Al Gore on Obama

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011

Former Vice President Al Gore wrote:

On Friday afternoon, as brave and committed activists continued their non-violent civil disobedience outside the White House in protest of the tar sands pipeline that would lead to a massive increase in global warming pollution, President Obama ordered the EPA to abandon its pursuit of new curbs on emissions that worsens disease-causing smog in US cities. Earlier this year, the EPA’s administrator, Lisa Jackson, wrote that the levels of pollution now permitted — put in place by the Bush-Cheney administration– are “not legally defensible.” Those very same rules have now been embraced by the Obama White House.

Instead of relying on science, President Obama appears to have bowed to pressure from polluters who did not want to bear the cost of implementing new restrictions on their harmful pollution—even though economists have shown that the US economy would benefit from the job creating investments associated with implementing the new technology. The result of the White House’s action will be increased medical bills for seniors with lung disease, more children developing asthma, and the continued degradation of our air quality.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. heragain says:

    It’s just…

    I’m almost rooting for the end of the world. This much cognitive dissonance during allergy season is almost more than I can manage. 🙁

  2. Rebecca says:

    I think I’ll get out my West Wing DVD’s and try to fantasize that Jeb Bartlett is president. I’m with you heragain, too much cognitive dissonance.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    Im not sure if i want to keep my TV on the Phills game tonight, or if i’ll tune in to see if the Great Reveal finally happens.
    “It’s ok, i ended the regulations on polluters because it is now illegal to pollute and punishable by death!”
    “I put forth my own challenge to the HRC because a mandate without a public option is insane”
    “all the troops from iraq and everywhere else will be home by the end of this speech”

    sigh. i guy can dream. go phills.