Quote of the Day.

Filed in National by on October 11, 2011

“No one gets to define Frank Knotts except for God and Frank Knotts” — Frank Knotts, proving that third person speaking is not just for Bob Dole anymore. For background on this statement, apparently he is being criticized for being a RINO now, which blows my mind.

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  1. puck says:

    Wow. And there is some tough competition over there for Quote of the Day. Frank beat out this comment from Don Ayotte:

    Obama is doing his best to completely bankrupt America before January 2013, so he can rank us with the third world country, he was born in.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Please say Knotts was being called a RINO over supporting Kovach. It would do my heart good to know that the munchkins failed to give Kovach any credit for attending hatefest 2011.

  3. real American says:

    I define him as an ASS.

  4. puck says:

    Joe Biden’s got some good quotes today:

    In his usually blunt manner, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday the Republican Party is “absolutely … strong enough to beat” he and President Barack Obama in the November 2012 general election.

    And that might be because….

    Despite the country’s dissatisfaction with stubbornly high unemployment and stagnant wages, Biden said, voters will have a choice between Democratic policies of the Obama administration and those of Republican George W. Bush’s administration.

    “They’re going to have to choose whether or not the path we have set the country on is the path that we should continue to go or we should go back” to past Republican policies, Biden said.

    Um, Joe. You really don’t have a leg to stand on here. We already ARE living with past Republican policies, extended by your Administration. And you personally were the one meeting with Senators and coordinating the tax-cut capitulation last December to make sure the Bush tax cuts continued.

  5. MJ says:

    Ayotte is just a bigoted, hate-filled bumpkin. All he has to do is gain 180 pounds and he and Curley could be twins.