“Teabag” Tom Kovach to Take on John Carney

Filed in National by on August 24, 2011

He is looking at it. You have to read between the lines, but it is there. It is a shame, really. I liked Kovach for about ten minutes before he realized that he needed to become a nutbag to run statewide as a Republican.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. delbert says:

    Just don’t see any Delaware Dems vulnerable for a spanking, but it’s still a year away. Don’t forget Vance Phillips’ annual party Saturday. I think it’s at Trap Pond.

  2. JTF says:

    Haha, isn’t that Tom Ross back there? Man, 2009, before O’Donnell… they were feeding that beast and it came back to bit them. ho-hum.

    Kovach v. Urquhart primary, anyone?

  3. jason330 says:

    Yep. If there was an establishing shot, I’m betting you could spot Ken Grant’s face in the crowd.

  4. MJ says:

    Forget Vance’s picnic, the Sussex Democratic Party’s Jamboree is this Saturday at Cape Henlopen State Park.

  5. Geezer says:

    If Kovach runs against Clark, he’s got my vote. If he runs in a primary against Urquhart, he’s got my vote.

    I’m no big Carney fan, but I’m not putting a guy in Congress based on a couple of years on County Council. We tried that before and ended up with Joe Biden for 36 years and we’ll probably get stuck with his son for decades more. Fool me once…

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    I think that showing up to a Sussex County GOP event is slim evidence that Kovach intends to take on Carney. I think Kovach is too smart to believe that 2 years in NCC Council is sufficent to give him the name recognition statewide to make a successful run. Besides, I hear that Clark is his target and that Kovach’s preferred route is to eventually run for Governer.

  7. jason330 says:

    In normal times, I’d agree with Dana. The problem for Teabag Tom and the DE GOP is that they could risk a blank slate this year. I think he may have to run for something this year (and ride a hope for anti-Obama vote) in order to play a longer game.

  8. ugh, I heard last night that Ted Blunt was seriously considering (as of in the last few weeks recently) a primary against Paul Clark for NCC Executive. Blunt was basically given a green light for the post of his choice when the DEMs backed him down in his bid for Lt. Gov. vs. Matt Denn last time around.

    I am mortified to understand that the High DEMs backed him down again on the NCC post. I sure would love to see a substantially connected DEM get into it with Clark. But noooooooooooooooo.

    If Ted had stood his ground and claimed the County Executive seat as his wish, would they throw him under the bus yet again and still go with Clark??

    Ted is now set on the Mayoral candidacy for Wilmington which is what has been the common knowledge for some time. But NCC needs your service, sir. ugh ugh ugh.

  9. This guy Kovach has ants in his pants. AKA bitten with the campaign bug. Couple that with a Rethug Party virtually devoid of credible candidates, and you can see why he’s likely setting his sights higher, and why the Party is pushing him in that direction.

    Plus, if he loses, he’ll just run for something else in two years.

    Bank on it.

  10. jason330 says:

    Here he is at the Middletown “Peach” Fest, looking like the only Republican running state wide.

  11. John Manifold says:

    Ted Blunt would be kidding himself badly. He has never been a great vote-getter; he’s nearly 70 years old; he has more enemies than friends among City pols.

    And, if the yellow-dog factor means anything to you, note that Ted Blunt has never run against a Republican.

  12. Geezer says:

    Kidding himself badly seems to be Ted Blunt’s strongest character trait.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Clark will have a credible challenger.

  14. I have been talking to at least one. 🙂 Time will tell.

  15. anon says:

    As best I can tell, Ted Blunt’s appeal is that he’s

    (a) a black politician, which would bring color to a mostly pale political lineup around the state;
    (b) from Wilmington, which for some reason is still seen as a bonus by some people;
    (b) not batshit crazy, unlike James Baker; and
    (c) … uumm … I ain’t got nothin’ else.

    The teabaggers would roast him alive. His career was as a school administrator, as best I can tell, just the type of bureaucratic gig that they love to hate. His family has mostly followed in his footsteps, taking jobs on the state and federal payroll (and in the Minner administration, to boot!).

    Besides, the guy is politically dumb as a load of bricks. Why run for lieutenant governor without having made a deal with either of the two nominees for governor? Markell and Denn were clearly a team from the start. Carney didn’t seem to care. So Blunt was running for a do-nothing, pointless job without even being a part of someone’s team. How stupid is that?

  16. John Manifold says:

    Actually, Baker is the well-centered veteran with credibility in the neighborhoods, on both sides of I-95, and the business community.

    Blunt is a lightweight who lost two elections as a Republican before deciding that it was easier to reach City Council by riding with the majority party. One year he was reelected with 38 percent of the vote.

    The teabaggers can “roast alive” anyone they want but carry little sway outside their Klaverns and two-lane roads. Let’s see how they “roast” the governor who signed civil unions legislation.

    Most LG candidates don’t preface their candidacies with a deal with the top of the ticket. This isn’t Pennsylvania.

    I get the impression that there’s an invisible primary right now to be the clean candidate against Clark.

  17. I’ve always felt that Blunt was this combination of slick, glib, and lightweight. If memory serves, he ran against then-Speaker of the House Lonnie George as an R. Political affiliation is merely a matter of convenience to him.

    Baker is irascible and he suffers fools poorly, but I think he is pretty damn smart. Too smart to effectively deal with the parochial interests of councilpersons. Which is/was his biggest downfall as a leader.

  18. John Manifold says:

    Indeed, Blunt scored 48 percent against George in ’82. If Orlando hadn’t seen to the gerrymander of 40 Acres into a Ninth Ward district, DelTech would have a qualified president now.

  19. anon40 says:

    “Baker is irascible and he suffers fools poorly, but I think he is pretty damn smart.”

    I’ve had the “pleasure” of being in Baker’s presence a few times. He’s smart, but he ALWAYS thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. As such, he comes off as an arrogant asshole. I can live w/ an arrogant asshole if he/she is EFFECTIVE.

    I’m not sure I’d characterize Baker’s council presidency or his tenure as Mayor as a success. As Mayor, Baker makes Jim Sills look like a legit success!

  20. John Manifold says:

    Baker has had superior department heads, operating policies and initiatives … and he’s the first mayor of all the people since Bill McL.