Buh Bye Newt?

Filed in National by on June 9, 2011

Reports are coming that Newt Gingrich’s entire campaign staff quit en masse. Since it’s irresponsible not to speculate, what do you think are the reasons? The only media speculation I’ve seen is that many of Newt’s aides had ties to Texas governor Rick Perry, so this means Perry’s in. I don’t think that explains the mass resignation.

So, is it divorce? Weiner pics?

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. MJ says:

    They didn’t get the promised Christmas gifts from Tiffany’s.

  2. Joe Cass says:

    Sudden outbreak of rationality. I almost got caught in one of those. Escaped without common sense. Woo Hoo!

  3. Free Market Democrat says:

    I think that they all just realized that they were working for Newt Gingrich’s campaign.

  4. puck says:

    I like the Perry theory. Newt is no longer a true conservative.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    It *really* is the rapture then!

  6. skippertee says:

    Stick a fork in him,then a dull knife.Then a stake through his black heart.
    Newtie,Newtie,two by four,
    He’s a motherfucking WHORE!

  7. Dana Garrett says:

    I heard on TV a few weeks ago that his campaign contributions had diminished to a trickle. Maybe the staff wasn’t getting paid.

  8. Joe Cass says:

    Someone on TPM made the comment before I could but it is the Weiner thing.

  9. puck says:

    Good Lord – please tell me there aren’t nude pictures of Newt Gingrich out there.

  10. socialistic ben says:

    I think they are at the Mutter Museum

  11. Joe Cass says:

    Tiffany’s has ’em and you wouldn’t believe what they’re asking!

  12. puck says:

    They are in a vault with the bin Laden pictures as harmful to the nation.

  13. Joe Cass says:

    All kidding aside, will the next Mrs. Gringrinch please step forward.

  14. Cpt Robespierre says:

    He wasn’t taking his campaign responsibilities seriously (e.g. going on vacation, underscheduling campaign appearances), he was losing big donors after the Paul Ryan dustup, he made a lot of media flubs early on, etc. I’m guessing in this situation, there was low staff morale, some of them began to want out, but they were afraid to pull the trigger alone, and so they began recruiting other disaffected staffers to leave at the same time to shield themselves individually.

  15. Joe Cass says:

    @Cpt Robespierre and you think the Weinr indiscretions had nothing to do with the staff hitting the bricks? you make great points but what was the proverbial straw?

  16. Cpt Robespierre says:

    I have no reason to assume anything so nefarious. Apparently he spent $40,000 and rented a jet recently for one campaign trip to Iowa. Seems to me that would do the trick, especially if they weren’t getting paid (they probably took a pay gap on the assumption money would come in later to make it up and then realized no money was coming).

  17. skippertee says:

    SB-The Mutter Museum-beautiful,just beautiful!

  18. Cpt Robespierre says:

    “One official said the last straw came when Gingrich went forward with taking a long-planned cruise with his wife last week in the Greek isles.”

  19. Joe Cass says:

    Who am I to question a Captain? It seems to me that a good part of Mr.G’s life has been, to use your word, nefarious. When it come to professional campaign staff, very few would “spill the beans”. I know I wouldn’t, I’d let the media take over and neither confirm nor deny. To do otherwise is career suicide, like the leap that fella took by disclosing on Palin. Its just not done son.

  20. Jason330 says:

    I love this about why Newt is going to stick around for a month…

    ” Had he immediately dropped out of the race, he might have created long-term difficulties for himself. To quit one month after he began, following a mass staff revolt, would have been such a humiliation that it might have imperiled his life of well-compensated punditry and speeches.”

    It is difficult to imagine that any wing nut could do or say anything that could imperil the wing nut welfare stream.

  21. SussexAnon says:

    Either his staff loved America too much and stepped out on him, or Newt has cancer.

  22. His staff is leaving him for a younger, healthier candidate.

    Some are saying the problem is Gingrich’s wife. She wants him to part-time campaign and thinks he’ll do well because the power of his awesome ideas or something. He wants to be the Twitter candidate or something.

  23. delbert says:

    Newt’s getting a little old and crusty. I don’t think he’s electable. But since the Muslim proved it is possible, I think the Mormon has a shot.

  24. jason330 says:

    Recall that Newt’s problems started when he dared to defy the Wingnut logic of the Ryan Medicare privatization budget. Total 100% orthodoxy is the only path to the GOP nomination.

    It is going to be Mitt. Note the date and time. You heard it here first.

  25. puck says:

    The media will select the winner. You’ll know it when they start treating one of them as serious and start laundering the crazy out of them.

    It’s too soon now. Rick Perry hasn’t yet begun to tear into Romney. When it’s done either they will both be knocked out, or Perry will be the anointed one, upon which the press will start washing the crazy out of his hair for him.

    If Romney is to have a chance, he needs to hire an air-conditioned luxury coach for the press to follow him around, with catering. Then they might defuse Perry’s attacks on Romney and make Perry the crazy one.

  26. SussexAnon says:

    What? No Herman Cain? Bill O’Reilly cleaned his clock and made him look like a fool in like 5 questions last night. Yes, Bill O’Reilly.

    Newt was never big on the hard work. He likes being asked questions and being the smartest kid in the room. Always giving some historical perspective because he majored in history back during wife number one. I don’t think the Catholicism thing helps him either.

    And delbert, there is a difference between being a secret Muslim and an out Mormon. Republicans seem ok with supporting closeted people, its when they come out of the closet that they lose support.

  27. Geezer says:

    “He likes being asked questions and being the smartest kid in the room.”

    That’s why he’s a conservative. In a room full of liberals, he wears the dunce cap.

  28. Geezer says:

    I’d prefer to see it settled on Celebrity Death Match.

  29. Jason330 says:

    I retract my statement that it is going to be Romney. The more I read, the more it sounds like every Republican primary voter hates his guts.

    Witht he help of the media, you can win if a bunch of people don’t like you, but you can’t win if most of the primary voters in your party hate you.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    Then who is left? GOP primary voters aren’t happy with any of their choices and all of those choices have issues with some faction of the folks who send them money.

    Newt was cruising by on his rep as being the GOP *intellectual*. As if that actually existed. Newt is doing what lots of his declared counterparts are doing — getting on the money train. He is raising his profile for bigger speaker fees, expanding his mailing list so he can ask for money and network with the media.

  31. socialistic ben says:

    “Then who is left?”

    it doesnt matter. The Teabaggers will vote for whatever empty GOP suit is on the ticket. They can only pretend to think for themselves, but when push comes to shove, they will fall in line and do what they are told. For this reason we need to take Mitt more seriously. Or else we will be in for a nasty surprise when the Bags turn out to be the same old sheepy repukes we know deep down they really are.