Delaware Liberal

I’m Calling The GOP Race for Perry

It is going to be Perry. I’m running 97.6% correct on these prognostications, so scoff at your own risk.

The GOP can’t escape it’s basic programming. It is hard wired to pick the strict daddy figure. Republicans are children who only feel safe when daddy can glare menacingly out the window at the Gonzales family who moved in next door. Nobody is going to be a bigger or more strict daddy over the course (coarse ? (wordplay bitches!)) of the GOP primary season than Perry.

Sorry Bachmann – Too much vagina, not enough penis. (Yes, I know your vagina (and your soul) is a leathery wasteland. Doesn’t matter)
Sorry Romney – You were nice to poor people once.
Sorry Ron Paul – We said strict daddy, not crazy grandpa.
Sorry everyone else – Just look at Rick Perry’s “Blue Steel” glare. You know you are voting for him too.

Bonus Round:
How does this help Obama? I’m sure the TV pundits will fill us in on how this is great for Obama. Heck – maybe’s Obama’s 11th dimensional chess game forced the GOP into this move. Who knows. The one thing we can say about team Obama with confidence right now is that they will work hard to turn whatever built in advantages they have over Perry into disadvantages.

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