Debate Debriefing: Will Teabag Bile Be Enough For Perry?

Filed in National by on September 23, 2011

Not wishing to roll around in excrement, I didn’t watch the most recent GOP “debate.” From what I’m reading about it though, Perry screwed the pooch. By all reports, he garbled a gimme “bomb the shit out of them” defense policy question, defended his HPV vaccine when he should have been claiming that it was a Kenyan plot, and looked more than a little outclassed by Romney.

So, the question is still, will the teabags push back against the GOP shot callers? They hate Romney like poison, but are getting the clear message from DC that Perry is Christine O’Donnell in cowboy boots. Is Bachmann going to see a resurgence with this Perry stumble?

Did anybody actually watch that thing last night?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. puck says:

    I saw the last ten minutes. I think this debate was probably the one to watch the whole thing though. There is more than enough video material for a winning Democratic campaign. They aren’t going to be able to run away from it.

    I guess Romney has a chance if he wins and gets tagged as “the sane one,” he can distance himself from teabagger stink, and go into the general election without the Tea negatives.

  2. skippertee says:

    “Christine O’Donnell in cowboy boots”- that’s just BEAUTIFUL Jason!
    Sums him up to perfection!

  3. cassandra m says:

    Andy Borowitz on Twitter notes that the only time that he prays for the Rapture is during the Republican debates.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Perry stunk it up enough that I think Palin will definitely run now.

  5. Jason330 says:

    The more I hear about Perry’s debate performance, the worse it gets. As I said yesterday, the “send me money and if I get enough, I’ll run” email had the stink of failure on it, but after last night you may be right about Palin.

  6. anon says:

    Parry and his right wing teabaggers would stand with Israel no matter what they do. 70% of Israelie citizens support Palestinan statehood along with 127 nations right now. Why is the US standing with Israel, because Statehood for Palestine means the Israelies would be accountable for all their war crimes at the International Court at the Hague, and the US who delivered weapons of mass destruction to Israel to use against the Palestinans would also be held accountable. So, I ask you Delaware Liberals if 70% of the Israelies themselves support Statehood for Palestine, why don’t you? And why on this blog was there no mention of Obama going to the UN to go against Statehood..could it be a political point for Obama now that Weiners district went with the teabagger?

  7. Geezer says:

    “I ask you Delaware Liberals if 70% of the Israelies themselves support Statehood for Palestine, why don’t you?”

    Because it’s called DELAWARE Liberal. If you want to pick fights with Zionists, I for one would prefer you do it somewhere else. Every time it gets brought up here things get ugly.

    “why on this blog was there no mention of Obama going to the UN to go against Statehood”

    Not to speak for the people who run the blog, but why should they? If you need a blog to address issues this one doesn’t, start your own.

  8. MJ says:

    Thank you, Geezer. And anon needs to learn how to spell (or at least use spell check).

  9. anon says:

    If DL takes a pro-proper spelling position, I expect Jason to be banned within the hour.

  10. MJ says:

    Nah, it was just directed at you (if you were the anon that posted the gibberish that Geezer responded to).

  11. anon says:

    No, I am the intelligent anon.

  12. anon says:

    the story was world news…but not on the Delaware “Liberal”, its gets ugly? Right its very ugly another reason why even Delaware should debate it? Your just a bunch of apologists to frightened to take on the subject. Answer the questions instead of making your snide remarks.

  13. anon says:

    Oh and “Geezer”, Delaware and Delaware Liberal is filled with zionists the primary reason they refuse to discuss it intelligently.

  14. cassandra m says:

    @anon 1:18 — there is no such thing as an intelligent anon. Anyone without enough brain cells to come up with a better pseud than “anon” isn’t going to be a winner in the smarts department. cf anon @2:04 and 2:06.

  15. jason330 says:

    Why don’t I blog much about Israel? I’ve never given it much thought, but I think that people who think Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is wrong have a point. I also think that Israelis who think that they don’t want a hostile state on (and within) their borders are also right. Where can you go from there? It just turns into a debate about who is less wrong.

    If I had to pin myself down on a policy it would be that the arab states should have accpeted the UN proposed 1947 borders. They didn’t. Not much of a policy unless you have a time machine.

  16. anon says:

    Casandra you make me laugh. Coming here using your real name on the subject gets you put on google in an attempt to destroy your reputation. I stand with 130 nations, 70% of the Israelies, with Rabbis for Peace, with Jewish voices for Peace to get this issue settled once and for all. Israel does itself more harm by continuing to stall for time to steal more land to make sure there is never a Palestinan State which they were promised since 1948.

    Jason: your statment on 1947 borders proves you know nothing. Thats why there should be a debate to educate people about what is truth, what is fiction, and what is old lies and deceptions. The 911 Commision had to admit one of the major reasons we were attacked on 911 was because of Israel and Palestine. The muslim world is outraged so should we just sit back, do nothing, keep it off the table or should we discuss the issue and bring clarity to a very confusing issue? World peace depends on the answer to that question.

  17. jason330 says:

    Your statement on my 1947 borders statement proves you know everything. Also, there are choices other than “anon” and your real name. Think about it.

  18. MJ says:

    Anon – it’s Israelis, not how you spell it. My guess is you’re doing that deliberately. So, unless you want to stop with childish monikers for the people of Israel, there is no sense in even engaging you in a discussion on this issue.

    And the only reason Perry and the other teabaggers “stand with Israel” is because they believe that if they convert them all to Christianity the Rapture will happen a lot sooner.

  19. anon says:

    How lame! spelling is the issue here. Why not answer the question. 70% of Israelis support a Palestinan State, so why don’t you. Thats the question can you answer that instead of making snide remarks.

  20. Geezer says:

    “Right its very ugly another reason why even Delaware should debate it? Your just a bunch of apologists to frightened to take on the subject. Answer the questions instead of making your snide remarks.”

    Since you didn’t get the nice version, try this: Nobody here answers to you. You’re not the assignment editor — if you want to write about something, write it. If not, don’t. If you want to read about this issue, go to one of the tens of thousands of blogs that have addressed it. But please disabuse yourself of the notion that you have any pull here or anywhere else. You don’t get to order anyone around, and you’re not going to convince anyone of anything by insulting them and trying to pick fights with them.

    You have been doing this over and over again for years and years, along with your incompetent activism. Don’t you ever learn anything?