The Super-Duper Awesome Republican Jobs Plan

Filed in National by on June 21, 2011

All I can say is at least this is honest:

On CBS’s “Face the Nation” yesterday, host Bob Schieffer asked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) yesterday, “Do Republicans have any plans to do anything on the unemployment front or are you just going to let things take their course?” It seemed like a good question.

McConnell replied, “No, I — I think — what — what we’re doing is encouraging the president to — to quit doing what he’s doing.”

There you go. The Republican jobs plan is to do nothing and also to prevent Obama from doing anything either. I guess it’s working. Since Republicans have come into office the recovery, as weak as it was, is in danger. I can’t wait to try their other great ideas like throwing sick people off of Medicaid, firing more government workers, increasing our deficit by cutting taxes for rich people, raising everyone’s interest rates by defaulting on government debt and pretending to cut the deficit by cutting the smallest part of the budget (domestic spending). Go GOP!

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    To their credit, they are not trying to be sneaky about it. They are perfectly transparent about trashing the economy to win the White House, so there is that. The White House is the only job that matters to them.

    Having trashed the economy during the Bush years, Republicans think nothing of trashing the recovery if it helps them win the White House. It is all politics to them.

  2. Jason330 says:

    BTW – If you want to know what Republican “job creation” looks like to the country’s Republican governors, the horrible Florida Governor Rick Scott gives this tidy summary:

    Freshman Governor Rick Scott(R) of Florida says he’s in constant contact with business leaders around the world as part of his effort to lower unemployment levels in his state. He says whenever he makes a recruiting call he hears the same questions, “Tell me what your taxes are, tell me your regulations, tell me what your litigation is like.” To Scott, the message from the business community is; “If we make it more difficult, we aren’t going to succeed.”

    No taxes
    No regulations
    No ability to seek protection in the courts

    Florida is itching to be the next Hati.

  3. MJ says:

    So will Rick Scott be Papa Doc or Baby Doc?

  4. anon says:

    So, where is the democrats Jobs Plan? Its a fair question. We know the repukes ran on it to get elected, and will never deliver it…so ok, where is the democrats plan. Is their only plan to get more stimulus money out…for green jobs! Or, will they just hand it over to the banksters and hope they permit some of it to trickle down?

    Re Scott Walker: he had a press conference yesterday and had to bus in school kids and elderly to show he has “support”. Kids arrived to “homemade signs” (they didnt make) just for effect.

  5. skippertee says:

    Rick Scott is FETUS DOC.
    And Papa and Baby were PIKERS compared to the amount of dollars fraudulently stolen from Medi-care and Medi-caid by Rick Scott’s company for which IT paid an EXTREMELY high fine![I forget how much]
    Why isn’t this guy in JAIL instead of the governors’ office?
    He DIDN’T KNOW what was happening in HIS OWN COMPANY!

  6. X Stryker says:

    Unfortunately the Democratic plan involves more payroll tax cuts, which plays right into GOP messaging, and we all know tax cuts are pretty ineffective as stimulus anyway. With the Tea Party controlling the House, Dems have given up passing anything useful until 2013.

  7. Rusty Dils says:

    If it is too hot, just get out of the kitchen. Obama knew the recession he was inheriting. He could of pulled out of the race. He did not have to accept the job, but he did. Now he does not think it is fair and everyone is saying things were worse than they realized. Then they should have not taken the job. Obama needs to stop campaigning for one day. Sit his ass down in the white house, and create a plan to create jobs. Only one problem. He has no clue how to do this. So he will lose the next election. And Mitt Romney will take the 8 or 9 percent umemployment he inherits, and some way, (I don’t care how,) he will reduce unemployment to less than 5 % during his first 4 year term. We are just all going to have to be patient and wait for 1.5 more years, because the guy that is currently the president has no clue how to even run a koolaid stand, much less the United States of America.