Archive for September, 2011

Tom Capano is Dead.

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 27 Comments

Tom Capano, the murderer of Anne Marie Fahey back in 1996, was found dead today in his solitary cell in the state prison near Smyrna. No foul play is suspected, and it appears that Capano died of natural causes. Capano was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. He originally was sentenced to […]

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The Progressive Planner for the rest of September

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 1 Comment

Here is the calendar of events for the rest of the month. I would like to especially highlight tomorrow night’s Newark Area Democratic Mixer at the Iron Hill Brewery in Newark, which is sponsored by the 23rd, 24th and 25th RDs. If you have an event for a Progressive or Democratic organization in the state of Delaware taking place, email me the details at The Progressive Planner will be posted every Monday and every Thursday.

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Monday Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 3 Comments

The lunacy of Michele Bachmann, in quote form.

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Vincent White joins Insurance Commissioner’s Race

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 56 Comments

Vincent M. White, a New Castle County realtor who owns a Newark real estate agency, Provest Realty Associates, and who serves on the Delaware Real Estate Commission, has announced that he will join Mitch Crane and challenge Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart for reelection. But he has made some interesting statements that I think need clarification before I can consider his candidacy.

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Enough with the Admiration.

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 9 Comments

Richard “The Dick” Cheney, the unindicted war criminal, recently said he thought Hillary Clinton should challenge President Obama for the Democratic nomination. Former President Clinton was asked about this yesterday on CBS’ Face the Nation. His answer irked me.

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Finally, he learns to play poker.

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 58 Comments

President Obama will unveil his $3 trillion deficit reduction plan at 10:30 am this morning. This time, finally, the President is not conceding the fight right away by crafting a plan designed to win GOP votes. Rather, he is pushes for multiple tax increases on the rich, and will be issuing a veto threat against anything that cuts Medicare benefits while not raising taxes.

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Update on the Murder of Officer Joe Szczerba

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 15 Comments

Over the weekend, a number of you commented about how strange it was that no details had been released about the apprehended suspect in this case. No name. No booking picture. No information about indictment or arraignment. It definitely appeared strange, if not improper, for even if this monster is undoubtedly guilty and deserving of severe punishment, we still have due process of law and constitutional protections and criminal procedures that must be followed lest this animal get acquitted on a technicality.

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Daily Delawhere, Monday, September 19, 2011

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011 1 Comment
Daily Delawhere, Monday, September 19, 2011

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It Must Suck To Be A Ron Paul Supporter

Filed in National by on September 18, 2011 3 Comments

Ms. Bachmann wins a straw poll and it is the biggest news since JonBenét Ramsey got stuck in a well with a bunch of Chilean minors. Your guy wins a big straw poll and the media yawns. I guess the media coverage (or lack thereof) reflects the reality that there is no way in hell the Republicans are going to pick their angry Grandpa to take on Obama.

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Eagles Week 2 Prediction

Filed in Sports by on September 18, 2011 9 Comments

Long time readers know that my big problem with Donovan McNubbins was that he was a “no heart chump.” What do I mean by that? It is complicated, but to be concise, I’d say that “no heart chump” means someone who is ambivalent about winning.

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Blue Hen Football Prediction: Week 3

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011 12 Comments

Of all the major college sports, football is the most momentum based. A losing team wilts under the weight of its own low expectations, and a winning team picks up steam as the season unfolds. A wining team is like a spinning fly wheel, with each rotation multiplying the torque or some shit like that. I’m not sure, I’m no physicist. In fact, I can barely spell physicist. (My first three attempts at spelling that word confounded my poor overburden spell checker and cause it to suggest that I was trying to spell the word “psychotic.” True story.) BUT I DO KNOW THIS….

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Music I Like: Chicks Rule! Edition

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011 0 Comments

Some Bulo Musical Selections for your Friday, including Davina and the Vagabonds, Otis Taylor and Cassie Taylor, The Sky Drops, Wild Flag and the Slow Club.

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Friday Open Thread [The Return of Bacon Blogging Friday]

Filed in National by on September 16, 2011 7 Comments
Friday Open Thread [The Return of Bacon Blogging Friday]

Bacon Cups!!!! And, for a pictoral glimpse of the mysterious and forbidden North Korea, check out the Boston Globe’s Big Picture. The pictures look like recently colorized black and whites from the 1950’s.

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