Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 5, 2011

Comedian Stephen Colbert incorporated his nonprofit “Anonymous Shell Corporation” in Delaware last month. He has since changed the name of the company to the “Colbert Super PAC SHH Institute.” Colbert is making fun of anonymous corporations that now can form one week, donate millions of dollars the next week to a candidate, and the dissolve the next day, all as a result of the Supreme Court’s horrible decision in Citizens United.

We are glad Delaware can be of service to Colbert and to anonymous corporations and shadow donors everywhere.

Rick Perry will be hanging out for a little while longer, since he raised $17 million last quarter.

The Democrats retained the Governorship in West Virginia last night. The national media had been prepared for a Republican win, and had all their “This is bad news for Obama” stories in the can, as Mark Halperin admitted last night. Now they are screwed.

“I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings.”– Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, in an interview with the Associated Press.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    With Christie out, the GOP spin doctors and alchemists will be working overtime to turn the master of N*****head into gold.

  2. Auntie Dem says:

    I watched Ken Burns Prohibition last night — being outrageously stupid didn’t just happen in the U.S. We’ve got a long history of it.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I was thinking the same thing as I watched that. Also, how similar prohibition is to our current war on drugs. We are not learning animals it seems.

  4. Auntie Dem says:

    So dear Mother just came to me with a copy of USA Today. I don’t know where she got it, mebbe at the hair dressers. Anyway, she was reading an article that said that 37% of the veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars think it was a worthwhile thing to do. Mom was confused because she’d hear a news item on TV this morning that said that 53% of the veterans thought it had been a complete waste of time and resources. One story said good and the other story said bad. What’s a Nana to believe?

    We got through the part where both were right, then I explained that Gannett sells newspapers and war is good for paper sales so their story was deliberately pitched to put a positive spin on it and was very misleading. Maybe now she won’t read that trash.

    It’s just constant bombardment of our citizens by the corporate press.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth died today in Alabama. Rev. Shuttlesworth led the effort to stop the business of Bombingham and challenged almost every aspect of Jim Crow in Birmingham, standing up to the Klan and Bull Connor and helping to form SCLC. A genuine hero. It should be a reminder that wholesale change doesn’t happen just because the *hippies* show up.

    Good journey home, Reverend Shuttlesworth.

  6. Aoine says:

    you have got to read this to believe it:

    First person arrested under the new anti-immigrant law in ALABAMA is a LEGAL RESIDENT of the US

    Now see what the RWNJ said the other day when it happened – and then had to retract – LOL

    “Muflahi was arrested for obstructing a government operation during a drug raid in Etowah County. He did not have documentation, and so his immigration status was checked – per the new law. It was determined he was in the U.S. illegally, and was “charged with violation of the immigration law.”

    OK – question is – could any of you reading this verify YOU are in the US lawfully right now, if you had to??

  7. RIP Steve Jobs – he was a true visionary.

  8. AQC says:

    Steve Jobs inspired me to go back to college as a single mother of five kids. I never met him but he changed my life. RIP 🙁

  9. jason330 says:

    It is sad news.

  10. puck says:

    Obama is talking about the jobs bill right now, and is throwing some red meat:
