Wisconsin Recall Thread

Filed in National by on August 9, 2011

Wisconsin voters in 6 state Senate districts are voting today.  To a large extent, this election is a referendum on Scott Walker’s union-busting maneuvers and law changes.  If the Democrats pick up 3 of these seats, control of the Senate will change hands and effectively put Walker’s agenda on hold.  Among the Republicans that are facing recall is Randy Hopper (famous for moving out of his district with his mistress).

The polls in the 6 Wisconsin recall elections are closing at 8PM CDT.  Go ahead and comment about them as the results come rolling in.


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  1. Montana says:

    Never Bet against the United States, watch out Republicans or the ones that call themselves the Bag of Tea Party, we are coming for you! The win in New York was the beginning but now it’s Wisconsin, next target our nation. The Republicans are like the “Chicken Little’s” always saying that the “Sky is Falling”, like the same ones that were the “Chicken Hawks” (“W” Wars), big talk no courage.

    Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much for the country to reach this point (individuals and collectively as Unions!), and with further hard work and sacrifice (along with our relentless self-doubt) the United States will rise again, we do not tire and we are coming back, no matter what “Standard and Poor’s AKA “Scandal and Snores”, Fake News and the Republicans (especially the Bag of Tea Party) “Chicken Little’s” lackies keep saying about our nation.

    The United States, favors creativity wherever it can be found. We’re apostles of prosperity and defenders of the free exchange of ideas and when more people in more countries are free to rise, to invent, to communicate, to dissent, it’s not the doom of United States leadership, it’s the triumph of the American way.

    You know what this current crowd of GOP liars want is to turn the United Sates into China, where only a few giant corporations run things, they own the factories, the apartments, the grocery stores, the gas stations, the newspaper and magazine publications, the radio stations, the television stations and you pay them and they get all the benefits, and if you do not like it go jump off cliff. Well some Chinese workers seeing that as individuals that they cannot progress have done just that by committing suicide.

    The current crowd of GOP liars want to steal Medicare and Social Security from the elderly, they want to abolish a woman’s right to choose and have control over her own body, they want to abolish collective bargaining rights for our Unions, and on top of it all they want to blame the poor, the middle class, the public sector workers and Unions for a recession that the Republicans created (Thanks to the Dullard “W”), while their beloved “Fat cats” continue to pay themselves exorbitant salaries, bonuses, fringe benefits.

    Many tell me that the economy was great under “W”, but when you are cooking the books and have

    taken TWO of the most expensive WARS OF CHOICE in our history, “OFF THE BOOKS”, well now you see the results that will be with us for the next three decades. Remember “W” learned how to “cook the books” with his “No Child left behind” program from the great State of Texas (Rick Perry, cooks the books too), but hey the Republicans never lies right (Just about Wars and everything else)? Please, tell me another!

    Boehner Got 98% the USA GOT A DOWNGRADE


  2. socialistic ben says:

    my prediction,
    due to late voter turn out, absentee ballots and “unintelligible” ballots 5 of 6 republicans win by less than one percent.
    too bad dems wont cheat on elections.

  3. MJ says:

    With scant returns in, 5 of the 6 rethuglicans are leading, but it’s hard to tell which part of the districts these votes are coming from.

  4. DEIdealist says:

    The 3 races to watch:

    Olsen (R) 55% leads Clark (D) 45% with 39% reporting
    Hopper (R) 54% leads King (D) 46% with 7% reporting
    Shilling (D) 51% leads Kapanke (R) with 24% reporting

    you can follow here http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/127331193.html

  5. DEIdealist says:

    1 more race that should be close:

    Pasch (D) 57% leads Darling (R) 43% with 18% reporting

  6. Another Mike says:

    Looks like 3-1 GOP so far, but Dems lead the other two, although too close to call. Results are at http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/127331193.html.

  7. AQC says:

    3 – 2 now

  8. MJ says:

    Well, they fell short, but it should be a warning to Walker and the other baggers.

  9. Heartbreak – 1 short, but they at least got rid of Hopper, the guy with the young mistress. What’s the deal with Waukesha AGAIN?

  10. MJ says:

    Waukesha is extremely conservative. My in-laws live in Waukesha County. They tolerate our being liberal Democrats.

  11. socialistic ben says:

    hah. we fell short. Is that what we’re gonna say when justice bachmann writes her decisions overturning Row V Wade and ruling in favor of a nation wide constitutional ban on anything but hetero christian marriage?
    This is just the first in a long string of teahadi electoral victories.

