Rage Problem? What Rage Problem?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2011

Despite the full press of conservatives defending Prosser from charges that he tried to choke a fellow justice. Prosser just can’t help himself. He grabbed the microphone away from a reporter that was trying to ask him questions about the incident.


His defense was ridiculous in the first place – he was just defending himself and accidentally touched her neck, but can anyone continue to defend him with a straight face? Have we really come to a point where partisanship trumps everything? That makes me very sad.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    Poor old guy. Back in HIS day, not only were the females at work all secretaries, but if they DIDNT get you a scotch and a BJ, it was office protocol to choke them a little. gotta keep that pimp hand strong, ya know?
    Now, not only are women folk occupying the same jobs as the men, but so are blacks and queers…AND THEY WANT TO BE PAID THE SAME!!! ungrateful bunch, the lot of em. Well, i for one am glad we have level headed conservative men like Justice Prosser who isnt afraid to do what it takes to get his country back!

  2. skippertee says:

    I hope he blows out an artery in his brain.

  3. donviti says:

    Maybe he thought she was a man baby! yeaaaahhhhh

  4. MJ says:

    I thought she ran into his hands and forced his fingers to close around her neck.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    So what if his fellow -female – justice hauled off and gave Prosser a black eye after he put his hands on her (this would be the cassandra_m strategy)? What would the wingnut outrage look like then?

  6. MJ says:

    Some of the questioning by the reporter was ridiculous, especially his comment about it not being a royal court. Guess he doesn’t understand what a criminal investigation is.

  7. I agree the reporter was an ass but Prosser grabbed the mic after one question.