught of potential sex partners that comes with elected office. These guys have to realize that they cant be a popular leader in the party AND get to nail college freshman. He can do whatever he wants as a private citizen. I have different standards for public servants. It’s only a 2 year term.

  30. socialistic ben says:

    But UI, i dont WANT people like that speaking out for my progressive causes. We have to be better than that. I dont know. Maybe it is because i’ve never been married or particularly sought after by the opposite sex, but it doesnt seem like a difficult thing to say “no thanks, im married” OR, if you love sex like normal people do, find someone who’s into polyamory. If he came out and said “my wife and i are into this” i’d be fine with it. This guy cant even keep a promise to the person who should be MOST important to him….. one he made not all that long ago. Why should be be trusted to champion our progressive cause. I highly doubt he’d be getting this much support or willingness to forgive if he wasn’t so good at yelling at republicans.

    heragain, you’re right. It is up to his wife to decide if he is deserving of her. But as a progressive, i can decide that i want someone else carrying the flag.

  31. liberalgeek says:

    But UI, i dont WANT people like that speaking out for my progressive causes.

    Yeah, Dr. King and John Kennedy were just such poor progressive role models because of their sexual exploits.

    Heragain, I would suggest that there is an alternative to your “sad vulnerable women” theory. It could be that they didn’t actually mind, or even, god forbid, liked it. Everyone has a different view on sexual norms and they are highly variable.

  32. puck says:

    JFK and King weren’t found out until after they were dead. The practice then was for the press to keep it covered up. I think if their extramarital exploits had come to light during their lives, the public outrage would have eclipsed the outrage over Weiner. Their careers would have been over and in fact they might have lived to old age.

    On the other hand, if that were true why didn’t J. Edgar Hoover do it already? šŸ™‚

    …hmmm… because Hoover had a few secrets of his own, perhaps.

  33. liberalgeek says:

    And every time you see the I have a dream speech, you think about MLK sleeping with a woman other than his wife? Do you giggle every time you hear JFK’s speech where he says “We choose to do these things because they are hard?”

  34. Geezer says:

    “Do you giggle every time you hear JFKā€™s speech where he says ā€œWe choose to do these things because they are hard?ā€

    I will now. Thanks a pantload.

  35. socialistic ben says:

    JFK and MLK did have those faults. And they are stains on their records. They also did a ton of good BEFORE they screwed up, so yeah. It can be forgiven. Just like Clinton. Double standard? whatever. reality is full of em.
    Weenie, however hasn’t done anything other than make a few good fiery remarks. Wanna get really cynical? he hasn’t earned it yet.
    Ask yourself this? how can Weiner now best serve the progressive cause? I think it is by sacrificing one of our own to show how serious we are. Remember, he only was presented with the opportunity to “make a mistake” because of the image he created for himself and because of the support we gave him. He couldn’t handle it.
    What if it took hi longer ot get caught, or to screw up? Different guy, same story… what if they Edwards scandal hadn’t broken until he got the nomination? What a disaster that would have been. Im just glad Weiner flamed out this early in his career. not a lot of damage done.

  36. puck says:

    “Do you giggle every time you hear JFKā€™s speech where he says ā€œWe choose to do these things because they are hard?ā€”

    Well now I will.

    But that is second-guessing. I do think a sex scandal would have ended their careers at the time.

    I don’t know how I would have reacted had I been a middle aged guy hearing about MLK or JFK infidelity during their lifetimes. In my current mindset I wouldn’t care.

  37. liberalgeek says:

    I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    Perhaps Teddy Kennedy is a better example. He drove off a bridge and it ended a young womans life. He showed EXTREME cowardice, bad judgement and perhaps lawlessness. Yet he stayed in public office for decades and did great good for the progressive cause.

  38. puck says:

    Ted is a good counterexample. He might be the beginning of a trend though of politicians NOT resigning after scandal.

  39. socialistic ben says:

    And i thank him for his contribution, LG… but i wish it were someone else that did it. Someone who never killed anybody. Maybe the lives saved by his work make up slightly got the death he caused. At the time however, im pretty sure i would have been protesting his continued involvement in public policy every step of the way.

  40. Von Cracker says:

    Who really knows what Weiner’s wife thinks or what their vows are? For all that anyone knows, she gets off on the pics. To assume she thinks just. like. you. do. is insulting to the thought of personal preference.

    All this is…is an exercise of the media’s hard on for non-news to sell soap. Let see if the talking heads would like to have their tweets and emails peruesed by the public. It’s one big joke to them; it’s an opportunity to serious, express dismay, and (here’s what really matters) to distract you from the consistent shitty job they do in addressing the things that really matter.

  41. socialistic ben says:

    The only saving grace in this, is that Breitbart will probably try and draw it out too far and end up dishonoring himself even more… i know it seems impossible.
    Clearly i am a young ignorant ideological rube who thinks that people who serve in elected office should hold themselves, and be held to a higher standard while in office. I dont care what you do after leaving office but when you are a public servant… especially one who is on the front lines of a cause, you better behave yourself, or be replaced. Maybe that is too much to ask from people nowadays. Maybe we need to just accept that good exciting politicians require lots of sex from nubile young interns and politically savvy porn stars to fight the evil machine on behalf of their people.

    maybe i should just keep my opinions to myself when other liberals disagree.

  42. Von Cracker says:

    No, not at all. Everyplace, more often than not, needs a super ego check to the group id. Just sayin every instance is unique and should be judged accordingly.

  43. heragain says:

    Suggest, LG, that the men reading here act on the probability that most mentally and emotionally well strangers do NOT crave a picture of your dick.

    Exceptions may exist, but the odds are against you finding them randomly. šŸ˜‰

  44. jason330 says:

    “…act on the probability that most mentally and emotionally well strangers do NOT crave a picture of your dick.”

    Not a bad public service announcement to make once in a while.