  12. AQC says:

    I’m glad they one the two, but I really wanted to see Alberta Darling go!

  13. socialistic ben says:

    the bags still control the state senate. message to walker my ass. do you think he or his corporate bosses give a damn about what the people want? they will continue to push through their radical right wing agenda with no regard for how it effects anyone but their wallets.

    this is a loss. calling it anything else requires a very high level of denial. all that can be done is hope whatever they do can be overturned.

  14. socialistic ben says:

    This is what the voters of wisconsin want even after seeing what the GOP’s plan is.

  15. MJ says:

    Having not seen any data on turnout, exit polling, etc., it’s hard for one to analyze what exactly happened.

    And they’re already gearing up to start the recall of Walker. Maybe the Dems can convince on of the moderate Repubs to cross the aisle and caucus with them. Make him/her president of the Senate.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    “To a large extent, this election is a referendum on Scott Walker’s union-busting maneuvers and law changes.”

    Is it still a referendum? lol

  17. Geezer says:

    Yes, it’s still a referendum. But remember, it was six districts out of 33. The Republicans won the Republican districts, the Democrats won the Democratic-leaning districts. So the referendum, not surprisingly, shows a divided Wisconsin.

  18. V says:

    I think a statewide recall (like one for Gov. Walker) would be a more appropriate referendum. The fact that those republicans won doesn’t negate the HUGE CROWDS in Madison, or the mobilization it took to get the recalls to happen. There are a lot of angry people out there, they just don’t live in the districts where these elections too place.

    It’s like us saying a Dem loss for the state legislatue in the heart of Sussex Tea-Party territory shows that there’s no D power in Delaware.

    I just hope this doesn’t kill the momentum for a state-wide recall for Walker. If Walker survives a re-call, THEN I’ll believe they really lost.

  19. fightingbluehen says:

    I can’t help thinking that maybe the hate crimes at the Wisconsin state fair last week may have influenced the outcome of the election.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps you are right, FBH. The hate crimes by the conservative rioters probably scared the liberal voters away from the polls.

    Good point.

  21. Republican David says:

    I must have missed the conservative uprising against Walker at the fair LG. I think it had more to do with the job creation in WI. Half of the net jobs in America this past June were in WI.

  22. liberalgeek says:

    David – did you check the political leanings of the rioters at the fair? Me neither.

  23. Republican David says:

    Geezer had it right R’s won were they were strongest and so did the D’s. You guys had 6 districts where President Obama won and could not repeat even in August with your base motivated. It shows the Tea Party and Pro-family organizations can match the unions. 2012 will be a political “bloodbath”. Wisconsin was just a preview. This is going to be one of the most hotly contested elections in American history. It may be in a class with 1968, 1960, 1992, 2004, 1896, 1876, and 1864. 1860 is in a league of its own.

  24. socialistic ben says:

    really david? the year 2000 installation of a president who lost the popular vote didnt make your “hotly contested” elections?

  25. MJ says:

    Hey Delusional David – do you have statistics to back up your statement or are you talking out of your ass once again?

  26. Dana Garrett says:

    It’s fascinating how Republican David ascribes the Koch brothers financed results (and questionable practices) in WI as a Tea Party phenomenon. There was next to nothing grass roots about the Republican efforts. It was bought and paid for by wealthy elite interests.

  27. Dana says:

    Socialist Ben wrote:

    the bags still control the state senate. message to walker my ass. do you think he or his corporate bosses give a damn about what the people want?

    Which he followed with:

    This is what the voters of wisconsin want even after seeing what the GOP’s plan is.

    Well, it seems as though it doesn’t matter if the “corporate bosses give a damn about what the people want” if it happens that the voters want the same things. 🙂

    Next up: two Democratic state senators face recall elections in Wisconsin.

    The problem for my friends on the left is that they think that their political positions are immensely more popular than they turn out to be on election day.

  28. socialistic ben says:

    the fact that recall elections happened at all should have shown Boss Scott that his radical agenda wasn’t popular. 2 GOPers were, in fact defeated…. that is what they will ignore… or react to with vengeance. As for the voters who kept the GOP in power, they are to blame for the consequences.
    Judging by the “now you’re gonna pay” attitude the new Baggy lawmakers in Wisconsin, Ohio, Maine, Michigan etc… had toward their countrymen in regard to unions, and social programs, i fear for democrats in wisconsin. The GOP loves their reprisals.