Friday Open Thread [10.14.11]

Filed in National by on October 14, 2011

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Herman Cain leading the Republican presidential field with 33%, followed by Mitt Romney at 18%, Rick Perry at 10%, Newt Gingrich at 9%, Ron Paul at 7%, Jon Huntsman at 4% and Michele Bachmann at 3%.

I am still just stunned. Racist teabaggers hate Romney so much that they are going to vote for a black man. I just love it.

Meanwhile, while the president’s approval rating hasn’t changed much, polls do show a striking shift in Obama’s direction when it comes to who voters trust to lower unemployment: “Obama has made big gains over Republicans on the specific question of who is more trusted to handle jobs. Obama has a 15 point edge on the issue, 49-34, up from a tie of 40-40 in early September.”

Yes, it is amazing what picking a fight and sticking to your guns can do.

John McCain thinks President Obama has cost America “billions and billions of jobs,” apparently unaware that there are only 312 million people living in America.

Landscapes: Volume Two from Dustin Farrell on Vimeo.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Felix Salmon takes his employer, Reuters, to task for a horribly lazy piece trying to link George Soros to the OWS protest.

    In addition to making the case for Reuters not becoming a perceived right-wing news venue, Salmon provides a good takedown of the original rhetoric (if you can call it that) used to link Soros and OWS. Keep in mind as this accusation gets repeated to you.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Greg Djerejian has blog called The Belgravia Dispatch — largely focusing in on blogging about diplomacy and world events — that has been inactive for awhile. He put up a new post the other day with his take on the OWS Movement in NY as he encountered it. It is a longish piece, but worth the effort — it’s thoughtful and considered and interesting for the fact that he was able to tap into what the motivations are pretty immediately. Without asking for soundbites or alternate fashion choices.

    He went back yesterday and posted up this really moving picture.

  3. Jason330 says:

    My man Perry is looking bad at 10%, but I’m still convinced that Fox News will soon throw in the towel on Romney and find the Master of N*****head.

  4. V says:

    i know we’re all busy freaking out over an internet meme today, but i’m sort of surprised this hasn’t come up yet…

    UD athletics is cracking down on fans pretty hard from what i’ve seen as a season ticket holder this season, and the section J walkout was visible from the other side of the stadium where i was sitting.

  5. Jason330 says:

    I was amazed by how vacant the stadium was when I went to the DSU game. What’s Delaware’s long term goals here?

  6. BHS graduate says:

    brandywine high school can suck it.
    A dear friend of mine is a substitute teacher….. probably the MOST abused profession on earth. The other day they were subbing for the first time at BHS and not 30 minutes into the day they were summoned to the nursed office where, the principal, nurse and some other administrator were waiting. They were informed that “3 sources” said they appeared intoxicated and confused” for 45 minutes my friend was interrogated and when it was determined they were in fact sober, they were permitted to leave and expected to return to work for the rest of the day. With no apology.
    This friend of mine has wanted to be a teacher for the better part of 8 years. graduated at the top of their class in education and is subbing until a full time job opens up. Since im sure there are people who read this blog with ties to my alma-mater, know they have just dicked themselves out of a very promising educator and their SHARP decline of the past 7 years will continue. This is a perfect example of how we are scaring away talent from our education system.
    Congrats Principle Gliniak.

    this was posted with my friend’s permission under the condition that i keep it as anonymous as possible

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Luckily, BHS interrogates 10 subs a day for intoxication, so your friends anonymity is intact.

  8. BHS graduate says:

    cant really tell if that is sarcastic or not

    I understand that anyone with CLOSE ties may be able to figure out who it might have been. They were of course deemed “fit to work”. It is more an embarrassment for the school. Im aware of a few BHS faculty in the past few years that have been pinched so i guess they need to hold an inquisition for every person who seems slightly tired at 645 in the morning.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    It was complete snark. Who are you trying to protect his identity from? Certainly not the school or the district.

  10. jason330 says:

    I’m not surprised that someone who has been through the ringer like that might want to keep their identity confidential.

  11. BHS graduate says:

    It’s an anecdotal story to illustrate how abused teachers are. Im upset to see the horrible condition my high school is in. Now i see that they are in the “blame the teachers” crowd just like half the government. Anyway I doubt they will even be looking for a job in the district after this.
    keep in mind “my friend” may even be a metaphor

  12. liberalgeek says:

    I don’t disagree that they are abused. But you put out enough information on your friend that they are quite easily identified by people that would care.

  13. anon says:

    BHS – Look at it from the school’s perspective. It has a brand-new sub, one administrators have no experience with and can’t vouch for, and three people are concerned enough about her behavior at the very start of the day to report it. What is it supposed to do? Do you want schools to ignore reports of teachers who appear to be under the influence?

  14. Rusty Dils says:

    Two questions for everyone. 1. Is it important to have a great leader of the United States?
    Your answer should be yes or no.

    If your answer is Yes, Then, answer the following question.
    If Mitt Romney gets the republican nomination, and deep down inside, you think he would be a great leader, and also you know BHO is not, (As evidenced by all your guys previous comments) 2. How would you vote?

    A. I would vote for BHO anyway, contradicting my answer in number one.
    B. I would not vote. (contradicting my presents on this website)
    C. I would vote for Mitt Romney, supporting my answer in question 1

    If your answer to question number one is No, why are you always blogging on this site.

  15. MJ says:

    It is not important for any country to have a great leader. And where are my presents?

  16. independent voter says:

    “deep down inside, you think he would be a great leader.”
    There’s the dis-qualifier right there. I think he will say anything to get elected. -G