
Filed in National by on July 7, 2011

A new poll of New Hampshire Republicans show a large surge in her support and a drop in support for Mitt Romney. This comes as a surprise since Romney is considered a heavy favorite in the state.

When PPP polled New Hampshire in April Michele Bachmann was stuck at 4%. She’s gained 14 points over the last three months and now finds herself within single digits of Mitt Romney. Romney continues to lead the way in the state with 25% to 18% for Bachmann, 11% for Sarah Palin, 9% for Ron Paul, 7% for Rick Perry and Herman Cain, 6% for Jon Huntsman and Tim Pawlenty, and 4% for Newt Gingrich.

Bachmann’s surge in New Hampshire is being built on the back of the Tea Party. Among voters identifying themselves as members of that movement she’s leading the way at 25% with Palin and Romney tying for second at 16%, and Cain also placing in double digits at 11%. Only 33% of Republican primary voters in the state identify themselves as Tea Partiers though and with the remaining folks Romney’s way ahead with 33% to 13% for Bachmann, and 10% for Huntsman and Paul.

Romney’s support has dropped 12% since the last poll in April. Pawlenty, Huntsman and Gingrich look pretty bad and non-candidate Rick Perry has an impressive 7%. As of now Bachmann looks to be winning the Tea Party primary and probably only Perry or perhaps Palin can derail her. Pawlenty must be feeling pretty jealous right now because his spokesman said this about Bachmann:

“It’s going to be very hard to beat Michele in Iowa. Period,” Weber said of both the Iowa caucuses and August’s influential straw poll in Ames.

“She’s got hometown appeal, she’s got ideological appeal, and, I hate to say it, but she’s got a little sex appeal too,” he said in a phone interview. 

GAG. Also, nice sexism dude.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    good for her go Michell go baby go

  2. Republican David says:

    Nothing wrong with sex appeal. What Bachmann really has that Pawlenty doesn’t is Charisma with a captial C in her case. That is something Weber can’t say. She has the potential to win it all, but she also has the potential to blow up. She is on fire, the question is whether it is a controllable fire.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Ah, the retardation is strong in this one….

    Seriously, this is what the GOP has come to? Who gives the selfish white males in this country the thickest chubby? Well, it does explain Palin.

  4. Geezer says:

    Even more than charisma, she has passion. That is going to play well against both Romney and Obama, who come across as opposite sides of the same dishrag.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    The poll includes Sarah Palin, who probably isn’t going to run. I think Rick Perry is iffy also. I suspect that if they don’t run, Bachman will pick up the lion share of their support. If so, she beats Romney in Iowa and New Hampshire. She could end up the nominee. That’s good. I don’t think the general voting public will be able to abide her past nutty statements, however much she reinvents herself for this election.

  6. delbert says:

    It’s not as much who the GOP throws at O’Bama. It’s the fact that the economy isn’t getting much better, and won’t in the next 17 months. The banking/bond sector was just spanked too hard in this case. Lincoln had a similar problem with a civil war that was dragging on as his re-election bid drew near. Fortunately for him Atlanta fell in time, and that’s what got him re-elected. But it’s looking like our current President is going to be another one term Democrat.

  7. V says:

    God I’m terrified of her. Even more than Palin.

    The fact that someone that crazy can dogwhistle their way this close means we’re like 5 years away from Idiocracy.

  8. Aoine says:

    “Nothing wrong with sex appeal” just the sex David, right?

    is there a female, conservative, woman of color that gives you a chubby, coz so far they have all been white;

    Sarah Palin

    Christine O’Donnell

    Michelle Bachman

    I mean, YOU,did bring the issue up each and every time about the “sex appeal” and how attractive you found them, EVERY TIME – and that Hispanic from Texas you raved about? she’s not Hispanic so leave her out of your “rogues gallery” please

  9. puck says:

    I think Aoine is missing some crucial information. At least I hope that’s all it is.

  10. Republican David says:

    That is Rebecca Cervera. Sorry that she is not Hispanic enough for you. I do not know how Latin one must be to qualify for you. Go back far enough, I wanted Condi Rice to run for President.

    Unlike Weber, I make no apologies for recognizing the obvious. They are all beautiful inside and out, don’t be a hater out of jealousy. We are a little too uptight in our society in admitting that –case in point.

