Grand Bargain Close

Filed in National by on July 21, 2011

Obama gives Republicans most of what they want on the condition that they take the rest of what they want at some later date.

I’m not kidding

“All cuts,” the aide said. “Maybe revenues some time in the future.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    It’s an unnamed source and both sides are denying the report. This could be some Congressional aide for a freshman tea partier trying to stir up some dissent.

    Hold your fire for a few hours.

  2. jason330 says:

    I think we all know how this is going to play out.

  3. puck says:

    Oh look, today is Harry Reid’s turn to pretend to have a spine:

    And in a statement to reporters after the meeting broke Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) pushed Obama not to budge on his vow that any debt reduction plan must contain balance (read revenue).

    I am trying to get up for another round of calling Carper, Coons, and Carney. It seems futile. What should I tell them? Right now there is no deal to tell them to vote for or against. I really don’t have a good pithy soundbite for them.

    5. No on any cuts to benefits, including age increases.
    4. No on any bill without new revenue from the wealthiest.
    3. No on “tax reform” that makes the tax cuts for the wealthiest permanent.
    2. No on a 29% top income tax rate.


    1. Be prepared to go against the President on this vote.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Obviously from a GOP staffer, and we all know the GOP doesn’t lie or bait and switch.

    Unlike the previous bush tax cuts extension, I see this as a defining moment for Obama. Knowing what we know about the lying liars that make up the current GOP, having them offer an IOU on revenue increases as their only capitulation would be a political and economic disaster! They’d almost certainly renege. So, if obama capitualates, whatever the reason, he’ll lose my vote. That’s for certain.

    It’s one thing to be pragmatic, try to be even-handed and whatnot….but to be the punk, and try to justify it, is certainly enough for me and most liberal types to walk away forever.

    What I’d like to see him do is go on all the networks, prime time, and say he’s envoking the 14thA and raising the limit himself. And while he has the entire world watching, make the case on why this came to be and lay the blame at the GOP’S feet.

    Fuck it, just say as commander in chief, he has to pay the troops and protect the interests of the country abroad, blah, blah, blah.

  5. Delaware Lefty says:

    I HOPE our president has a spine. If the repugnant cult refuses revenue, the democratic party should say no to cuts. Thus leaving the only possible answer to avoid default being a clean bill to raise the deficit. Plan B should be the 14th amendment. The big question here is whether the President has a spine! Negotiating with the cult appears to be useless, it is time for leadership.