The Birthers Have a New Angle, and a New Target

Filed in National by on October 21, 2011

Well, they haven’t given up on their paranoid conspiracy theory that somehow one day old Barack Obama traveled to Hawaii from Kenya in 1961 to plant newspaper announcements in the local island papers, but they are taking employing a new strategy to prevent brown and black people from assuming offices of power, and they are going after a Republican darling, probably only because he is brown, but also probably to garner some bipartisan or nonpartisan cred.

Their new target is Marco Rubio.

[The Birthers] are not challenging whether [Sen. Marco] Rubio was born in Miami. [Ed. Note: He was.] Rather, they say Rubio is ineligible under Article 2 of the Constitution, which says “no person except a natural born citizen … shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

The rub is that “natural born citizen” was never defined.

The birthers rely on writings at the time of the formation of the republic and references in court cases since then to contend that “natural born” means a person born to U.S. citizens. Rubio was born in 1971 at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital, his office said, but his parents did not become citizens until 1975.

“Marco Rubio was born a Cuban citizen via his parents,” screams a headline on a blog by birther Charles Kerchner, who obtained copies of the naturalization petitions by Rubio’s parents in May, igniting talk that is spreading across the Internet. […]

Kerchner said Rubio is no different from Obama, who even if he was born in Hawaii (which he doubts) was not born to two U.S. citizens. Obama’s father was a Kenyan national. The birthers say Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose parents are from India and were not citizens at the time of his birth, is also unqualified.

This new falsely created outrage dovetails to conservative attempts to repeal the Fourteenth Amendment to prevent what they call “anchor babies,” as well as to eliminate a little thing called “equal protection under the law.” Remember, Republicans love to discriminate, but I digress.

This new Birther angle also applies to President Obama, as he was born to a father who was not a U.S. Citizen. I wonder who many U.S. citizens alive today have at least one non-citizen parent.

The irony to all of this is what the Birthers use to support their argument is the treatise “The Law of Nations” by Swiss philosopher Emer de Vattel, which they say influenced the founding fathers. Say, how many founding fathers had non-citizen parents? I digress again. The treatise contains this passage:

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” Vattel wrote.

For a group that demands absolute adherence to the strict literal meaning of the words of the U.S. Constitution, and detests any hint of foreign influence so much that they would bar U.S. Citizens who were born in this country from the presidency because their parents are foreign, these racist whackjobs are going far afield of the U.S. Constitution to support their views.

The collateral damage of all this is Marco Rubio’s compelling origin story. We were all led to believe that Rubio’s parents were Cuban exiles driven from their homeland after Castro took power. The truth is, Rubio’s parents immigrated to the U.S. in 1956, four years before Castro took power. But that is another digression, isn’t it? I’m sorry, but when I talk about birther arguments, I get onset ADD.

Now, I wonder what will happen with all these racist teabaggers who went full on birther when it comes to Obama if Rubio or Jindal are the Vice Presidential nominees to Perry or Romney?

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  1. Socialistic ben says:

    to the whole article I say well done. to your last question, I assume it’s rhetorical and say… “HAH!”

  2. skippertee says:

    Marco Rubio-Liar,liar, pantalones on fire.

  3. Aoine says:

    Karma is a bitch!

  4. MJ says:

    Well, Orly Teitz isn’t qualified because she came from Moldova or Russia or one of those former Soviet republics. So is this Teitz’s way of saying that if she can’t be President, no one else can, either? Oy vey!

  5. Rusty Dils says:

    I can’t believe I am saying this, but nice article Delaware Dem.

    I agree with your point (I think it is your point) that the birthers are wrong to now say that you have to have U.S. citizens as parents for you yourself to be a U.S. citizen. We all know that is malarchy. Anyone born in the U.S. is a U.S. citizen, period.
    (Which by the way, I do not believe BHO was).

    But don’t interpret me agreeing with you on this point, and the point that the birthers are full of it in this argument, as also agreeing with anything negative you might say about Marco Rubio. He is going to be great for our country, whether you are far left, far right, or in the middle. He is going to be great for our country. And P.S. he has already firmly stated that he has much work to do in the senate, and will not be a vice presidential candidate in 2012, even if asked by the republican nominee. You see Marco Rubio has great character, and knows the people of Florida hired him to do a job for their state, and that is what he plans on doing. So set your mind at ease about him being on the GOP 2012 Presidential Ticket.

  6. Socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, what proof do you need. This president has proven his citizenship more than ANY other president in US history. the “questions” remain because liars and discredited carnival barkers keep asking them…… but i can ask “did rusty dills kill 12 people while dressed as Hitler?” a millions times, it doesnt make it any more true.

  7. Truth Teller says:

    Marco Rubio who con all the Cubans in Florida that his family was anti communist turns out to be just another Repuk liar so what’s new?

  8. Geezer says:

    Rusty: Why is Marco Rubio going to be “great for our country”?

  9. puck says:

    Rubio is the guy who thinks Social Security and Medicare makes us weaker.

    I’ve had enough of these Republican idiots who either don’t care or have no clue what their social Darwinism and Nietzschean morality will wreak upon America.