Bigots Lose Battle in Tennessee

Filed in National by on September 1, 2011

Muslims in Tennessee can build a larger mosque despite the small minds of a few via Wonkette. Said the lawyer representing the haters:

“Chancellor Corlew seems to go on and on that it’s been decided that Islam is a religion, and we take issue with that. There’s no proof in this case that Islam is a religion. There is no case law or code that Islam is a religion.”

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Miscreant says:

    I suppose that’s encouraging to some. Too bad most predominately Islamic countries are not as objective and tolerant as the U.S. is on religious matters.

  2. nemski says:

    Miscreant, your second sentence has nothing NOTHING to do with what’s happening in Tennessee. #justsaying

  3. Miscreant says:

    I suppose in your mind, it doesn’t. Many Islamic countries impose the death penalty for those who convert to Christianity. Mosques are built here while churches are burned under the name of Islam. Unfortunate for you that you can’t seem to understand the analogy.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Mis- I think the point is that the United States isn’t one of those countries, so it doesn’t apply to Tennessee.

  5. Miscreant says:

    I see your point, and would engage further if it didn’t take me 10 minutes to post. Crazy Canadian interwebs.

  6. SussexAnon says:

    What exactly is the litmus test to be officially declared a religion?

  7. MJ says:

    SussexAnon – it’s whatever Bachmann and St. Bodie Girl say is a religion. All others are just make believe.

  8. Miscreant says:

    Just came across a Canadian sitcom called (no shit) “Little Mosque on the Prairie”. I can only get one channel, so I watched it for a few minutes.

    Today’s show seems to be about Muslim males putting up a wooden barrier to separate the women from the men at the local mosque. The women have threatened to cut off the men if they go through with it. A sub-plot involves a Muslim girl trying to talk her father into letting her go to a ‘youth benefit’, and he’s agonizing whether or not there will be boys there, and what she will be wearing. Who would have guessed that a hoodie is a sufficient substitute for a burka, but she doesn’t need to cover her hair until ‘menses’.

    ” Oh Dad, that’s gross”.

    I could watch this stuff all day.

    In real (Islam) life, the women would be stoned to death, and the daughter would be the victim of an ‘honor killing’.

  9. Republican David says:

    This is hardly surpising or rare. It is the norm that Mosques are afforded the same rights as any other religious building. Sadly, those rights are not reciprocated in Muslim countries.

  10. Geezer says:

    “Too bad most predominately Islamic countries are not as objective and tolerant as the U.S. is on religious matters.”

    Too bad indeed. Too bad, as well, that this is what some people think of as soon as Islam is brought up. Because, y’know, what kind of parochial rube thinks of the world in terms of how much better they are than everyone else? Upbringing, I suppose.

  11. kavips says:

    It would be more of a bloodbath if they chose to build in the capital of Ecuador.. I guess it would earn the name… Mosque Quitos…..

  12. Miscreant says:

    “… parochial rube …”

    Indeed, you should use that as your screen name.

    We, as a society, ARE better than Islamic ruled societies. You just can’t get your fake self-flagellation to admit it. To help you understand, I’ll quote one of your liberal heroes, Bill Maher:

    “What it comes down to is there is one religion in the world that kills you when you disagree with them and they say, ‘Look, we are a religion of peace and if you disagree, we’ll fucking cut your head off,’ and nobody calls them on it.”