Survey Says . . .

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011

This survey should come to no surprise to our readers.

  • 63% believe that discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against minority groups.
  • 66% believe that the values of Islam are at odds with American values.
  • 54% believe that American Muslims are trying to establish Shari’a law in the U.S.
  • 56% believe that newcomers from other countries threaten traditional American customs and values.
  • 72% believe we should deport all illegal immigrants back to their home countries.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Being passionately devoted to nonsense is a marker for this clan. 63% probably also believe in ghosts and the “prevent defense.”

  2. delbert says:

    The first question had to do with “minorities”. The next four questions had to do with “Islam”, “newcomers”, and “illegal immigrants”. So you can pretty much flush those stats as far as a gauge on white American-borns’ opinions of their own positions versus minorities goes.