The 25 Most Un-American Reactions To The 9/11 Anniversary

Filed in National by on September 11, 2011

Here is a sample:

Good Luck reading through all 25

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Aoine says:

    I read all 26 – #2 needs a Secret Service review – sounds like a threat to me….

    WOW , I didnt know Bill Colley HAD 26 friends on FB!! and they all think like him, andDon Ayotte and the rest of the pitchfork and torch weilding crew – IMAGINE!!

  2. Miscreant says:

    Since when is being incredibly stupid ‘Un-American”?

  3. Geezer says:

    Maybe now Dana will believe me about “low-information voters.”

  4. Dana says:

    UnAmarican? You posted 25 examples of people who believe that the President is a Muslim, and don’t think that he ought to be President or is patriotic or has our country’s best interests at heart. How that is somehow more unAmerican than eight years of posts calling our previous President ChimpyMcHalliburtonBushCo?

    It doesn’t matter who is our President: some people aren’t going to like him, and some of them will express their opinions in a less than polite manner.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    Clinging to proven falsehoods, displaying racism and irrational anger, repeating racist lies used to divide and control ignorant masses….
    Jason, i really cant think of anything MORE american than that.

    Dana, the Bush/Dick Halliburton false war for profit was TRUE. Obama = Muslim is not.

  6. jason330 says:

    Guys like Dana can defend any and all Republicans at all times. Being a Republican puts a halo of patriotism above every statement by every other Republican. That’s how I know that when President Perry starts rounding up gays, it is going to be viewed by the Dana’s of the world as the most patriotic thing that ever happened.

  7. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    That’s how I know that when President Perry starts rounding up gays, it is going to be viewed by the Dana’s of the world as the most patriotic thing that ever happened.

    You know, I have no difficulty believing that you actually do expect that to happen.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    based on the typical conservative reaction to…. well, ANYTHING id say that is a fair (albiet verbose) prediction.
    The same people crying bloody murder about free speech and their culture and religion being under attack by an evil oppressive gumment were the first to condemn flag burning, criticism of King George, and the ones calling for Islam to be forced out of america…. even on a personal level. For all teh flag-humping conservatives do, you are the first ones to throw out the nations principles and ideals when it becomes a slight challenge to uphold them.

  9. MJ says:

    Those FB posts are scary, as are the people whose pictures are attached. Agree with Aoine about the second post. How can so many people be so fucking stupid?

  10. socialistic ben says:

    the same reason Fox is still the most successful “news” station, and why teabaggers keep getting elected all over flyover-country.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    It’s always a good time reading the unhinged screeds from people who hate themselves and their meaningless lives!

  12. Von Cracker says:

    Remember Ben, to fox news supporters, ratings equals truth and reality. Can’t have one without the other, and that’s why they consider McDonalds to be so much better than Le Bec Fin.

  13. AQC says:

    How do these people explain Obama giving the order to kill Bin Laden?

  14. V says:

    in related news, i found out yesterday i have a friend who is a 911 truther….

    another friend of mine (back from Afghanistan) stated that if any of his friends decided to post an anti-muslim status they would be defriended no questions asked. At least these people have given friends and family the oppotunity to do the same.

  15. Bill Dunn says:

    How do we get back to these people to show them that their ignorance has gone VIRAL !!!!

    It is absolutely scary to think that some (or worse yet, all) these people show up at the polls thinking their enlightened.

    Where were they posting this crap????

  16. socialistic ben says:

    facebook. ahh facebook. the wonderful portal to the parts of everyone’s minds that no one else really needs/wants/should see.

  17. V says:

    well here’s the funny thing. my first thought was “well that’s sort of funny they posted their pictures too so that they’ll be embarassed that their statuses went viral” but then i realized that if you’re assinine enough to spout misinformation and biogtry masquerading as some sort of patriotism them i’m sure they’re proud of it and are sneering themselves at all us “liberal elites” for poking fun at “real americans” who are only acting in the best interest of this country while we drink our kool-aid.

    Shaming them does nothing.

  18. Joe Cass says:

    They all came from batshitpolitics, right?
    Oh god, let it rain nukes.