I Read Celia Cohen So You Don’t Have To

Filed in National by on October 7, 2011

If “Tiresome and Ponderous Journalistic Meandering” was an Olympic sport, Cohen would be the Bruce Jenner of it. That’s a compliment. I didn’t say that she’d be the John du Pont of it, did I?

Anyhoo.. For all the tiresome ponderousness, she gets to talk to people who will not talk to me and sometimes reports something worthwhile. Here, in the closing sentences of her most recent blog post, is her latest gem:

Markell’s chances? As Bob Gilligan, the House speaker who is also the Democratic national committeeman, wittily put it, “Nobody loses when they run unopposed.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. reis says:

    Usually by now there’d be someone expressing interest in running for Gov on the GOP ticket. Seems they’ve just given up.

  2. MJ says:

    If the GOP doesn’t run anyone against Jack, say hello to bigger Democratic majorities in the legislature.

  3. Free Market Democrat says:

    The General Assembly elections (all 62 of them) will be mainly impacted by the tides at the Presidential level. The Obama vs. GOP Loser that will shape everything further down the ticket. The national race will shape each state legislator’s race, but not in the same way (differently in inland districts below the canal versus North Wilmington) and largely depending on just how crazy the GOP nominee is going to be.

  4. Half of her moneyed supporters have passed away. They are now subscribers-in-memoriam.

    She made a living out of this. I’m guessing not any more.

    Hard to believe, Harry.