    Let’s get serious for a moment. Personally, I am so tired of the mess made by typical political practice that I am looking for intelligent outsiders. Women are outsiders. I figure men have made a big enough mess, let’s give the women a chance. It is not going to be worse. Like Geezer, I think Bachmann has a strength of convictions–passion as he put it, that puts most men in power to shame. She is fearless. I like that whether you are a man or woman,black or white, Latino or Indian. That is my view. Did I play off that to get the extra 30% traffic by headlining “I may have a crush on Bachmann”? You bet. It plays off the I got a Crush on Obama theme 4 years ago. The “I heart Christine (politically speaking)” spoke about a passionate embrace of her personal character and political stands and sort of in its own way poked fun of the constant talk about how beautiful she was. It was actually a take off of a previous post “I heart Huckabee”. By your logic, MJ would have a point with the Huckabee thing.

    I must say thank you for reading. I will endeavor to keep you entertained and informed. I will update you on Rebecca’s release of her platform, and I have a “new crush” in PA who is running for Senate that I am participating in a conference call with this weekend and giving advise to. Just kidding on the crush part, but now I may have to make sure to include that. If I buy in for “a long term relationship”, you will read more especially with her being regional. It will be like Chris Christi all over. We tracked him for months. I think the PA senate race could become that interesting and may become one of the hottest races nationwide.

    I love mildly annoying the uptight crowd. It is fun. I don’t mean anything by it though. It is just marketing.

  11. jason330 says:

    For me, Michele Bachmann has no sex appeal (or any other appeal for that matter.) Her politics are as odious as any on the extreme right. But I’m not among the liberals who are laughing at her.

    Republicans are of one mind regarding the defeat of President Obama, and they have a proven ability to get dangerous, empty-headed religious zealots elected to office. Republican David, for example.

  12. Aoine says:

    David – try, just try, not to be yet another male that marginalizes women because of “sex appeal” or looks….

    please spend a little more time and zeal on what is behind the face (if there is anything in that head at all)

    It is insulting to hear any man prattling on like a grade schooler about a woman who would be the next president, and discussing your “crush” and or her looks

    and how Royally Condescending of you to “give women a chance” and say ” It is not going to be worse” Oh really??

    listen Sunshine – you aint givin’ no one shit – those who want it, will take it….are you really that dumb/arrogant to make a serious comment like that – you remind me of the colonial british trying to decide what was best for their poor ethnic subservient underlings, only instead of white imperialism to brown/red/yellow cultures this is the arrogant, elitist male to the ‘fairer/gentler sex” – you have no idea what it is you are saying or just how insulting you are.

    Today’s thinking, educated woman does not need your largesse, keep it please – you think you could match wits with a Madeline Albright or a Hilary Clinton – dont think so
    try to keep it to the issues, the ecomony, the debt, jobs, what have you – coz you look like an idiot when you title your blog posts “I have a crush” on michelle Bachman

    Do you really think any woman reading that would take YOU seriously? especially since you are a serial offender with this theme regarding women’s looks?

    And for the record Rebecca Cervera is not Latino – having a name that “sounds” Latino does not make one Latino – please provide a link that shows where she claims her supposed ethnic background.
    Woould you be so carless to say that everyone with dark skin is african-American? – I seriously doubt that

    and PS – you gave plenty of advice to COD – and look where it landed her – do those women a favor – keep your advice to yourself – or do us a favor and disburse it – seeing as that worked out well for the democrats in Delaware!

    yes puck – you are missing a lot.

  13. Aoine says:

    AAGGHHH – liars are SOOO annoying……..

    By your logic, I can claim Asian ancestry – seeing as I have not a drop of it……..

    seeing as David wont post the truth about Cervera, as he has already posted the lies….. see his post #2 in the link below.

    please see the links here exposing his “Latina” candidate he is sooo enamored of.

    above she says she is of GERMAN descent – gee David – didnt something in her give that away??

    of course the tie to your favorite, COD, would be her ethics issues with her campaign finances:

    dont play games with the grown up DAVID – unless you are willing to come armed with the facts

    and ummm – thanks for the entertainment too – I absolutely RELISH exposing you and your ilk, for what you are.

    and I mean everything by it – but its really just marketing…….

  14. Aoine says:

    Dear David – one piece of advice would be to tell your PA senate hopeful that the first smart thing they can do is drop Jon Mosely as treasurer from their campaign….LOL 🙂

  15. MJ says:

    Aoine – whose bush is Moseley hiding in now?