Tom Capano is Dead.

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011

Tom Capano, the murderer of Anne Marie Fahey back in 1996, was found dead today in his solitary cell in the state prison near Smyrna. No foul play is suspected, and it appears that Capano died of natural causes. Capano was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. He originally was sentenced to death, but certain provisions contained in Delaware’s capital punishment law were found to be unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, and thus Capano’s sentence was reduced to life without parole.

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  1. skippertee says:

    Good for Tom!
    Couldn’t of happened to a more deserving piece of excrement!

  2. Geezer says:

    Tom Capano is dead.

    And I’m not feeling so hot myself.

  3. Jason330 says:

    In 1996 there was still a general sense that the laws against killing people applied to rich white guys. If he had only waited a decade…

  4. liberalgeek says:

    If only he has incorporated himself as an LLC…

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    This will probably turn out to be another colossal failure of Delaware’s prison health care system. 61 is awfully young to die of a heart condition in this day and age.

  6. V says:

    i have it on good authority (and TNJ is now reporting it too) that he gained A LOT of weight in prison. if that’s the case a heart attack might not be surprising.

  7. Heck Yeah says:

    must have been all the fish he ate, the great diet he had in prison

  8. skippertee says:

    I kinda hope he choked on his vomit. His or someone else s.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Dana and Heck Yeah,

    Surely you are not suggesting we feel sympathy for Tom Capano? Prison is prison. He shouldn’t be denied medical care when he needs it nor should he be starving, but he also isn’t entitled to a Cadillac Health Plan, a personal trainer, and a personal chef cooking healthy meals.

    There is no evidence of abuse here. No evidence of denial of healthcare. And thus no fuckin sympathy for a murderer.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    From Tom Carper:

    “Tom Capano’s death does not change the fact that Anne Marie was taken from us far too soon. Sadly, nothing will ever bring her back to her family and to those of us who knew and deeply admired her. She was one of the loveliest, kindest persons I’ve ever had the privilege of serving with. We miss her still and will never forget her. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time.”

  11. anon says:

    Saved the Delaware tax payers a lot money for his execution. God works in mysterious ways.

  12. anon says:

    Ask anyone who has actually served time in the Delaware Prison System about the cesspool. The fatty food is enough to kill anyone along with brutality from the guards. When the Feds came to Delaware Gander Hill’s “gym” was filled with cots. In order to circumvent the feds seeing it, they put the inmates on a bus and drove them around Delaware therefore hiding their own crimes.

  13. anon. says:

    I attended a parole hearing and was given a tour of DCC about 8 to 10 months ago. There were three cells, the one to the right was Bradley, the one to the left was Powell before he was sentenced and moved to death row. After we left that building I asked who the fat guy was in the middle. It was Capano and I was told that he weighed just over 300 pounds! I never reconized him.

  14. Belinsky says:

    Capano was a tub of goo before he took up chain-smoking. Even John Walsh couldn’t make a football player out of him.

  15. Dana Garrett says:

    You get to chain smoke in prison or pig out beyond 3 square meals a day and, consequently, become obese? I doubt it. Unless there is a genetic propensity for obesity in the family, I’m not buying the thesis that man became a planet. Let’s not so quickly forget that it was only a few years ago that the waterboarding BUSH ADMINISTRATION declared that DE’s health care system was was so awful that it constituted a form of cruel and unusual punishment.

    I also don’t think that there is any implication of a special feeling of regard for Tom Capano to suspect that there might be more to this story given DE’s recent prison abuse and neglect history. Moreover, we don’t want to be in the position of applauding anyone’s untimely death in prison as if we were a bunch of Republicans at a presidential primary debate.

  16. Belinsky says:

    I assume that the Capano family has the resources to conduct its due diligence on this topic. TJC’s few remaining friends report that, post-sentencing, his frame ballooned to porcine dimensions.

    Tom Capano’s father died at age 57. His eldest son could never control his oral intake.

  17. skippertee says:

    Dana- I, for one, applaud his death.
    He was a creep from DAY 1 and his siblings need to get what’s coming to them.
    One older bro is a convicted rapist.
    There a bunch of one generation removed from behind a sheep Italians that lost their religion and went to the DARK SIDE.

  18. jason330 says:

    Aside from maybe George Bush, I really could not see myself applauding anybody’s death. Even despicable human beings like Capano are still human beings and someone’s father, brother, and son.

  19. John Q. American says:

    Personally, I applaud his death and am sorry that you folks had to pay to house the piece of filth for so long.

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    Serious answer needed for what you may think a dumb question…….is a prison photo ever updated? Or does it stay the same until you might be reincarcerated again? Like yearly school photos? Just wondering.

  21. V says:

    the photo we’re all looking at was from 2006. Internally there are more current photos taken of inmates for facial recognition for prison staff.

  22. jason330 says:

    Check this out. Shockingly, self-policed professional communities don’t police themselves.

    The bar association knew about Capano’s freaky-deaky stalky, killy behavior well before he and his brother dumped Fahey in the Atlantic.

  23. M. Leslie says:

    The spewing of hatred towards this man is sickening. As another writer said this is “someone’s father, brother, and son”. Have compassion for all those hurt by him: Ann Marie, her family, and, yes, the family of Thomas Capano whose lives, too, have been changed by this senseless crime. But, most of all take pity on the man who lost control and thus changed his life forever. What are needed now are prayers for this man who hopefully will find peace in the afterlife with his God.

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    M. Leslie…

    I do feel for his daughters. They did not chose who their father was. I do feel for the Fahey family.

    But I do have nothing but hatred for Thomas Capano. And the reason why that is is because he never showed any remorse for his crime. If he had admitted his crime, asked for forgiveness from God and the Fahey’s, then I could possibly feel something other than hatred for him.

    But he didn’t. And that is a shame.

    It is not sickening to despise a murderer who was also an arrogrant power mad asshole in life.

    It is normal.

  25. M. Leslie says:

    Then “normal” isn’t good for anyone who has “hatred” or “despises”. No matter how difficult, it is necessary to forgive. While Thomas Capano made no public announcement as to his remorse nor did he publicly ask forgiveness from God and the Fahey’s, we can only hope that he expressed contrition in his heart and mind. For the health and holiness of those who hate, they must try to overcome what seems unsurmountable — and forgive a very flawed human being.

  26. skippertee says:

    M.Leslie- Go peddle your religious CRAP somewhere else than this blog.
    If he made his peace with Jeebus, good for him.
    He NEVER made his peace with the public and he is,was and always will be held in the highest contempt for his arrogance in life.
    ALL those Capanos whelped from that fat old bitch should have been strangled in the bassinet.

  27. Aoine says:

    M Leslie – maybe you need to forgive

    you seem to equate HATE and the need to forgive

    Let me say something on that subject as I am uniquely versed on the issue….

    I feel NO NEED, NO DESIRE to ever forgive someone that may have damaged me and or my life irreperarly.

    That said, I do not HATE them either, nor seek revenge. They simply are not worth the effort

    Ultimately, they will pay their price, it does not need to be to me, nor do I even need to know that that price was extracted.
    Hatred is bad for the soul and can destroy the innocent. However, forgiveness does not have to happen either.

    Stop placing your morals and ethics over the lives of others. One only NEEDS to do what one feels is right for them. and if their lot is to continue to HATE. that is their choice, as they have free will.

    You are beyond arrogant to make such sweeping statements on the pain of others. If forgiveness worked for you, wonderful. If it doesn’t work for others, at the very least, respect that.