Quotes of the Day

Filed in National by on September 19, 2011

“This isn’t class warfare; it’s math.” President Obama

“By the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over.” Republican Congressman John Fleming, in an interview on MSNBC, on why as a small business owner he can’t afford a tax increase.

“Every single poll shows that the American public overwhelmingly supports higher taxes on the wealthy as part of a package to cut the deficit. The margins are staggering: the NYT poll shows a majority of 74 – 21; even Rasmussen shows a majority of 56 – 34. What the president proposed this morning is simply where the American people are at. If he keeps at it, if he turns his administration into a permanent campaign for structural fiscal reform, I don’t see how he loses the argument.” Andrew Sullivan.

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  1. V says:

    I’m thrilled with the use of “the Buffet rule” finally something that might stick with the media as a branding shortcut. Republicans have always been better at this (Obamacare, death panels etc.)

    I just worry regular people don’t know who Warren Buffet is.

  2. jason330 says:

    I know one guy who will shy away from the riskiness of being on the side of 74% of Americans. That guy’s name is Tom Carper.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    I just hate that we are targeting Jimmy Buffett. The last thing we need is a bunch of parrotheads chasing us around calling us sons of a sailor and shouting “fins up!” when they come in for the kill…

    Oh, you mean Warren Buffett… nevermind

  4. Valentine says:

    We might as well get “wasted away again in Margaritaville” at this point.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    So I have some questions on Rep. Flemming. The question that he was asked was about his business “making $6.3M last year”. So when one says that you made 6.3 million in business, that is usually your profit, not your sales. Your sales are usually stated as “generated $6.3M in sales” or whatever.

    So if he had 6.3M in sales, great. His numbers are odd, but reasonable. But if he had 6.3M in profit, he needs a better accountant to only have 600K left.

    If he had 6.3M in sales, then the materials, employees, etc. are business expenses, which he isn’t taxed on. Same goes for the money that he invests in expansion. Only after that does he get his profit and then we tax him.

  6. cassandra m says:

    If he had 6.3M in sales and 500 employees, I don’t think he is even paying *them* minimum wage.

  7. Heck Yeah says:

    looks like he owned 30 Subway stores and 130 UPS stores,what do you think he earns per store? And to Cassandra point, i am sure that most are indeed making min wage and only working part time.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    So are we saying that the 6.3M is profit? that works out to $12,600/employee if it were sales (and it wouldn’t include all of the stuff it takes to run a business). So this is 6.3M in profit.

    The guy is not only stupid for indicating that he only has 400K after taxes, but he is a liar. If we are doing class warfare on this a-hole, sign me up.

  9. Jason330 says:

    I don’t know how he manages to feed his family on a measly $200k per year.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    They’ve had to cut back to surf and turf only twice a week.

  11. cassandra m says:

    It can’t be 6.3M in profit. Then how does he claim to only have 400K leftover to feed his family? Profit is after all of the expenses have been taken care of.

    $6.3M in revenues not only doesn’t pay people minimum wage, it doesn’t pay their payroll tax or any of the other overhead for employees even if they are all PT.

  12. jason330 says:

    FWIW – My redneck barometer called me today and said that he agreed with Obama on “getting these millionaires to pay their fair share.”

    I think we have a winner folks. Obama needs to stay tough and this ‘fighting back” think might just be crazy enough to work.

  13. MJ says:

    If he’s paying them minimum wage, then they are probably working part-time, as Heck Yeah, wrote. And I seriously doubt that he’s providing any benefits such as health insurance, sick leave, or vacation.

  14. anon says:

    You can bet the Carpetbagger, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Max Baucas and the other blue dogs would put the caboosh on this jobs plan. There are about 15 blue dogs (real repukes) who will vote against this bill, try to amend it with republican talking points, and downgrade it, just like Carper etal did on the health care bill. Why hasnt the democratic party found a real democrat to run against this republican carpetbagger. If you look at who Carper gets his campaign contributions from its not the citizens of this state, but the bankers, the insurance companies, credit card companies and other big business monopolies. Its undemocratic for democrats to support this man. Dump him and get a real democrat to run. His race is ripe for a bagger.