Delaware Liberal

The Super-Duper Awesome Republican Jobs Plan

All I can say is at least this is honest:

On CBS’s “Face the Nation” yesterday, host Bob Schieffer asked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) yesterday, “Do Republicans have any plans to do anything on the unemployment front or are you just going to let things take their course?” It seemed like a good question.

McConnell replied, “No, I — I think — what — what we’re doing is encouraging the president to — to quit doing what he’s doing.”

There you go. The Republican jobs plan is to do nothing and also to prevent Obama from doing anything either. I guess it’s working. Since Republicans have come into office the recovery, as weak as it was, is in danger. I can’t wait to try their other great ideas like throwing sick people off of Medicaid, firing more government workers, increasing our deficit by cutting taxes for rich people, raising everyone’s interest rates by defaulting on government debt and pretending to cut the deficit by cutting the smallest part of the budget (domestic spending). Go GOP!

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